
  1. 烟草信息化是建设现代烟草行业的必然选择。

    Tobacco information is the inevitable choice of a modern tobacco industry construction .

  2. 烟草行业信息化&青州卷烟厂ERP案例分析

    Information Technology Application In The Tobacco Industry ── The Analysis Of Qingzhou Tobacco Company 's EPR Case

  3. 针对烟草行业信息化建设的实际情况,本文提出了基于Web的烟草行业决策支持系统框架,给出决策资源构成模型。

    Based on the situation of information construction of China 's tobacco industry , a framework for Web-based decision supporting system is proposed and a model for the structure of decision resources is discussed .

  4. 本文在分析烟草行业信息化建设现状的基础上阐述了卷烟工业企业应用ERP的必要性;

    Firstly , basing on analyzing present information building situation of cigarette trade this paper relates the essentiality for the cigarette industrial enterprise to apply ERP .

  5. 随着烟草行业信息化建设的不断发展,MES作为一种新的生产管理模式,已经在烟草行业得以广泛应用,并在控制损耗,降低成本,提高质量等方面发挥了巨大的作用。

    Along with the progress of information technology application in tobacco industry , MES as a new model for production & management , has been wildly applied and has generated great contribution in fields such as controlling loss , reducing cost and improving quality .

  6. 对中国烟草物流信息化系统未来前景的展望。

    The prospect of tobacco logistics information system in China .

  7. 泉州烟草物流信息化管理系统设计。

    The design of tobacco logistics information management in Quanzhou . 6 .

  8. 基于按订单组织货源的烟草行业信息化建设

    Information Construction in Tobacco Industry Based on " Supply by Order "

  9. 烟草行业信息化标准体系研究

    Research on Standard System of Informatization of Tobacco Industry

  10. 随着烟草企业信息化进程的不断推进,多数企业已经积累了大量的烟草数据。

    With the development of information process of the tobacco enterprise , most companies have accumulated much tobacco data .

  11. 同时为确保烟草工业信息化取得最大的成功,给出了信息系统实施的保障措施。

    In order to put the tobacco industry information in practice successfully , the paper also puts forward systematical guarantee measures .

  12. 最后文章提出了烟草行业信息化标准体系的发展模式,使烟草行业信息化标准体系逐渐趋向科学化、合理化和实用化。

    At last , the article brings forward the developing mode of the standard system to promote scientification , rationalization and practicalization of the system .

  13. 最后论文逐次从技术、管理、实施以及运行等方面对烟草企业信息化建设进行了分析研究,同时为使系统取得最大的功效,给出了信息系统实施过程中的一些保障措施。

    Finally successive papers from the technical , management , implementation and operation of tobacco companies in terms of information technology was analyzed at the same time to enable the system to achieve maximum efficiency , an information system implementation is given in the number of safeguards .

  14. 综述烟草行业当前信息化现状和数据分析应用现状,提出烟厂建设BI系统不仅是必要的,也是十分合适的。

    The dissertation first summaries the present situation of information and data analysis of applications for Tobacco industry , after that , it brings forward that it is not only necessary to construct BI system for cigarette factory , but also quite applicable .

  15. 当前,烟草行业物流信息化建设正在深入推进之中。

    The tobacco industry logistics construction further promotes currently .

  16. 面对入世的国际环境,国家加快了烟草行业企业信息化建设的步伐,以提高其管理效率和市场竞争能力。

    Faced with the WTO international environment , the government encourages the tobacco industries and enterprises construction of the pace of information , to improve its management efficiency and market competitiveness .

  17. 在烟草行业企业信息化建设过程中,如何利用信息技术加强专卖管理监督工作模式、规范专卖执法流程、强化专卖内管力度、提升专卖队伍人员素质一直是我们主要的研究内容。

    During the enterprise informatization of tobacco industry , our research has been primarily focused on how to employ information technology to enhance the work of monopoly management and supervision , improve enforcement procedure , strengthen internal regulation and promote the staff quality in tobacco industry .

  18. 随着烟草市场的竞争加剧,烟草企业的信息化建设更具有紧迫性。

    Along with the more and more fierce competition in tobacco market , the information system construction of tobacco enterprises becomes urgent .

  19. 提高了烟草行业信息管理工作的效率,促进了烟草行业信息化的发展速度。

    With the help of this system , the efficiency of information management in tobacco industry has been improved , and the development pace of tobacco industry informatization has been promoted .

  20. 研究描述了遵义市烟草公司所处的地理位置、地形地貌、气候、经济状况,以及产业发展概况,阐述了打造遵义数字烟草的理论,分析了遵义市烟草公司信息化的现状及存在问题。

    The research describes the location , geography , climates , economic factors and industry background , illustrates the theory of Zunyi Tobacco digitalization and analyzes the current situation and problems in digitalization .