
Mì ěr Wò Jī
  • Milwaukee
  1. 上周在密尔沃基进行的比赛约翰·亨利·威廉斯没有出场。

    John Henry Williams was a no-show at last week 's game in Milwaukee .

  2. 密尔沃基2月29日消息——罗克韦尔自动化将收购CEDES公司的安全和自动化业务

    MILWAUKEE , Feb. 29 , 2008 ? Rockwell Automation will acquire the Safety and Automation business of CEDES AG .

  3. 我注意到几周前有一篇关于总部位于密尔沃基的标志性锁具公司MasterLock的文章。

    I noticed an article a couple of weeks ago about master lock , the iconic lock company , headquartered in Milwaukee .

  4. NPR新闻,马蒂·米克尔森密尔沃基报道。

    For NPR news , I 'm Marti Mikkelson in Milwaukee .

  5. NPR新闻,查克·奎尔巴赫密尔沃基报道。

    For NPR news , I 'm Chuck Quirmbach in Milwaukee .

  6. 美国密尔沃基市(milwaukee)供水直饮质量保障系统

    Quality Guarantee System of Direct Drinking Water Network in Milwaukee of U.S.A

  7. 密尔沃基玛丽山大学(MountMaryUniversity)企业管理学助理教授、MBA课程主任克里斯汀o罗克表示,证据显示这并非一种个别现象。

    The evidence suggests not , according to Kristen Roche , an assistant professor of business administration and director of the MBA program at Mount Mary University in Milwaukee .

  8. 有着这样的回忆,难怪密尔沃基这座希腊怪物唯一待过的NBA城市会让他感到身处希望之乡。

    Memories like that leave little doubt why the only NBA city that the Greek Freak has ever known can feel like the promised land .

  9. 验尸官表示枪击案犯罪嫌疑人的妻子是四名女性被害者中的一位,这起枪击案发生在密尔沃基郊区的一家spa馆中。

    A medical examiner says the wife of the suspected gunman is among three women killed in a shooting rampage at a suburban Milwaukee spa .

  10. 如果易建联决定不去密尔沃基,他可以回到中国篮协广东宏远宝马仕队继续效力,但雄鹿队会保留他在NBA的权益。

    Yi could return to the Guangdong Tigers of the Chinese Basketball Association if he decides to shun Milwaukee although the Bucks would retain his NBA rights .

  11. 上周三,在G-DaddyBBC酒吧庆祝28岁生日的里克·德梅尔说,他可以理解密尔沃基为什么名列第一。

    Rick DeMeyer , 28 , said last Wednesday as he was celebrating his birthday at G-Daddy BBC he could understand Milwaukee 's ranking .

  12. 2007年NBA选秀大会上,密尔沃基雄鹿队用六号签选择了易。一年之后,易被交易至网队。

    Yi was selected with the sixth overall selection in the first round of the2007 NBA Draft by Milwaukee and was traded to the Nets a year later .

  13. 在去年夏季面向新入教职员工的迎新活动中,布劳尔女士发放了一张由威斯康星大学密尔沃基分校LGBT资源中心(LGBTResourceCenter)设计的袖珍代词表。

    At last summer 's orientation for new faculty members , Ms. Brauer handed out pocket-size pronoun charts created by the L.G.B.T. Resource Center at the University of Wisconsin , Milwaukee .

  14. 这位中国七尺健将曾短期效力于NBA的四支队伍--它们分别是密尔沃基雄鹿队、新泽西网队、华盛顿奇才队和达拉斯小牛队。

    The Chinese seven-footer has played for four different teams in the NBA with short stints with the Milwaukee Bucks , New Jersey Nets , Washington Wizards , and Dallas Mavericks .

  15. 美国密尔沃基市RobertW.BairdCo.的私人财富管理研究主管劳拉??瑟罗(LauraThurow)说,你也许正在增加自己的风险。

    ' You may be increasing your risk , ' says Laura Thurow , director of private wealth management research at Robert W. Baird Co. , in Milwaukee .

  16. NBA官方于周四宣布密尔沃基雄鹿队前锋扬尼斯·安特托昆博和克利夫兰骑士队勒布朗·詹姆斯在2018全明星赛第一轮票选中领衔。

    The NBA announced Thursday that Milwaukee Bucks forward Giannis Antetokounmpo and Cleveland Cavaliers forward LeBron James are sitting a top the first batch of voting returns for the 2018 All-Star Game .

  17. 由于一名手无寸铁的黑人男子被警方枪击引发愤怒,8月26日,密尔沃基雄鹿队发起了一场史无前例的抵制美国职业篮球协会(NBA)季后赛的活动,导致联盟的三场比赛被迫推迟。

    The Milwaukee Bucks staged an unprecedented boycott of the NBA playoffs on Wednesday , forcing the league to postpone three games following outrage over the latest shooting of an unarmed black man by US police .

  18. 雄鹿队教练迈克·布登霍尔泽是NBA年度最佳教练的候选人,他在常规赛期间带领密尔沃基取得了60-22的联赛最佳纪录,在他的第一个赛季给人留下了深刻的印象。

    Bucks coach Mike Budenholzer , a finalist for NBA coach of the year , who led Milwaukee to a league-best 60-22 record during the regular season , made quite an impression in his first season .

  19. Chanos在密尔沃基长大,是干洗店连锁业主的三个儿子之一。

    Mr. Chanos grew up in Milwaukee , one of three sons born to the owners of a chain of dry cleaners .

  20. 密尔沃基不仅仅是字母哥由希腊童话变为美国巨星的背景,事实上在他NBA生涯的最初几个月,密尔沃基已经成为了他整个家庭的第二故乡。

    Milwaukee hasn 't simply been the backdrop for Antetokounmpo 's fairy tale rise to American stardom ; it has been home for virtually his whole family for all but the first few months of his NBA life .

  21. 因为他们有一名愿意测试和兑现他们的天赋上限的疯狂主教练,密尔沃基雄鹿队正处于一个独特的地位,挑战着现代NBA比赛的打法。

    and because they have a coach crazy enough to experiment with and extract the bounds of their talents , the Milwaukee Bucks are in a unique position to challenge the way the NBA game is currently played .

  22. 因此,创科实业开始收购一些世界知名电动工具和地板护理企业,例如密尔沃基工具(MilwaukeeTools)、利优比(Ryobi)、康力(Homelite)和胡佛(Hoover)。它曾经是这些品牌的供货商。

    So TTI began acquiring some of the world-famous power-tool and floor-care clients it used to supply , such as Milwaukee Tools , Ryobi , Homelite and Hoover .

  23. ESPN的真实正负值中,密尔沃基排名东部第四,如果雄鹿超过了,阿德托昆博将会是MVP竞争者的一大威胁。

    ESPN 's real plus-minus projects Milwaukee to finish fourth in the East ; should the Bucks exceed that , Antetokounmpo could be a threat to bring home the MVP hardware . Russell Westbrook

  24. 周三雄鹿队以43分的优势战胜了开拓者队(公平地说,这是纽约尼克斯VS密尔沃基雄鹿背靠背之后的第二场比赛,也是雄鹿队连续六场客场之旅中的第五场比赛)。

    It was certainly in the air after the Bucks chewed them up in a 43-point win on Wednesday ( which , to be fair , was the second game of a New York-Milwaukee back-to-back and the fifth of six straight games on the road . )

  25. 阿兵出生于19世纪上半叶的中国满洲,后来他前往美国,大约1855年的时候他在莱韦灵家族靠近俄勒冈州密尔沃基市(Milwaukie,Oregon)的果园找到了一份工作。

    Ah Bing was born in Manchuria , China in the first half of the 19th century . He eventually traveled to America and around 1855 he found work in the orchards of the Lewelling family near Milwaukie , Oregon .

  26. 许多员工认为,上司青睐没日没夜工作的人,而职场趋势也证明了这个观点:根据密尔沃基(Milwaukee)的人才与职业管理公司RightManagement去年秋天对325名员工进行的一项调查,三分之二员工的工作时间多于五年前。

    Many employees assume managers value people for working day and night , and workplace trends support that belief : Two-thirds of workers are putting in much longer hours on the job than five years ago , according to a poll of 325 employees last fall by Right Management , Milwaukee , a talent and career-management company .

  27. 如果他继续打出这种统治级的表现,毫无疑问他会获得MVP,但最让人担心的是,密尔沃基雄鹿队能否在东部夺得前两名的席位。

    If he keeps that kind of dominance up , he might win regardless , but the one big concern that could hold him back is whether the Milwaukee Bucks can fight for a top-two seed in the East .

  28. 去年,在准备从密尔沃基(Milwaukee)的网络零售公司BuySeasons辞去社交媒体专员的工作时,达斯汀•齐克(DustinZick)与“五六个”信得过的同事交换了他们的工资信息,他发现他们中的大多数人都乐意透露。

    When Dustin Zick , 25 , was ready to leave his job in 2012 as a social-media specialist at BuySeasons Inc. , a Milwaukee-based online retailer , he compared notes with ' five or six ' trusted co-workers about their pay , and found most of them happy to divulge .

  29. 本文把美国作为发达国家的代表,以密尔沃基市的教育券计划和教育选择慈善信托(ECCT)为例,介绍了美国教育券计划的实施现状;

    The thesis , regarding the developed country , America , as the representative , and taking the plan of education voucher of Milwaukee and ECCT as an example , introduces the current situation of the plan of education voucher in America ;

  30. 签下密尔沃基的前全明星怎么样?

    How about by fleecing Milwaukee out of a former all-star ?