
  • 网络filterability
  1. pH调节对活性污泥混合液膜过滤性的影响

    Effect of adjusting pH on membrane filterability of activated sludge mixed liquor

  2. 此外,本文还就木质素沉淀的过滤性与碳酸化温度、pH值的关系进行了研究,试验表明,温度在70℃或者降低溶液pH值到2~3时,沉淀的过滤性最好。

    This paper also described , the relationship between the filterability of lignin precipitate , the carbonation temperature and the pH value . The experimental data demonstrated that the filterability of the precipitate was best at 70 ℃ or reducing the pH value of the solution to 2 ~ 3 .

  3. 肝炎B型和C型是过滤性病毒引起的严重的疾病,并导致终身传染,肝硬化,肝癌,肝功能衰竭以至死亡。

    HEPATITIS B AND C are serious viral diseases that can lead to lifelong infection , cirrhosis , liver cancer , liver failure and death .

  4. 大气CO2浓度升高提高了各个生育时期稻田水体过滤性铁、总锌浓度以及返青期、分蘖期和拔节期过滤性锰浓度,但是降低了孕穗期过滤性锰的浓度。

    Atmospheric CO2 enrichment increased the concentrations of filterable manganese during turning green period 、 tillering period and jointing period and the concentrations of filterable iron and total zinc , however , decreased the concentration of filterable manganese at booting stage .

  5. 乳化切削液监测的过滤性检测方法研究

    Research on the Filter Test Method of Emulsified Cutting Fluid Monitoring

  6. 登革热是一种由过滤性病毒所引起的急性传染病。

    Dengue fever is an acute communicable disease caused by virus .

  7. 臭氧作用改善膜-生物反应器混合液膜过滤性

    Improvement of membrane filterability of mixed liquor in membrane bioreactor by ozonation

  8. 膜生物反应器内泥水混合液可过滤性的研究

    Study on Filterability of the Mixed Liquor in Membrane Bioreactor

  9. 几何相似原理在过滤性渔具网目选择性研究中的应用

    Application of geometrical similarity principle on mesh selectivity research of filter fishing gear

  10. 自从艾滋病出现以后,科学家就开始认真研究过滤性病毒。

    Since the emergence of AIDS , scientists began to seriously study the viruses .

  11. 润滑油使用寿命长,具有极佳的过滤性,使系统更清洁,设备使用寿命更长。

    Long oil life , excellent filterability giving a cleaner system and longer equipment life .

  12. 小汤姆突然感染上了过滤性病毒,至少需要连续护理八天。

    Little Tom has acquired a virus that requires at least eight more days of constant care .

  13. 而细胞的识别与癌症、敏感症、过滤性毒菌的感染、炎症及自身免疫性疾病有关。

    Such cellar recognition events are common to cancer , allergy , viral infection , inflammation , and autoimmune disease .

  14. 孔径及其分布显著影响着多孔体的透过性、透速率、过滤性等一系列性能。

    The aperture and its distribution plays a remarkable role in permeation behavior , infiltration rate and filtration character of porous bodies .

  15. 当身体被外来的作用物如细菌、过滤性病毒侵入,抗体就会发生作用去抵抗它们。

    When the body is invaded by foreign agents such as bacteria or viruses , the antibodies go to work against them .

  16. 通过制备驻极体纤维和驻极体熔喷非织造布,并对成品进行电镜分析,并进行力学性能、透气、透湿、过滤性等方面测试。

    The electret fiber and the electret nonwoven are manufactured in this experiment , and their properties are analyzed by SEM , DSC and or so .

  17. 推测碱液处理使细胞表面的LBEPS脱落,从而使细胞表面疏水性增加,有利于絮体颗粒之间的絮凝,从而有利于混合液膜过滤性的改善。

    It was presumed that treatment with NaOH could extracted LB-EPS from the surface of cells so as to increase the hydrophobic property of cells , which was favorable to flocculation among sludge flocs and hence the membrane filterability of mixed liquor .

  18. 缺乏动机,自信心不足,消极的焦虑等等,都能结合起来提高过滤性,从而形成一种心智障碍。这种心智障碍会阻止可理解输入信息进入语言习得机制,从而影响到语言的习得。

    Lack of motivation , low self-esteem , debilitating anxiety , etc. can combine to ' raise the filter ,, to form a ' mental block ,, which prevents Comprehensible Input ( CI ) from reaching the Language Acquisition Device ( LAD ), and thereby from being used for acquisition .

  19. 电视卫士自动检查和过滤侮辱性词语和其他攻击性语言。

    The TVGuardian automatically detects and filters profanity and other offensive phrases .

  20. 非晶硅酸铝纤维晶体化对纤维预制体真空过滤成型性的影响

    Effect of crystallization of amorphous alumina-silica fibers on the vacuum-filtration formability of fiber preforms

  21. 结果发现,这4种方法的复性效果有以下顺序:凝胶过滤复性>稀释复性>Ni2+亲合层析>透析复性。

    The results indicated that the sequence of refolding effect was as follows : urea gradient gel filtration > dilution > Ni 2 + immobilize metal affinity chromatography > dialysis .

  22. 而如下的这个过滤条件限制性稍小,它会过滤出Accounts下的所有项

    The following filter would be slightly less restrictive and pick up all items under Accounts for all namespaces

  23. 包括新型水声换能器材料、水中非线性声学、匹配场过滤、宽容性信号处理、水声通信、合成孔径成象技术、数据融合、声层析、水下GPS技术等。

    Which include new type of transducer materials , non-linear underwater acoustics , matched filter processing , robust signal processing , underwater communication , synthetic aperture imaging technique , data fusion , acoustic tomography , underwater GPS technique etc.

  24. 选用新型过滤材料改性聚丙烯GXPP,以折叠型平行气流布置方式的过滤器结构进行了油烟雾净化实验,找出了过滤器的最佳结构参数,并进行了过滤器的净化能力及耐久性能试验。

    The experiment was performed by using GXPP # as filter material , and the filter was plicate structure in which the gas flow was parallel to the filter face . Through the experiment , the best structure parameter was found , efficiency and endurance test was carried through .

  25. 重力沉降和终端过滤的统一性研究

    Study on Consolidation of Gravity Sedimentation and Dead - End Filtration

  26. 防火墙包过滤规则正确性的研究

    Study on correctness of firewall ′ s packet filtering rule

  27. RGD-葡激酶的凝胶过滤层析法复性及其纯化

    The Renaturation and Purification of RGD-Staphylokinase by Gel Filtration

  28. 水耕植物过滤法溶解性氮磷去除影响因素研究

    Study on the factors affect removal of dissolved nitrogen and phosphorus by hydroponic bio-filter method

  29. 该方法解决了传统的滑动拟合法对波浪和随机噪声与测量数据中的真实高频信息一起平滑过滤的局限性问题。

    The method has solved localized problem of noise and real high frequency information in data is filtered with traditional slide fitting method .

  30. 该模型可有效地改进传统协同过滤模型相似性度量方法,提高了用户相似性度量准确性。

    This model may effectively improve the traditional collaborative filtering method used to compute the similarity between users , and enhances the accuracy of user similarity measurement .