
  • 网络western united states;The American West;Wild West
  1. 这个故事是关于美国西部印第安部落的。

    The story is about the Indian nations in the western United states .

  2. 在美国西部黄土区和冲积河谷里,表土和底土一般是容易破碎的。

    In loessal regions and alluvial valley fills of the western United states , both surface soil and subsoil are commonly friable .

  3. 落基山脉位于美国西部。

    The Rocky Mountains lie in the west part of america .

  4. 玩美国西部牛仔与印第安人游戏的孩子们

    children playing a game of cowboys and Indians

  5. 但是在美国西部和西南部,teaparty这个词还有别的意思。

    But the words tea party have a different meaning in the US West and Southwest .

  6. 爱德华裁判目前担任在GreatWestern梗犬协会的常务理事,是美国西部最主要的狗展。

    Judge Edwards currently serves on the Board of Great Western Terrier Association , which is the premier terrier show of the Western United States .

  7. 因为虽然从它并购美国西部航空(AmericaWest)至今已经过去了长达七年的时间,但它目前仍在吃力地合并两家公司的年资表。

    US Airways knows this all too well as it is still trying to merge its seniority lists seven years after its merger with America West .

  8. 目前美国西部已将PAM的农用作为一项农田水土保持新技术而得到越来越广泛的应用。

    Nowadays , the use of PAM was issued a western states interim conservation practice in the USA.

  9. 2005年,他与另一位对冲基金经理帮助为美国西部航空公司(americawest)与全美航空(usairways)的合并筹措资金,再次吸引了伯克希尔的关注。

    He had also attracted attention as one of two hedge fund managers who helped finance a merger of two airlines , America West and US Airways , in 2005 .

  10. 美国西部Owens湖地球化学记录及其古气候意义

    Geochemical records and their paleoclimate significance in Owens lake , western USA

  11. 《美国西部探险》作者GinaD.B.Clemen

    The American West By Gina D.B.Clemen

  12. 美国西部加利福尼亚中生代&新生代花岗岩同样具有正εNd值,并且其地壳的速度分布特征与内蒙古中部十分相似。

    Mesozoic to Cenozoic granites in California , western United States , also have positive ε Nd values and the velocity distribution of the crust below is similar to that in central Inner Mongolia .

  13. 我一直爱看的一部电影是SergioLeone执导的意大利风格美国西部经典电影:《黄金三镖客》。

    One of my favorite movies of all time is the Sergio Leone spaghetti western classic : The Good , The Bad and the Ugly .

  14. 依据流纹岩熔体与水之间氢同位素分馏的压力效应,成功地模拟了美国西部GlassCreek流纹岩δD值和水含量变化规律与岩浆去气之间的关系。

    In terms of pressure effect on hydrogen isotope fractionation in the rhyolitic melt - water system , the unusual variability in the δ D values and H2O contents of the Glass Creek rhyolites from western United States are successfully modeled in the course of magmatic degassing .

  15. 这就是现在美国西部正在发生的事情,那里的居民正在经历IPCC所称的“复合极端事件”。高温蒸发了农民和牧场主的水源,更不用说当地社区了。

    That 's what is happening right now in the Western U.S. , where residents are experiencing what the IPCC has called a " compound extreme event . " Heat has evaporated the water supply for farmers and ranchers - not to mention local communities .

  16. 美国西部牛镇的兴起与变迁

    The Rise and Change of Cattle Towns in the American West

  17. 这些战士中的许多人是美国西部的牛仔。

    Most of the men were cowboys from America 's southwest .

  18. 他很喜欢美国西部的开阔。

    He loved the wide open spaces of the American west .

  19. 美国西部州长大学的管理模式及启示

    The Management Pattern of the Western Governors University and Its Enlightenment

  20. 从环境史的角度重新审视美国西部开发

    Re-evaluating America 's Western Exploitation from the Perspective of Environmental History

  21. 一个被遗弃的市镇,尤指美国西部的市镇。

    A deserted town ( especially in Western United States ) .

  22. 美国西部开发中的战略性要素分析

    An Analysis of Strategic Factors in the Western Development of USA

  23. 美国西部植物材料研究与应用的系统性

    Systematicness of Research and Utilization of Plant Materials of Western USA

  24. 美国西部开发中的高等教育及启示

    The Higher Education in the Development of Western America and Enlightenment

  25. 美国西部土地投机问题的史学争论与理论思考

    Reflections on issues of land speculation in the American West

  26. 美国西部的山区石南,有铃铛状的白花。

    Heath of mountains of western United States having bell-shaped white flowers .

  27. 美国西部大开发中生态环境及其资源存在的若干问题研究

    Survey of Ecological Environment , Resources in American West Expansion

  28. 美国西部地震烈度衰减规律

    Attenuation laws of earthquake intensity in the west of the United States

  29. 解读美国西部印第安人小说

    An Interpretation of the Indian Fiction of the American West

  30. 《宅地法》与美国西部农业开发

    The Homestead Act and the Agricutural Development of the West SPLIT-PHASE METHOD