
  • 网络Hegelian;Hegelian philosophy;hegelianism
  1. 在不同历史时期形成的不同解读方式的转换,构成了康德、黑格尔哲学在中国传播与研究过程的一条基本线索。

    A basic clue may be traced by looking into the transformations of different methods of interpretation of Kantian and Hegelian philosophies in different historical periods .

  2. 康德、黑格尔哲学在中国的传播与研究,经历了启蒙介绍、传播融会、曲折发展和走向新的繁荣四个时期。

    Kantian and Hegelian philosophies were introduced and studied in China during the 20th century , which has witnessed four identifiable periods : rudimentary introduction , dissemination and application , tortuous development , and revived prosperity .

  3. 黑格尔哲学的历史思想与唯物史观

    The Thought of History in Hegel 's Philosophy and the Historical Materialism

  4. 黑格尔哲学的一般方法

    The General Method of the Philosophy of Hegel

  5. 试论黑格尔哲学体系与方法的一致性及其意义

    Trial Remark on the Consistency and Significance of Hegel 's Philosophy System and Method

  6. 马克思主义对黑格尔哲学的扬弃

    Discussing sublation of Hegel 's philosophy by Marxism

  7. 黑格尔哲学的中心教义是有目的进化发展的思想。

    The central doctrine of Hegel 's philosophy is the idea of purposive evolution .

  8. 传统本体论在黑格尔哲学中达到了它的最高形态,同时也暴露出严重问题。

    Traditional ontology exposed serious difficulties while getting its supreme form in Hegel 's philosophy .

  9. 马克思论黑格尔哲学的绝对方法&兼对哲学的抽象原则作一种理论性的辩护

    Marx on Absolute Method of Hegel Philosophy

  10. 从解释世界到改变世界&马克思对黑格尔哲学的颠倒

    From Interpreting the World to Changing the World & Marx 's Inversion of Hegel 's Philosophy

  11. 1841年恩格斯来到柏林,成为黑格尔哲学的拥护者。

    Engles went to Berlin in 1841 , and became an adherent of Hegel 's philosophy .

  12. 黑格尔哲学在强调精神的同时,也深刻地揭示了人的现实生活。

    Hegel emphasize the spirit in her philosoph as same as the real life of human .

  13. 在黑格尔哲学那里,具体是一种处在本体语境中的规定。

    The concrete is one kind of determination under the ontological context in Hegel 's philosophy .

  14. 马克思对黑格尔哲学绝对方法的批评是一种哲学意义上的悖论。

    Marx 's criticism of the absolute method of Hegel philosophy is a paradox in philosophical sense .

  15. 马克思的哲学来源是黑格尔哲学;韦伯的哲学来源是新康德主义。

    Marx 's philosophical origin is of Hegel 's philosophy , weber 's is of New Kantism ;

  16. 马克思对黑格尔哲学的批判旨在剥离它的唯心论外壳,决非要去颠覆它。

    Marx 's criticism of Hegel philosophy aims at stripping its idealist shell , but never subverting it .

  17. 受康德、黑格尔哲学思想的影响,法律主体被定格为“意志主体理性”的抽象图式。

    Influenced by Kant and Hegel 's philosophy , legal subject is constructed as the model of " intent-subject-reason " .

  18. 它作为西方现代社会的产物在黑格尔哲学那里得到了最系统、最深刻的表达。

    It was the outcome of the western modern society and had its most system and deep expression in Hegel 's philosophy .

  19. 从某种意义上说,《精神现象学》是黑格尔哲学的秘密起源。

    In a sense , the beginning of phenomenology of Mind is " the secret origin " of all Hegel 's philosophy .

  20. 严复的《述黑格儿惟心论》是最早介绍黑格尔哲学的专论之一。

    Yan Fu 's Hegel 's Philosophy Of Mind is one of the special paper that early introduced the Hegel 's philosophy .

  21. 第一部分梳理哲学史,交代黑格尔哲学的思想背景,为其“本质主义”的可能作思想史上的准备工作。

    In chapter one , the author supplies the background of the philosophy of hegel from the point of the history of philosophy .

  22. 他合理地借鉴了黑格尔哲学中的辩证法合理内核以及费尔巴哈哲学中的唯物主义基本内核,与马克思共同创立了科学的唯物辩证法学说。

    He reasonably drew the dialectics of Hegel and Feuerbach reasonable core of Materialism , and Marxism with the creation of dialectical materialism .

  23. “异化”一词本来是一个政治学的概念,在黑格尔哲学里才成为哲学概念。

    The word " alienation " is originally a political concept . In Hegel 's philosophy it begins to be a philosophical one .

  24. 马克思在对黑格尔哲学的批判中,终结了传统合理性的抽象的幻影,开启了走向真实的合理性的思想地平。

    Through criticizing Hegel 's philosophy , Marx ended the abstract illusion of traditional rationality and opened the thinking horizon to the real rationality .

  25. 反思作为中介是黑格尔哲学体系中精神自我发展内在力量的必要条件。

    " Self-retrospection " as medium , it is the essential in Hegel 's philosophy system to construct the internal power of spiritual self-development .

  26. 它说明了罗素对他在剑桥初期追随的黑格尔哲学的第一次反叛。

    It represents Russell 's first revolt against the Hegelism philosophy , of which he was an adherent in his early days at Cambridge .

  27. 马克思在扬弃费尔巴哈旧唯物主义的基础上,吸收黑格尔哲学的辩证法思想,最终确立实践本体论。

    Based on Feuerbach 's old materialism Marx absorbed the dialectic thought of Hegelianism , and established the practice noumenon theory in the end .

  28. 黑格尔哲学中蕴含着丰富的主体间相互承认的思想,并对现代社会理论产生了重大影响。

    Hegel 's early philosophical thought contains a wealth of ideas on mutual recognition between subjects and has had a significant impact on modern social theories .

  29. 他的思想对康德、黑格尔哲学,甚至对法国唯物主义、现代西方哲学、宗教神学都产生了深刻影响。

    His ideas of Kant , Hegel , and even the French materialism of modern western philosophy , religion , theology have had a profound effect .

  30. 其实,黑格尔哲学体系与方法的一致性是多方面的,并且有深厚的认识论根源和社会历史基础。

    Actually , the consistency of the system and method in Hegel 's philosophy has many aspects and deep cognitive root and social and historical foundations .