
  • 网络aesthetics;aesthetic thoughts;aesthetics ideology;aesthetic ideas
  1. 老子的思想中还蕴涵着丰富的和谐的生态美学思想。

    Laozi thought also contains abundant " harmony " Ecological Aesthetics .

  2. 张庚戏曲美学思想研究

    A Study of Zhang Geng 's Thought of Drama Aesthetics

  3. 本文简要介绍了H·岑德的创作背景、创作技法及美学思想,并具体分析了他的作品《歌曲集Ⅳ》。这部作品在音乐与语言共存的新型实验中具有重要意义及代表性。

    The article briefly introduces the background of the composer 's writing , his techniques and aesthetics , with an analysis of his typical work Cantos IV.

  4. 析黑格尔早期美学思想的合理内核

    Analysis on the Reasonable Core of Hegel 's Early Aesthetic Ideologies

  5. 第二章是探讨赵孟頫的文人画美学思想。

    The second section discusses the literal painting esthetics of Zhao .

  6. 苏珊·朗格音乐美学思想探析

    An Analytical Study of Susanne K. Langer 's Music Aesthetics Thought

  7. 对《周易》的生态美学思想解读《周易》的文观与美学接受美学与作品内含的变迁

    The Concept of Figure in The Book of Change and Aesthetics

  8. 庄子技艺美学思想及其现代意义

    Zhuang Zi 's Idea of Technique Aesthetics and Its Modern Significance

  9. 康德美学思想的关键词&想象力分析

    Analysis of the Role of Imagination in Kant 's Aesthetic View

  10. 论孟子人格美的服饰美学思想

    On the Aesthetics Thought of Finery of Mencius in Personality Beauty

  11. 观其一节:徐渭尚简尚短的美学思想

    Xu Wei 's Aesthetic Thought of Conciseness : A Single-angle View

  12. 试析高校艺术素质教育与儒家音乐美学思想

    On university art character education and Confucian music esthetic thoughts

  13. 强调科学化,摒弃神秘化。而这些,不仅是属于古代范畴的近代与属于现代范畴的现代的历史分界线,而且还是中国现代美学思想的真正起点。

    All these marked the real beginning of modern Chinese esthetic thought .

  14. 西伯利美学思想的理论阐述及反思

    Theoretical Elaboration and Introspection about the Aesthetic Idea of Sibley

  15. 本文属于中国美学思想史研究。

    The paper aims at exploring Chinese historical aesthetic thoughts .

  16. 第四部分主要阐述《林泉高致》中有关移情的美学思想。

    The Forth part elaborates mainly " empathy " in aesthetics thought .

  17. 邓以蛰绘画美学思想初探

    The Preliminary Studies on Deng Yi-Zhe 's Painting Aesthetics Ideas

  18. 论马克思《手稿》中的生态美学思想

    About the Thought of Ecological Esthetics in Marks ' Manuscript

  19. 康有为美学思想基本属于中国古典美学范畴,也包含现代美学的萌芽。

    Kang Youwei aesthetics belongs to the category of Chinese classical aesthetics .

  20. 19世纪是欧洲音乐美学思想发展的重要历史时期。

    19th century is a important historical period of Europe musical development .

  21. 海森堡科学美学思想初探

    Preliminary approach to the heisenberg 's ideology of scientific aesthetics

  22. 这一时期音乐美学思想也极为活跃。

    During this period , musical aesthetic ideas were also very active .

  23. 论嵇康《声无哀乐论》的和美学思想

    The Harmony Aesthetical Ideology in Ji Kang 's No Sadness in Music

  24. 第二章讨论了乔伊斯的美学思想及其来源。

    Part 2 discusses the basic aesthetic principles of Joyce .

  25. 以美在关系为中心的狄德罗美学思想体系

    Diderot 's aesthetics thoughts system that regards beauty exists relation as core

  26. 尼采和李贽美学思想比较

    A Comparative Study of Nietzsche and Li Zhi in Their Aesthetic Ideas

  27. 这与他的同学好友王国维的美学思想有一定的相似性。

    There is certain similarity with Wang Guowei aesthetic thought .

  28. 柴科夫斯基音乐美学思想的前见探究

    The Research of " Prejudice " of Tchaikovsky 's Musical Esthetics Idea

  29. 技术与美学思想显著发展。

    Technical and es the tics thought remarkable development .

  30. 这些著作中包含大量的美学思想。

    These works contain a lot of aesthetic thought .