
hēi àn shí dài
  • dark ages
  1. 我们总有一天会追忆来自于黑暗时代wi-fi技术。

    We may someday look back at wi-fi as technology from the dark ages .

  2. 自约翰·F·肯尼迪(JohnF.Kennedy)总统下令对古巴实行贸易禁运,至今已有53年了。这一禁令开启了美国雪茄爱好者的“黑暗时代”。

    Fifty-three years have passed since President John F. Kennedy enacted the Cuban trade embargo , ushering in a Dark Ages for American cigar enthusiasts .

  3. 而正是由于记忆的广泛丧失,文明才有陷入黑暗时代的危险。

    And it is through widespread loss of memory that civilizations are at risk of falling into a dark age .

  4. 近三十年后,当汉考克终于开始导演这部故事发生在遥远的黑暗时代的电影时,它已然成了历史片。那时候,不是每个警察都有手机,也没有DNA追踪技术。

    Almost three decades later , Hancock has finally directed what is now a period drama set in the dark distant days when the police didn 't all have cell phones and DNA1-tracing technology .

  5. 因此即使你不记得CD出现之前的黑暗时代,但很快你就能享受到可下载的旧时音乐,这是数字改革的恩惠。

    So even if you don 't remember the dark ages before CDs , you may soon be able to enjoy down-loadable old-time music , courtesy of the digital revolution .

  6. 与美国在线(AOL)一样,它被视为一种困在互联网黑暗时代的服务。

    But rather like AOL , it is considered a service stuck in internet dark ages .

  7. 要做到这一点,你可以插入的ID黑暗时代,封建时代,城堡时代或帝国时代此处设置的议题时,将成为可用的球员。

    To do this , you can insert the ID of Dark Age , Feudal Age , Castle Age or Imperial Age here to set when the subject will become available to the player .

  8. 英雄,科巴,采取四个“凤凰剑在”黑暗时代“刺杀名为Scaren,李一军阀”之称。

    The hero , Koba , took four " Phoenix swords " in the " Dark Age " to assassinate a warlord named Scaren , Li said .

  9. 我们把黑暗时代视为野蛮残酷的年景。

    We see the dark ages as a time of brutality .

  10. 于是文明照亮了欧洲的黑暗时代。

    And so light shone upon the Dark Ages of Europe .

  11. 为什么会将中世纪称为黑暗时代?

    Why are the Middle Mges called the Dark Ages ?

  12. 是斯巴达文明进化前黑暗时代遗留下的废人。

    Worthless remnants of a time before Sparta 's ascent from darkness .

  13. 绘出你的生命线代表出你的个人”黑暗时代“。

    Mark your Lifeline to represent your personal Dark Ages .

  14. 什么时候是“愚昧黑暗时代”和“中世纪”?

    When were the Dark Ages and the Middle Ages ?

  15. 我告诉你,大人,前所未有的黑暗时代即将来临。

    I tell you , my lord , the darkness is coming .

  16. 我们的一只脚还在中世纪的黑暗时代中。

    We still have one foot in the dark ages .

  17. 这就是我们不再处于黑暗时代的原因。

    It 's the reason we 're not in the Dark Ages anymore .

  18. 奥古斯都的陵墓在黑暗时代惨遭毁坏盗窃。

    Augustus 's mausoleum fell to ruins and thieves during the Dark Ages .

  19. 你将帮助这国家脱离黑暗时代。

    And you 'll help take this country out of the dark ages .

  20. 这会成为梵蒂冈黑暗时代的标志。

    This willbecome a significant black markforthe vatican .

  21. 如今,我们对于情感系统的理解还处于黑暗时代。

    Our understanding of the Emotional System today is still in the Dark Ages .

  22. 这本书是一个英雄的在“黑暗时代的冒险。”

    The book was about a hero 's adventure in the " Dark Age . "

  23. 加洛林文艺复兴是在中世纪欧洲黑暗时代出现的一个重要的历史文化现象。

    Carolus renaissance is a significant period of culture in the Dark Ages of Europe .

  24. 该声明警告称“血腥的黑暗时代即将来临”。

    The statement warned of what it called " dark days of blood to come " .

  25. 数字黑暗时代

    The Digital Dark Age

  26. 削减排放会将他们从勉强维生的状态,推回至真正的黑暗时代。

    Cutting emissions would push them from just above subsistence back , literally , to the dark ages .

  27. 美丽灵魂:说不,打破等级,留心黑暗时代中道德之音;

    Beautiful souls : saying no , breaking ranks , and heeding the voice of conscience in dark times .

  28. 当欧洲人还身处愚昧的黑暗时代之时,这些不可思议的人就已精通数学知识。

    While Europe was still in the midst of the Dark Ages , these amazing people were masters of mathematics .

  29. 我们仍然叫这个行星地球,真是相当的不可思议。我们的一只脚在黑暗时代里。

    we still call this planet , Earth : it 's pretty extraordinary we have one foot in the dark ages .

  30. 过去在黑暗时代,老师们在体罚孩子之前总是这样说。

    Back in the dark ages some schoolteachers used to say this to the children in their care before administering corporal punishment .