
  • 网络tobacco virus
  1. 福建省烟草病毒病种类的检测与防治

    Strains Detection and Control of Tobacco Virus Diseases in Fujian Province

  2. 农药混配防治烟草病毒病田间试验

    Field Experiments on Mixed Pesticides for Tobacco Virus Diseases Controlling

  3. 烟草病毒病(CMV、PVY)药剂防治及挽回损失研究初报

    Studies on Chemical Control of CMV and PV Y

  4. 以农业预防措施为主的烟草病毒病综合防治技术

    Comprehensive Techniques with Agricultural Prevention Measures for Controlling Tobacco Mosaic Virus

  5. 媒介昆虫与烟草病毒病关系的研究

    Studies on the Relationship between Transmission Insect Vectors and Tobacco Virus Diseases

  6. 烟草病毒病的发生及综合防治方法研究进展

    Occurrence and Integrated Control Methods of Virus Diseases in Tobacco

  7. 抑制烟草病毒病植物源活性物质的研究进展

    Research Advances in Plant Source Active Substances of Inhibition Tobacco Virus Diseases

  8. 媒介昆虫是烟草病毒病的重要成因因子。

    An important factor of resulting tobacco virus disease is insect vectors .

  9. 皖北烟区烟草病毒病发生的主要原因分析

    Analysis of Main Reason of Occurrence of Tobacco Virus in the Northern Anhui

  10. 交互保护作用防治烟草病毒病的研究与应用前景

    Studies on Cross Protection Technique for Control of Tobacco Virus Diseases and Its Application Prospects

  11. 部分烟区烟草病毒病病原检测及复合侵染分析

    Virus Detection of Tobacco Viral Disease and Analysis of Viruses Mixed-infection in Some Tobacco Growing Areas

  12. 商陆蛋白生物制剂防治烟草病毒病田间药效试验初报

    Preliminary Study of Field Efficacy Experiments of Phytolacca Acinosa Protein Biological Preparation Against Tobacco Virus Diseases

  13. 广西百色烟草病毒病发生特点及控制技术应用

    The Research of Incidence Characteristics and Control Technology of Tobacco Virus Diseases in Baise of Guangxi

  14. 诱导植物提高抗病毒作用制剂防治烟草病毒病试验研究

    The Research of the Preparation of Abduction Plant Improve Antivirus Action on Controlling of Tobacco Virus Disease

  15. 河南省烟草病毒病的介体蚜虫种类及与发病关系的研究

    Preliminary Studies on Kinds of Vector Aphids of Tobacco Virus Diseases and Their Relation in Henan Province

  16. 河南省郏县襄城两地烟草病毒病大发生的原因及对策

    An investigation of the epidemics of tobacco viral disease in Henan province and the strategy of its control

  17. 由各种病毒引起的烟草病毒病是全球植烟区发生最为普遍、危害最为严重的一大类病害。

    Tobacco virus diseases were the most widely happened cause seriously damage in tobacco fields in the world .

  18. 烤烟间套作草木樨和甘薯对烟叶含钾量及烟草病毒病的影响

    Effects of Flue-cured Tobacco and Sweet Clover and Sweet Potato Intercropping on Leave Potassium Contents and Virus Diseases Occurrence of Tobacco

  19. 开展了安徽省主要烟区烟草病毒病越冬寄主的初步调查研究。

    1 , The crops live through the winter of tobacco virus disease was investigated in main tobacco area of Anhui province .

  20. 开展了烟草病毒病防治新方法的试验与示范,包括帐幕法和微孔膜法,并开展了大田综合防治示范。

    3 , Experiment and demonstration of the tobacco virus disease prevention method including tent and film of tiny bore , and integrative prevention .

  21. 通过田间试验,研究了烤烟与甘薯套种、烤烟与黄花草木樨间种控制烟草病毒病(烟草普通花叶病和烟草蚀纹病毒病等)的控制效果。

    The field experiments were conducted to study the effects of tobacco and sweet potato intercropping , tobacco and sweet clover intercropping on leaves potassium content and virus diseases occurrence of tobacco .

  22. 烟草病毒病是全世界烟草种植区的重要病害之一,严重影响烟草的产量和品质。

    Tobacco virus disease is one of the very important diseases in tobacco planting areas all over the world , which could have serious consequences on the yield and quality of tobacco .

  23. 结果表明:烤烟间作草木樨处理对烟草病毒病有明显的控制效果,普通花叶病的发病率和病情指数极显著下降,防治效果为22.58%~80%。

    The results showed that the intercropping practice controlled effectively tobacco virus disease occurrence , especially the incidence and disease index of TMV descended clearly , the control efficiency was up from 22.58 % to 80 % .

  24. 在种子消毒,培育无毒烟苗,大田配套防治技术,化学药剂防治和研制中草药制剂等方面,开展了烟草病毒病综合防治技术研究。

    Seed disinfection , producing virus-free tobacco seedling , colligated techniques of virosis prevention and cure at field growth stage , control of virosis by chemicals and developing Chinese traditional medicine preparation were applied in this investigation .

  25. 促成烟草病毒病发生的因素较多,防治困难较大,防治研究进展较慢,被称为烟草癌症,目前还没有很好的防治措施。

    There are many factors to aggravate the viral diseases , called " tobacco cancer ", that lead to hard to be controlled and slow progress in disease research * At present , there are not effective methods to be used .

  26. 烟草病毒病是危害烟叶生产最重要的病害之一,危害烟草的病毒种类多达30多种,花叶型病毒病田间常见,曲叶型病毒病的危害呈上升趋势。

    Tobacco virus disease is one of most destructive diseases to tobacco leaf production , and more than 30 virus species could infect tobacco . Mosaic disease in field is very common , while the incidence of leaf curl disease is increasing .

  27. 非(弱)杀菌化学物质诱导烟草对病毒病(TMV)抗性的研究

    Induced resistance of tobacco to TMV with Non-fungicidal chemical compounds

  28. 应用电镜技术研究大理州烟草苗期病毒病的发生状况

    Study on the Occurrence of Tobacco Seedling Virus Diseases by Electronic microscopic in Dali Prefecture

  29. BP神经网络在烟草蚜传病毒病预测中的应用

    Applying BP neural network to predict tobacco virus diseases transmitted by aphids

  30. BP神经网络为烟草蚜传病毒病的预测预报提供了一种新方法。

    BP neural network can be used as a new effective method to predict the trend of tobacco virus diseases transmitted by aphids .