
měi xué
  • aesthetics
美学 [měi xué]
  • (1) [aesthetics]

  • (2) 哲学的一个分支,论述美和美的事物,尤指对审美鉴赏力的判断

  • (3) 美术的哲学或科学;特指主题是描述和解释美术、美术现象和美学经验并包括心理学、社会学、人类学、艺术史和重要的有关方面的科学

美学[měi xué]
  1. 这些概念属于美学范畴。

    These concepts belong to the field of aesthetics .

  2. 《英国美学杂志》上的一项研究表明,曝光效应对所有事物的作用并不相同,并且对名作目录的形成方式得出了不同的结论。

    A study in the British Journal of Aesthetics suggests that the exposure effect doesn 't work the same way on everything , and points to a different conclusion about how canons are formed .

  3. 运动装的设计师必须由除了纯粹的美学以外的标准来验证。

    Designer sportswear would have to be verified by a standard other than that of pure beauty .

  4. 如果把巴黎搁置一边,在一定程度上美学传统也会受到撼动。

    If Paris was cast aside , the tradition of beauty was also to some degree slighted .

  5. 他想要“为经典和现代烹饪美学设立标准,并向久远的未来证明,19世纪的法国厨师是世界上最有名的,”他在文章中这样写道。

    He wanted to " set the standard for beauty in classical and modern cooking , and prove to the distant future that the French chefs of the 19th century were the most famous in the world , " as he wrote in his papers .

  6. 今年早些时候,在纽约举行的“中国:镜花水月”展览展出了140件中国风启发设计的时装和许多中国艺术作品。目的是探索中式美学对西方时尚的影响,以及中国多年来是如何激发时尚想象的。

    Earlier this year , the China Through A Looking Glass exhibition in New York exhibited 140 pieces of China-inspired fashionable clothing alongside Chinese works of art , with the aim of exploring the influence of Chinese aesthetics on Western fashion and how China has fueled the fashionable imagination for centuries .

  7. 那位教授提出了新的美学理论。

    The professor advanced a new aesthetic theory .

  8. “建筑短视”用来指过于着重与众不同和吸引眼球的特色,而不是实际问题或质朴美学的建筑设计。

    Architectural myopia refers to building design that emphasizes distinctive1 , attention-getting features over practical concerns or simple aesthetics2 .

  9. 建筑设计界新近刮起一阵风,叫做“不友好建筑”,在选择某个特定建筑的形式和材料的时候,美学已不是唯一的决定因素。

    In a new wave of design , dubbed2 hostile architecture , aesthetics3 are not the only motivating factor when making choices about the form and fabric4 of particular constructions .

  10. “媒体不应该仅仅是娱乐大众,还应该承担起培养大众美学意识的责任。媒体不应只追求收视率,或者把艺术转变为娱乐节目。”

    Media should not only entertain the public but also undertake the responsibility of cultivating the public 's aesthetic2 consciousness . Media should not just pursue audience ratings , or just turn arts into entertainment .

  11. 方法:按国际牙齿美学指数(DAI)调查项目及标准,采用随机抽样方法,对330名12~18岁学生进行测量计算。

    Methods : Three hundred and thirty students were investigated according to the standards of the Dental Aesthetic Index ( DAI ) survey .

  12. 构建和谐社会,是人类伟大的美学工程。

    Constructing a harmonious society is a human great aesthetic project .

  13. 这些美学特征赋予了幽默独特的美学价值。

    And these aesthetic features endow humor with unique aesthetic values .

  14. 逸是中国传统美学中一个很重要的范畴。

    Yi is a very important category in Chinese traditional aesthetics .

  15. 推行音乐、美术双学科教学的美学探源

    Aesthetic Origin of Generalizing Two-subject Teaching of Music and Fine Arts

  16. 靖西侬智高传说的美学内涵&靖西民间文学研究之二

    Aesthetical Value in Folk Legends of NONG Zhi-gao in Jingxi County

  17. 写作或重视美学价值胜于内容的。

    Written and regarded for aesthetic value rather than content .

  18. 试析高校艺术素质教育与儒家音乐美学思想

    On university art character education and Confucian music esthetic thoughts

  19. 东方美学有独特的思维方式和诗性的理论系统。

    Oriental aesthetics has its unique thinking mode and poetic theoretical system .

  20. 贵州西江苗族神话史歌生命美学意蕴

    Guizhou Xijiang Miao Myth of History Songs Life Aesthetics Meaning

  21. 平铺直叙的抒情方式及其直率慷慨的美学风格。

    Secondly simple straightforward lyricism and frank impassioned aesthetic style .

  22. 目的评价前牙美学区即刻种植的临床效果。

    [ Objective ] To evaluate the clinical efficacy of immediate implant .

  23. 阐明建筑观念、美学观念及美学研究的革命性转变,归纳出当代建筑美学的基本特征。

    The basic feature of contemporary architectural aesthetics is concluded .

  24. 钱钟书、王朝闻文艺美学研究的比较

    QIAN Zhongshu and WANG Chaowen : Literary esthetics in comparison

  25. 徽州民居美学特征的探讨

    Discussion on the aesthetic features of the ancient houses in Hui Zhou

  26. 重新认识中国当代美学中的自然美问题

    Reconsidering the Issue of Natural Beauty in Contemporary Chinese Aesthetics

  27. 前牙金瓷冠修复的美学探讨

    Esthetic evaluation in restoring anterior teeth with porcelain fused to metal crown

  28. 意识二重性与音乐美学&源自前人的争论

    Consciousness Dualism and Music Aesthetics : Original form Controversy of the Foregoing

  29. 律诗的美学与中国艺术的本质

    Aesthetics of Metrical Poetry and the Nature of Chinese Art

  30. 强调科学化,摒弃神秘化。而这些,不仅是属于古代范畴的近代与属于现代范畴的现代的历史分界线,而且还是中国现代美学思想的真正起点。

    All these marked the real beginning of modern Chinese esthetic thought .