
yān cōng
  • chimney;smokestack;funnel;stovepipe;tun
烟囱 [yān cōng]
  • [chimney;funnel;smokestack;stovepipe] 建造在屋顶上的竖立构筑物,包括建造在屋内的排除烟、难闻的烟气或气体的一个或几个烟道;尤指其伸出屋顶的部分

烟囱[yān cōng]
  1. 滚滚浓烟从烟囱中喷涌而出。

    A great cloud of smoke billowed out of the chimney .

  2. 烟囱里飞出无数火星。

    A shower of sparks flew up the chimney .

  3. 巨大的烟囱冒出烟和灰尘。

    Huge chimneys belched forth smoke and grime .

  4. 烟囱冒着滚滚浓烟。

    Chimneys were puffing out clouds of smoke .

  5. 一座座高大的烟囱冒着烟。

    Massive chimneys were spewing out smoke .

  6. 这些烟囱管帽纯属装饰。

    The chimney pots are purely ornamental .

  7. 风飕飕地顺着烟囱往下刮。

    The wind whistled down the chimney .

  8. 产业结构已由烟囱工业转向了高科技产业。

    There has been a shift from smokestack industries into high-tech ones .

  9. 这种煤气取暖器不需要烟囱。

    This gas fire doesn 't need a chimney .

  10. 一缕盘旋的轻烟从农舍唯一的烟囱里缭绕升起。

    A thin twist of smoke curled from the cottage 's single chimney .

  11. 热气从烟囱冒出后马上就消散掉了

    The heat disappears straight up the chimney .

  12. 我用绳子把自己系在烟囱上。

    I roped myself to the chimney .

  13. 烟从烟囱里袅袅升起。

    Smoke was curling up the chimney

  14. 烟囱里浓烟滚滚。

    The chimney was smoking fiercely .

  15. 他们被烟囱冒出的烟呛得透不过气来。

    They choked on the smoke from the chimney .

  16. 工厂的烟囱冒出滚滚浓烟。

    Factory chimneys belch out dense smoke .

  17. 高高的烟囱喷吐出黑烟。

    Tall chimneys belch [ vomit ] forth black smoke .

  18. 从烟囱里冒出的火星燃着了屋顶板。

    Sparks from the chimney ignited the shingles .

  19. 火焰从烟囱里轰轰地喷出来。

    The fire roars up the chimney .

  20. 烟囱里冒着白烟。

    White smoke rose from the chimneys .

  21. 这个工厂的烟囱一直冒黑烟。

    The factory has been emitting black smoke from its chimney .

  22. 烟囱里喷出一团黑烟。

    The chimney blew out a cloud of black smoke .

  23. 滚滚浓烟从烟囱中冒出。

    Billows of smoke were belching from the chimney .

  24. 在大城市人们呼吸时吸入汽车和烟囱排出的有害气体。

    In large cities people breathe in dangerous gases from cars and chimneys .

  25. 从烟囱里冒出一缕轻烟。

    A plume of smoke rose from the chimney .

  26. 烟囱冒出袅袅白烟。

    Puffs of white smoke came from the chimney .

  27. 工厂的烟囱向高空排烟。

    Factories chimneys discharge smoke into the atmosphere .

  28. 那工人很快就把塞住烟囱的污垢清除干净了。

    The worker quickly cleared away the dirt that was choking up the chimney .

  29. 如果把烟囱堵住,烟就会充满屋子。

    If you block up the chimney , the smoke would fill the room .

  30. 烟囱正冒着烟。

    Smoke was rising from the chimney .