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  • Wisconsin
  1. 据说他骑车越过威斯康星州界,摆脱了追捕他的人。

    He is said to have thrown off pursuers by pedaling across the Wisconsin state line

  2. 求职申请中可能会提到求职者与"威斯康星州非裔美国律师协会"或"全国黑人雇员协会"等团体的关系,这显然会产生超出其成员控制范围的影响。

    A job application might mention affiliations with groups such as the " Wisconsin Association of African-American Lawyers " or the " National Black Employees Association , " the names of which apparently have consequences , and are also beyond their members ' control .

  3. 去年10月,威斯康星州商学院(wisconsinschoolofbusiness)收到了一份不同寻常的命名礼物。

    Last October , the Wisconsin School of business was given an unusual naming gift .

  4. 美国威斯康星州的LowerFoxRiver和LowerGreenBay水域的污染沉积物对鱼类影响的研究

    Effect of sediment contamination on fish in lower Fox River and lower green bay , wisconsin , U.S.A

  5. 保罗·莱因霍尔德·乔布斯(PaulRdnholdJobs)在威斯康星州日耳曼敦的一家奶牛场长大。

    Paul Reinhold Jobs had been raised on a dairy farm in Germantown , Wisconsin .

  6. 位于美国威斯康星州的伯洛伊特学院专门为这批新生编辑了文化标准,称他们的“DNA中就含有数字(技术)”。

    Beloit College in Wisconsin , US , compiled a list of cultural touchstones to define the incoming freshmen , describing them as " having digital in their DNA . "

  7. 位于美国威斯康星州的伯洛伊特学院专门为这批新生编辑了文化标准,称他们的DNA中就含有数字(技术)。

    Beloit College in Wisconsin , US , compiled a list of cultural touchstones to define the incoming freshmen , describing them as " having digital in their DNA " .

  8. 欧巴马一家感谢汤姆和苏·施罗德夫妇(TomandSueSchroeder)在威斯康星州的自家农场上种植这棵圣诞树并亲自将它送到白宫。

    The Obamas thanked Tom and Sue Schroeder , who grew the tree on their farm in Wisconsin and accompanied it to the White House .

  9. 枪支管制的支持者希望禁止突击步枪和大容量弹匣,但威斯康星州参议员罗恩约翰逊(ronjohnson)对福克斯新闻(foxnews)表示,他反对这一做法。

    Supporters of gun control want to ban assault rifles and high capacity magazines but Ron Johnson , a Republican senator from Wisconsin , told Fox News that he opposed such a move .

  10. 沃茨担任主持人;威斯康星州麦迪逊县兼职橄榄球教练格雷格·华盛顿(GregWashington)鼓励男人们分享孩子们的照片。

    Mr. Watts played master of ceremonies , while Greg Washington , a part-time football coach in Madison , Wis . , encouraged men to share photos of their children .

  11. 4月,克鲁兹与威斯康星州共和党众议员保罗·D·瑞安(PaulD.Ryan)共同撰写了一篇评论文章,称赞这项贸易促进法案在将来的贸易协定的问题上增加而非减少了国会的权力。

    In April , Mr. Cruz wrote a commentary with Representative Paul D. Ryan , Republican of Wisconsin , praising the trade promotion bill for giving Congress more power not less over future trade accords .

  12. 我们坐在加利福尼亚州Steve的厨房中,只要有正确的密码,我们能够打开Steve老板位于威斯康星州家中厨房料理台上的灯。Steve现在还没有可以登录的许可。

    We sat in Steve 's California kitchen and with the right password , turned on the kitchen counter lights at his boss 's house in Wisconsin.Steve did have permission to log on .

  13. 在威斯康星州学上学期间,她通过作女服务生来赚取外快,而现在她已经成为IT界为数不多的女性CEO之一。

    And as a scholarship student at the University of Wisconsin , Madison , where she worked as a waitress to earn extra money , she was among a handful of female computer science majors .

  14. 总部位于威斯康星州布鲁克菲尔德(Brookfield)的人力资源咨询公司PsychologyForBusiness的心理学家约翰•韦弗(JohnWeaver)说,专注于一个比自我提升更高的目标能够帮助员工管理压力水平。

    Commitment to a goal beyond self-promotion can help a worker manage stress levels , says John Weaver , a psychologist at Psychology For Business , a Brookfield , Wis . - based employment consultancy .

  15. 之后Rule又在Craigslist上遇到一位想要免费出让一张去威斯康星州麦迪逊市的车票,Rule得到了这张车票并继续她的旅程。在威斯康星州里,她遇到了一位沙发客,最终载着她抵达明尼阿波里斯市。

    Soon Rule discovered a woman on Craigslist who was giving away a free bus ticket to Madison , Wisconsin-Rule accepted it and continued her journey , staying in Wisconsin with a couchsurfer who later drove her to Minneapolis .

  16. 第二天一早,一位航空医生和护士乘坐一架Lear喷气式飞机抵达,带他回到了威斯康星州。

    The next morning , a Lear Jet with a flight doctor and a nurse arrived to take him on the first leg of a long journey back to Wisconsin .

  17. 今年年初,赫比森离开了之前工作的地方,与丈夫在威斯康星州欧克莱尔市(EauClaire)开办了一家名叫“天使来访”(VisitingAngels)的老年人居家护理公司,她的压力也随之消失了。

    Ms. Herbison 's stress vanished as soon as she left her former employer earlier this year to open a senior home-care company , Visiting Angels , with her husband in Eau Claire , Wis .

  18. 力拓希望完全退出包装业务,拿着威斯康星州bemis的8%股份对它没用。

    Rio wants to exit packaging altogether Rio has no use for 8 per cent of Wisconsin-based Bemis .

  19. 威斯康星州贝尔维尔——从这里的奶牛养殖场、玉米地和牧马场开车过去,你最终会到达凯特机械及焊接厂,这是吉恩和洛瑞·凯特(GeneandLoriCate)以及他们的儿子经营的一个小镇家庭企业。

    BELLEVILLE , Wis . - Drive past the dairy farms , cornfields and horse pastures here and you will eventually arrive at Cate Machine & Welding , a small-town business run by Gene and Lori Cate and their sons .

  20. 自称威斯康星州命名合伙人(WisconsinNamingPartnership)的一小群校友捐赠的这份礼物,是一系列大型捐赠活动之一。过去几年,这些捐赠方一直在寻找进入美国商学院的途径。

    The gift , donated by a small group of alumni calling themselves the Wisconsin Naming Partnership , is one of a series of large donations that , in the past couple of years , have been finding their way to US business schools .

  21. 1969年秋天,威斯康星州联邦参议员盖洛德∙尼尔森(GaylordNelson)宣布发起全国“环境宣教”的计划&要求每年有一天集中倡导并开展环境保护的活动。

    In the fall of1969 , Wisconsin Senator Gaylord Nelson announced plans for a national " environmental teach-in "– one day , each year , of action and advocacy for the environment .

  22. 在过去5年里,住在威斯康星州埃尔克霍恩的56岁摩根·斯坦利(MorganStanley)退休高管杰夫·亚当斯(JeffAdams)在世界各地参加了20场马拉松比赛,包括在纽约、波士顿、伦敦、东京,甚至南极。

    In the last five years , Jeff Adams , 56 , a retired Morgan Stanley executive living in Elkhorn , Wis . , has run in 20 marathons around the world , including New York , Boston , London , Tokyo and even Antarctica .

  23. 在埃米?戈尔茨坦(AmyGoldstein)的著作《简斯维尔》(Janesville)中,被通用汽车公司(GeneralMotors)解雇的员工蜂拥至这个威斯康星州城镇的大学进行再培训,结果他们的老师却发现有些人“甚至不会开机(电脑)”。

    In Amy Goldstein 's book Janesville , workers laid off by General Motors flocked to the Wisconsin town 's college to retrain , only for their teachers to discover that some " didn 't even know how to turn [ a computer ] on . "

  24. 基因或许可以部分解释对猴子的这些研究结果的差异,nia研究采用的猴子是来自印度和中国猴群家族的后裔,而威斯康星州研究采用的猴子都来自印度。

    Genetics probably explains part of the variationbetween the monkey studies , too , as the NIA monkeys were descended from lines fromIndia and China , whereas the Wisconsin monkeys were all from India .

  25. 就在美国国会一个委员会裁定中国电信设备制造商华为和中兴(zte)对美国国家安全构成威胁之际,威斯康星州正铺开红地毯欢迎另一类中国投资者。

    At about the same time that a US congressional committee ruled that Huawei and ZTE , the Chinese telecoms companies , posed a threat to national security , the state of Wisconsin was rolling out the red carpet for Chinese investors of a different breed .

  26. 在有两个车库、草坪修剪非常整齐的街区,一位妇女将车停在马路中间,从车中走出来,告诉州参议员RandyHopper,她是多么坚定地支持他和其他共和党立法人拥护的威斯康星州的改革方案。

    IN A neighbourhood of double garages and tightly cropped lawns , a woman stops her car in the middle of the road and leaps out to tell Randy Hopper , her state senator , how strongly she supports the reforms he and other Republicans legislators have championed in Wisconsin .

  27. 威斯康星州,JANESVILLE-来自Janesville的一对老夫妇正希望能拥有两人在搬入一家公寓时在那里的冰箱内发现的1.2万美元。

    JANESVILLE , Wis . - A Janesville couple are hoping they will be allowed to keep the nearly $ 12,000 in cash they found in their refrigerator when they moved into an apartment .

  28. 这对母女生活在美国威斯康星州。在发现母亲KandaceSeyferth昏厥在自家地板上对自己的呼喊毫无反应后,女儿MadisynKestell凭借自己多年看著名医学题材电视剧《实习医生格蕾》的智慧救回了母亲。

    Madisyn Kestell drew on years of wisdom gleaned from watching the popular television medical series to save her mother , Kandace Seyferth , after finding her unresponsive on the floor of their home in Sheboygan , Wisconsin .

  29. 我们俩一起在威斯康星州北部长大。

    My uncle and I grew up together in northern Wisconsin .

  30. 在威斯康星州,是西洋参的资本。

    The state of Wisconsin is the capital of American ginseng .