
  • Armani;Giorgio Armani;Emporio Armani
  1. 阿玛尼设计的时装一直都比欧洲其他所有时装设计师的作品更畅销。

    Armani consistently outsells all other European designers .

  2. 乔治•阿玛尼(GiorgioArmani)回答道:设计高级定制时装的时候,你可以梦想。

    You can dream when you design couture , responds Giorgio Armani .

  3. 其他的赢家包括蔻驰(Coach),爱马仕(Hermès)和古驰(Gucci),而迪奥(Dior)和阿玛尼(Armani)的市场份额下降了。

    Other winners include Coach , Herm è s and Gucci , while Dior and Armani lost share .

  4. 现年34岁的贝克汉姆从洛杉矶银河队租借至AC米兰队,他的妻子维多利亚是辣妹组合成员之一,之前也曾为阿玛尼拍摄内衣广告。

    The 34-year-old Beckham , currently on loan to AC Milan from the Los Angeles Galaxy soccer team , and his Spice Girl wife , Victoria , have stripped down before for Armani campaigns 。

  5. 克鲁斯和赫尔姆斯与阿玛尼的交情由来已久。阿玛尼为两人设计了参加《蝙蝠侠诞生》和《谍中谍III》海外推介活动所穿的服装。

    Cruise and Holmes have a long relationship with Armani who designed their outfits for their international promotional tours for ' Batman Begins ' and ' Mission Impossible III ' .

  6. 阿玛尼(GiorgioArmani)以及华伦天奴(Valentino)等时尚巨擎的设计师欢迎我,倾听我的宏伟蓝图。

    Designers from Giorgio Armani to Valentino opened their doors and listened to my pitch .

  7. 表演结束后,麦当娜在Instagram上写道:是阿玛尼害了我,我漂亮的斗篷系得太紧了。

    She later wrote on her Instagram account : Armani hooked me up ! My beautiful cape was tied too tight !

  8. 普拉达(Prada)的PR09Qs、OpticNerve的“金凯德”(Kincaid)和安普里奥?阿玛尼(EmporioArmani)的EA4021都特别强调眉框的设计。

    Prada ( PR09QS ) , Optic Nerve ( Kincaid ) and Emporio Armani ( EA4021 ) place high emphasis on the brow bar .

  9. 该公司的交互式零售柜台(interactiveretailstand)采用动作感应屏幕,向顾客介绍他们拿到的商品,动作传感器再将顾客与机器交互产生的信息反馈给商家。迪奥(Dior)和阿玛尼(Armani)已经采用了他们的柜台来展示香水。

    The start-up 's interactive retail stands - which have been used for fragrances by Dior and Armani - use motion-activated screens to tell customers about the products they pick up .

  10. 但这次市中心也成为目标,许多商店遭到抢劫,包括伯明翰Mailbox中心的一家阿玛尼商店和利物浦的一家特易购(Tesco)超市。

    But city centres were also targeted with looting of shops including an Armani store in the Mailbox centre in Birmingham and a Tesco supermarket in Liverpool .

  11. 阿玛尼(GiorgioArmani)与保罗•史密斯(PaulSmith)合作,之前曾长期为英格兰队设计队服,最近刚与拜仁慕尼黑队(BayernMunich)签下三年合同,为对方提供球衣。

    Giorgio Armani , who along with Paul Smith has dressed the England team in the past , has just signed a three-year deal to dress Bayern Munich .

  12. 劳多米亚说:“阿玛尼(Armani)有他的米黄色。这些颜色是我父亲的。我称之为璞琪的字母表。”

    Armani had his beiges . These colors are my father 's , ' says Laudomia . ' I call it the alphabet of Pucci . '

  13. 2000年代初,阿玛尼(Armani)和杜嘉班纳(Dolce&Gabbana)等意大利品牌将提契诺区作为向年轻人推广的购物场所。

    In the early 2000s , Italian brands like Armani and Dolce & Gabbana saw Ticinese as a place to market to young people .

  14. 周二,迪伦·潘(DylanPenn)坐在香奈儿(Chanel)时装秀的头排。而她的妈妈罗宾·怀特(RobinWright)则携男友本·福斯特(BenFoster)前去观看阿玛尼(Armani)的时装秀。

    At the Chanel show on Tuesday , Dylan Penn sat front row while her mother , Robin Wright , went to Armani , holding hands with her boyfriend , Ben Foster .

  15. 时装与艺术的世界一直是重叠交错的:知名设计师不断增加自己的艺术品收藏,而收藏家们则穿着芬迪(fendi)和阿玛尼(armani)的服装。

    The worlds of fashion and art have long overlapped : leading designers keep upping their art holdings while collectors don Fendi and Armani togs .

  16. 阿玛尼集团(ArmaniGroup)今日将在中国为其EMPORIOARMANI品牌推出一个电子商务网站。现如今,奢侈品行业正寻求扩大对增长最为迅速的中国高端商品消费者的影响力。

    Armani Group will today launch an e-commerce site for its Emporio Armani brand in China as the luxury goods sector seeks to extend its appeal among the fastest-growing consumers of high-end wares .

  17. 意大利品牌阿玛尼(Armani)是为名人设计服装的老手,不过它最终把一个活动变成了固定项目:去年开始的奥斯卡前奏鸡尾酒派对。

    The Italian label Armani is no stranger to dressing celebrities , but it has finally ritualized an event : a pre-Oscars cocktail party , which began last year .

  18. 阿玛尼和杜嘉班纳继续经营,但其地盘上又出现了年轻的时尚品牌,如卡哈特(Carhartt)和看步(Camper)。

    Armani and Dolce & Gabbana have moved on , but in their place are younger fashion brands like Carhartt and Camper .

  19. 两周前,乔治阿玛尼(GiorgioArmani)在离芭比上海总部不远的一个高档商场开了一家新店,上海阿玛尼品牌店由此增至6家。

    In an upscale mall not far from the Shanghai Barbie headquarters , Giorgio Armani opened a store two weeks ago , bringing the number of Armani-branded shops in the city to six .

  20. 有个最恰当的例子:一直在作品中借鉴中国元素的乔治•阿玛尼(GiorgioArmani)本季在其系列中的上衣、礼服和饰品上都添加了漆黑色的流苏。

    Case in point : Giorgio Armani , who has long referenced China in his work , this season included details such as lacquer-black tassels on tops , dresses and accessories in his collection .

  21. 蒂芙尼(Tiffany)、路易威登(LV)和阿玛尼(Armani)等高端品牌是首批在本世纪初在香港开设旗舰店的西方零售商,它们坚定地着眼于中国内地需求。

    Tiffany , Louis Vuitton , Armani , and other high-price brands were among the first western retailers to set up flagship stores in Hong Kong in the early 2000s with a firm eye on mainland Chinese demand .

  22. Yoox如今为38家奢侈品牌打理它们的在线商店(“单一品牌专卖”),其中包括阿玛尼(Armani)、华伦天奴(Valentino)以及开云集团(Kering)旗下的几个品牌。

    Yoox now powers the web infrastructure for 38 luxury brands ( " mono brands " ) , including Armani , Valentino and those owned by the Kering group .

  23. 阿玛尼(GiorgioArmani)、杰尼亚(ErmenegildoZegna)以及布鲁内诺锭奇内利(BrunelloCucinelli)都完美兼顾了公司的业务与消费者的愉悦感,满足了男士穿着既时髦又不显古板的心愿。

    Giorgio Armani , Ermenegildo Zegna and Brunello Cucinelli all find the sweet spot between business and pleasure , catering to men who wish to look smart but not stuffy .

  24. 当然,阿玛尼已经证明,所有人都错了:在古根海姆博物馆(Guggenheim)近日举办的阿玛尼回顾展中,他的晚礼服占了很大一部分,而他的配饰业务在2003年到2005年间增长了200%。

    Armani has , of course , proved everyone wrong regarding all the above , with his evening wear composing a large chunk of the Guggenheim 's recent Armani retrospective and his accessories growing 200 per cent from 2003 to 2005 .

  25. 他指出新公司只能有一位老大,“而且这个人就是自己”,并继而称自己与昔日在Yoox一样不受员工待见。Yoox为阿玛尼(GiorgioArmani)与华伦天奴(Valentino)等时尚品牌管理电商网站。

    Pointing out that there would be only one boss of the new group " and that 's me , " he went on to describe himself as unpopular at Yoox , which runs ecommerce sites for Giorgio Armani , Valentino and

  26. 举个例子,阿玛尼推出了世界杯主题的T恤系列;网上零售店Yoox与足球时尚杂志《Sepp》合作推出限量版运动衫系列,每一款都不由得让人想起设计师所在的国家队。

    Armani Jeans , for instance , has a collection of World Cup-themed T-shirts , and online retailer Yoox has tied up with football fashion magazine Sepp to create a series of limited-edition sweatshirts , each with a design evoking the national team of its designer .

  27. 阿玛尼西装俨然成了野心勃勃的年轻专业人士的象征。

    The Armani suit came to symbolize these ambitious young professionals .

  28. 在阿玛尼时装公司工作后,他创办了自己的时装公司。

    After working with armani , he launched his own label .

  29. 穷耐克,富阿迪,流氓一身阿玛尼。

    Poor Nike , rich girl , a rascal , armani .

  30. 多岁的女孩,全身阿玛尼,看起来棒极了。

    A twentysomething girl wearing all Armani and looking great .