
  • 网络Life Support;life support system;ECLSS
  1. 目的:验证生命支持系统改换装后的总体性能。

    Abtract : Objective : To verify the ensemble performance of the life support system after repackaging .

  2. 移动式生命支持系统&一种快速院前处置和途中连续救治装备

    Mobile Life Support System : New Conception and Equipment for Rapid Prehospital Treatment and En Route Seamless Care

  3. ICU不能回避的课题:生命支持系统的撤除两次连续的单次撤销通常会撤销已经做出的撤销,并且让系统返回在第1次撤销激活之前的状态。

    Withdrawal of Life-Sustaining Treatments in the ICU Performing a single Undo twice usually undoes the Undo and brings the system back to the state it was in before the first Undo was activated .

  4. 中国还购买了宇航服,生命支持系统和其他设备俄罗斯的技术。

    China also bought Russian technology for spacesuits , life-support systems and other equipment .

  5. 就靠生命支持系统保持生命?

    Kept alive only by life support ?

  6. 通过绿地系统的建设,达到完善和提高城镇生命支持系统的服务功能。

    The construction of green space system can improve and enhance life-support systems of the urban services .

  7. 如果生命支持系统按计划于2010年停运,我们可以料想会发生一些挫折,遭受打击。

    If the life support comes off as scheduled in2010 , we can expect a few bruising setbacks .

  8. 陆地生态系统是维系生物圈乃至人类存在与发展的生命支持系统。

    Terrestrial ecosystem is the supporting system for biosphere as well as human being 's survive and development .

  9. 新的水再生系统是空间站的广泛生命支持系统的第二部分。

    The new Water Recovery System is the second part of a comprehensive life support system for the station .

  10. 生态系统是人类的生命支持系统,人类的福祉与生态系统所提供的服务密不可分。

    The ecosystem is a life support system of human , human well-being and ecosystem service provided are inseparable .

  11. 生命支持系统受到威胁,生态破坏造成巨大经济损失,区域社会可持续发展支撑能力受到削弱。

    Carrying capacity for social and economic development was weakened ; the economy suffered enormous losses due to ecological deterioration .

  12. 她知道,不久生命支持系统就会被撤掉,她16岁的儿子即将离开人世,又一个因欺凌事件而凋零的生命。

    Soon , she knew , her 16-year-old boy would be taken off life support another life lost to bullying .

  13. 据科学家推测,这可能是因为神经系统活动的增多会削弱苍蝇的生命支持系统。

    This is most probably because the increase in neural activity weakens the fly 's life-support systems , they speculated .

  14. 1900年以前北京市人类活动对空气环境的影响很小,北京市生命支持系统的生态服务功能可以调节其影响;

    There are little human impacts on urban air quality before 1900 . Bio-support services of Beijing city can regulate the impacts .

  15. 介绍了一种能够对重症患者进行快速现场急救以及运送途中急救监护的移动式生命支持系统。

    This paper describes a mobile life support system , which can perform rapid first aid and monitor enroute to evacuate critical patients .

  16. 生态系统服务和产生这些服务的自然资本对地球生命支持系统的功能有着极其重要的作用。

    The services of ecological system and their natural capital stocks involved are critical to the function of the Earth 's ( life-support ) system .

  17. 生态系统作为自然界生命支持系统,为人类生存和发展提供密不可分的产品和服务,即生态系统服务。

    As the life support system , ecosystem is providing a range of products and services called ecosystem services ( ES ) for human well-beings .

  18. 繁杂多样的生物及其组合即生物多样性与它们的物理环境共同构成了人类生存所依赖的生命支持系统。

    The complicated biology and its combination ( biodiversity ) with its physical environment compose of the life support system which human survival relies on .

  19. 综述了当前国内外区域生命支持系统管理和产业转型的生态管理方法,如生命周期分析、生态足迹分析等。

    Some management approaches for regional life support system management and industrial transformation are introduced , such as that of life cycle assessment and eco-footprint .

  20. 海洋沉积物中的动物群是海洋生态系统中的重要组成部分,其多样性对地球生命支持系统至关重要。

    Animal group in marine sediment is the important composition of marine ecosystem , and its diversity is the key to earth life supporting system .

  21. 可见,玛纳斯河流域山区森林生态系统的价值主要体现在其间接价值,即生命支持系统的价值上。

    It is demonstrated that the main value of forests ecosystem in Manas River is its indirect value which is known as the value of life-sustain system .

  22. 尽管官方宣称所有进入太空的设备都是国产的,但中国从莫斯科购买了宇航服,生命支持系统和其他设备的技术。

    China also bought technology for spacesuits , life-support systems and other equipment from moscow , though officials say all of the items launched into space are chinese-made .

  23. 火星一号组织预计将有多达50万人申请成为火星先驱,并已开始致力于为他们提供生命支持系统和宇航服。

    Mars One is expecting as many as half a million applicants to be Mars Pioneers , and has already started working on their life support system and spacesuits .

  24. 它包括物种、遗传、生态系统、生命支持系统及其演替过程的多样性和自然历史纪念物等的保护。

    So it requires the protection covering genes , species , ecosystem , life supporting system and the diversity of its succession ; and the preservation of natural historical memorial .

  25. 学生:但是带着吨重的装备到月球去制造燃料,给月球研究基地提供生命支持系统,代价不会太高了吗?

    Student : But holding tons of equipment to the moon to make fuel and build a life support system for a moon base , wouldn 't that be too expensive ?

  26. 随着人口增长,陆地资源减少以及陆域开发空间的缩小,海洋作为全球生命支持系统的地位更加突出。

    Along with the population growth , the land resources reduction as well as the land develops spatial reduction , and the sea status is more prominent as the global life supporting program .

  27. 海洋占地球表面积的71%,是地球生命支持系统的一个重要组成部分,是环境的重要调节器,也是生命的摇篮,资源的宝库,风雨的故乡,五洲的通道。

    Covering 71 % of the surface of the earth , the sea is a major component in the supporting system of life on the earth , and an important adjustor of the environment .

  28. 目的:检验移动式救生钟在实施常压干式援救时,生命支持系统能否提供常压空间人体生存环境,以保证钟内人员的生命安全。

    Objective : To evaluate the absorption efficiency of CO 2 canister to see if the life support system will meet the essential environmental conditions , when an atmospheric dry salvage operation is conducted .

  29. 1975年后,北京市生命支持系统的生态服务功能显著下降,城市空气质量恶化,但随着人工调节能力的增强城市空气质量自1998年后趋于改善。

    However , after 1975 , because bio-support services remarkably decreased , air quality became very severe . With the increase of human regulation ability , air quality of Beijing has been improved since 1998 .

  30. 这些结果将引起关于两个问题的伦理辩论,即如何对待处于植物状态已有一段时间的病人,以及在何种情况下可以切断他们的生命支持系统。

    The results will stir up the ethical debate about how to treat patients who have been in a vegetative state for a while – and in what circumstances to turn off their life support .