
  • 网络Heihe;HeiHe City
  1. 黑河市2005~2008年度献血情况分析

    Analysis of Blood Donation in 2005 ~ 2008 at Heihe City

  2. 黑河市生态功能区的划分

    The Division of the Ecological Functional Areas of Heihe City

  3. 黑河市冬季冰雪体育旅游发展的策略研究

    Strategy Research on the Development of Ice-Snow Sports Tourism in Heihe City

  4. 黑河市在沿边开发开放中的城市建设与环保实践

    Heihe City 's Experience In City Construction And Environmental Protection

  5. 黑河市干旱特点、成因及抗旱措施

    Features , causes and the control measures of drought in Heihe City

  6. 黑河市报废血液原因分析及预防措施探讨

    Scrapped Blood Analysis and Preventive Measures in Heihe City

  7. 黑河市群众生育自我管理的构想

    Idea of Self-management Among the Masses in Heihe City

  8. 黑河市水资源分析

    Analysis of water resources in Heihe City

  9. 黑河市水文特征

    Hydrological Characteristic in Heihe City

  10. 黑河市水源取水口工程围堰施工采用钢板箱围堰型式。

    The steel plate boxes were applied in the construction of Heihe municipal water source intake work as cofferdam .

  11. 本文确立了循环经济模式是黑河市矿产资源开发的必由之路。

    The author suggests that the only way of exploiting mineral resources in Heihe is taking circular economic mode .

  12. 黑龙江省黑河市肾综合征出血热流行因素相关分析及回归模型的建立

    Correlation analysis and regression model of epidemic factors of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome in Heihe city , Heilongjiang province

  13. 黑河市地处黑龙江省北部,是我国纬度最高的地区之一。

    Heihe is located in the north of Heilongjiang Province which is one of the highest latitude areas in China .

  14. 连续多年在黑河市旅游系统评比中,被评为“诚信单位”、“先进单位”。

    Our agency was continuously awarded " Integrity Unit " and " Advanced Unit " in Heihe city tourism system competition .

  15. 近年来,随着园艺技术的发展,苦瓜在黑河市相继试种成功。

    In recent years , with the development of horticulture technology , balsam pear was planted experimentally in success in Heihe city .

  16. 黑河市1995年至1998年食品、公共场所从业人员乙肝表面抗原阳性率调查

    Investigation of positive rate of hepatitis b sarface antigen about the managers are engaged in food and public places during 1995-1998 in heihe city

  17. 黑河市政府提出将重点开发建设嫩江爱辉逊克矿产资源产业带。

    So the government of Heihe has brought forward a plan to constructing a mineral resources industry belt from Nenjiang , Aihui to Xunke .

  18. 冬季寒冷的气候条件给北方地区包括黑河市消防部队在内的灭火救援工作带来了极大地影响。

    Cold winter weather condition has brought great influence to fire fighting and rescue work in the northern areas , including Heihe city fire forces .

  19. 黑河市的矿产资源种类丰富,目前已经发现的矿产有90余种,查明资源储量的矿种为36种。

    Till now there are more than 90 kinds of minerals were discovered , and there are 36 kinds of mineral has investigated its resources reserves .

  20. 中国东北内蒙古沿边开放带可持续发展探讨&黑河市个案研究

    Study on the sustainable development strategy of the open zone along the frontier of Northeast China and Inner Mongolia ── the case study of HeiHe City

  21. 本文调查了黑河市各县(市)区9个行业,32家厂矿企业的生产性噪声。

    This article investigate production noise in 9 lines of business in the city and town of HeiHe , 32 factories , there are 441 work sports about production noise .

  22. 介绍了黑河市降水、蒸发、径流特征;分析了黑河市的水资源总量及水资源分布情况。

    This paper introduced the features of precipitation , evaporation and runoff , and make an analysis about the total amount and the distribution of water resources in Heihe City .

  23. 本文对黑河市利用世界银行贷款实施结核病控制项目的效果进行了评价和分析。

    The article express that there is the analysis and appraise of the results that HeiHe city use the control item about tuberculosis by the loan from the world Bank .

  24. 以欠发达地区的沿边开放城市黑河市为例,论述了环保部门在城市建设中应发挥的作用,环境保护促进城市建设,城市建设与环境保护相协调的实践过程

    This article introduces Heihe city 's experience in city construction and environmental protection , and presents that the above two sectors can harmonize and promote each other . Discussion On the Regional Function Failure of Opening Cities along Land Frontier in China

  25. 水资源承载力下的城市化发展模式&以黑河流域张掖市为例

    Development model of urbanization under water resources carrying capacity & Take Heihe River Basin Zhangye City as a Case

  26. 环境经济综合模型的构建及应用研究&以黑河流域张掖市为例

    Construction and application of an integrated environmental and economic model & A case study of Zhangye City in the Heihe catchment

  27. 黑河中游张掖市土地利用/覆盖变化的水文水资源效应分析

    Hydrology and Water Resources Response to the Land Use and Land Cover Changes in Middle Reaches of Heihe River and Zhangye City

  28. 黑河流域张掖市生态系统服务恢复价值评估研究&连续型和离散型条件价值评估方法的比较应用

    Measuring the economic value of restoring ecosystem services in Zhangye city of Heihe river basin & Comparison and application of continuous and discrete contingent valuation survey

  29. 黑河水库是西安市重要的饮水水源,黑河水库在过去几年里为西安市的发展做出了不可磨灭的贡献。

    In the past several years , HeiHe Reservoir made an ever lasting contribution for Xi ' an .