
  • 网络Native American
  1. 美国人的这些想法大多源于美洲原住民的文化,但把这些拼凑起来,认为这就是美洲原住民的生活,那就是错误的。

    Most of these ideas have some basis in Native American culture , but it is wrong to put them all together and believe that that was how Native Americans lived .

  2. 这个地区的历史内涵十分丰富,有600多处具有重要人类学和文化意义的景点,例如艾利索-阿拉斯特特色区(Aliso-ArrastreSpecialInterestArea)以岩石艺术和凹穴岩画为特征,充分反映了美洲原住民8000多年的历史。

    The area is rich in history , with more than 600 archeologically and culturally significant sites , such as the Aliso-Arrastre Special Interest Area , which features rock art and cupules that exemplify more than 8 , 000 years of Native American history .

  3. 许多美洲原住民重视沉默,认为沉默是人与人之间交流的基本部分,就像一些传统的中国人和泰国人一样。

    Many   Native   Americans   value   silence   and   feel   it   is   a   basic   part   of   communicating   among   people ,   just   as   some   traditional   Chinese   and   Thai   persons   do .

  4. KateriTekakwitha是第一名被成为圣人的美洲原住民。而MarianneCope在19世纪是在方济会照顾麻风病人的修女。

    Kateri Tekakwitha is the first native American saint from the U.S. Mother Marianne Cope was a 19th century Franciscan nun who cared for leprosy patients .

  5. 教授:我们一直都在讨论16世纪美洲原住民的生活,而今天我们就来讨论一下Iroquois和Hooray人。

    Pro : So we have been discussing 16th century 's native American lives and today we are gonna focus on Iroquois and Hooray peoples .

  6. 这个节日最早是保护美洲原住民权利的一项抗议。

    The celebration started as a protest to protect indigenous rights .

  7. 美国的许多地名源于美洲原住民的语言。

    Many American place names have their roots in Native American languages .

  8. 在美洲原住民看来,拥有土地是个奇怪的想法。

    To Native Americans owning land was a strange idea .

  9. 不可在街上跟美洲原住民玩纸牌。

    Cards may not be played in the street with a native american .

  10. 美洲原住民就是这么做的,

    And here 's what the Native Americans did .

  11. 但是美洲原住民经常被殖民者视为敌人。

    But Native Americans were more often seen by white settlers as the enemy .

  12. 现在,我们可以看到这是一位典型的美洲原住民。

    Now let 's , we can see that 's a traditional Native American .

  13. 卧牛、特库姆塞和杰罗尼莫等美洲原住民酋长纷纷抗击殖民者。

    Native American chiefs like Sitting Bull , Tecumesh and Geronimo fought against the settlers .

  14. 在白人向西推进时,美洲原住民部落也不得不搬家。

    As Whites began moving west , Native American tribes had to be moved on .

  15. 不管是离开还是留在保留地,美洲原住民都很难保持传统的生活方式。

    On or off the reservations Native Americans find it difficult to live the traditional life .

  16. 但是,保留地有自己的政府和警察机构,美洲原住民交的税也不同。

    However , reservations have their own governments and police forces and Native Americans pay different taxes .

  17. 大多数美洲原住民说英语,这是他们的第一语言或者第二语言。

    Most Native Americans speak English , some as their first language and others as their second .

  18. 美洲原住民是美国公民,与美国公民享有同等的权利和义务。

    Native Americans are US citizens , and have the rights and responsibilities of any US citizen .

  19. 对于黑人的奴役和美洲原住民的消灭,他提出怎样的批评?

    What judgments does he offer about the enslavement of blacks and the extermination of Native Americans in America ?

  20. 波卡杭塔斯的故事流传很广,许多美洲原住民为有她这样的祖先感到骄傲。

    The story of Pocahontas is widely known and many Native Americans are proud to have her as an ancestor .

  21. 美洲原住民很久之前就开始谈论这个合作关系了,最近科学家也对此做了观察并记录下来。

    Native Americans have spoken of these collaborations for years , and more recently scientists have documented it as well .

  22. 希腊人的口香糖是由乳香树的树脂做成的,美洲原住民则使用云杉的树脂。

    The Greeks made theirs from the resin of the mastic tree . Native Americans chewed resin from spruce trees .

  23. 但欧洲人还带来了一些疾病,对此美洲原住民毫无抵抗力,所以许多人病倒并相继死亡。

    But the Europeans also introduced diseases that Native Americans had no resistance to , so many became ill and died .

  24. 在这儿讲有些陈词滥调的,美洲原住民草原印第安人的高尚开端。

    And it 's given here this sort of cliched , noble origin with the Native American , the Plains Indian .

  25. 他说,古印第安人这样的双重起源对于涉及美洲原住民研究的所有学科都有重大意义。

    Such a dual origin for Paleo-Indians has major implications for all disciplines involved in Native American studies , he said .

  26. 美洲原住民的语言为英语增加了许多词汇,但词义往往有所变化。

    Native American languages have added many words to English , though the meaning of a word has often been changed .

  27. 你们知道,美洲原住民制作多种类型的木舟,既有可以在河中行进的又有可以在海中航行的。

    You see , the Native Americans made canoes of all types , for travel on small streams or on large open ocean waters .

  28. 美洲原住民经常切断树皮并且把它们折成各种需要的形状,然后再用绳子固定,直到彻底干燥。

    The Native Americans would cut the bark and fold it into any shape they needed , then secure with cords until it dried .

  29. 美洲原住民则在兽皮或树皮上用染色的豪猪毛锈制羽毛制品,后来用交易来的珠子取代羽毛。

    The Native Americans embroidered skins and bark with dyed porcupine quills ; later the beads they acquired in trade took the place of quills .

  30. 最初,美洲原住民对欧洲人很友好,对他们带来的许多新事物也很欢迎,例如金属锅、布料和枪。

    At first Native Americans were positive about the Europeans and were happy to have the many new things they brought , e.g.metal cooking pots , cloth and guns .