
  • 网络black storm
  1. 华北北部黑风暴的气候学特征

    The Climatic Characteristics of Black Storm in the Northern Part of North China

  2. 中国西北地区1993年5月5日黑风暴的机理探讨

    A study of the physical mechanism for a black storm in Northwest China

  3. 黑风暴前6小时的天气系统跃变

    Six Hours Abrupt Change of the Weather before Black Sandstorm

  4. 甘肃5.5黑风暴跃变分析

    An Analysis on Jump of 5.5 Sandstorm in Gansu Province

  5. 93.5黑风暴扰动能源的诊断分析

    Diagnostic Analysis of the Perturbation Sources on the " 93.5 " Black Storm

  6. 93.5黑风暴发展期中尺度期热量和水汽收支诊断

    Diagnosis of Heat and Moisture Budgets of the 93.5 Black Storm during its Development

  7. 5黑风暴中-β尺度飑线的初步数值模拟

    Numerical simulation of a meso - β squall line on the 5 . 5 dark storm

  8. 93.5黑风暴期间中尺度涡旋发生发展的涡源诊断

    Diagnosis of Vorticity Source for the Genesis and Development of Mesoscale Vortex during " 93.5 " Black Storm

  9. 1993年5月4&6日(93.5)在我国西北地区发生了一次极具破坏力的黑风暴。

    A black storm with severe destructibility occurred in the Northwest Region of China during 4-6 May 1993 ( 93.5 ) .

  10. 从美国西部大平原黑风暴的控制途径论中国北方沙尘暴的预防对策

    On Prevention Countermeasures of Sandstorm in North of China through the Channels of Controlling Black Storm in Great Plains in West of America

  11. 利用实测资料,采用有限区数值预报模式计算的物理参数,对1993年5月5日特大黑风暴天气过程形成的物理条件及成因进行了诊断分析研究。

    Based on observations and physical parameters calculated with a limited-area numerical prediction model , an analysis of a severe black storm on May5,1993 is made .

  12. 就连奥尔得克本人都猜测,古墓已让十几年间新形成的河湖水域给淹没了,或者是被某次强烈的黑风暴重新埋葬了。

    Orr even a gram I guess all , the tombs have been more than a decade to allow the formation of the new lakes to flood waters , or by a particular strong storm and re-buried .

  13. 在浩瀚幽黑的风暴中起航。

    I 'll sail on the flood of the tempest dark .

  14. 0814号强台风黑格比风暴潮分析与数值模拟

    Analysis and numerical simulation of the storm surge caused by Typhoon " Hagupit "