
  • 网络USA
  1. 安全认证也分美规和欧规两大体系。

    Safety certification is also classed into American and Europe standard two series .

  2. 园艺产品输美面临的合规性贸易壁垒分析

    Analysis of " Compliance " Trade Barriers China ′ s Horticultural Products Exports to the U.S.Face

  3. 为使公路桥设计更能适应发展趋势,通过参考英、美两本新桥规,提出所需明确的6个问题:①常规和特殊活荷载;

    For improving our highway bridge design , the authors refer to two new specifications from UK and USA , and raise 6 problems for discussion : 1.Normal and special traffic live loading ;