- 网络aldi;Ardi
Penny-pinching UK consumers choose cheaper products from discounters such as Aldi and Lidl rather than luxury alternatives .
The alert was first raised by Irish food watchdogs earlier this week after horse DNA was found in burgers sold through Tesco , Iceland , Aldi , Lidl and Dunnes in Ireland .
Tests have revealed that ' raw material " supplied to an Irish processing plant , which made burgers for Tesco , Aldi , Lidl and Iceland , contained as much as 20 percent horse DNA , the Irish Government said .
Nothing as stark as the middle class switching from Sainsbury to Aldi , but indicators , nonetheless , that even the very well-heeled are altering their behaviour .
Joseph " Iron Man " Ardizzone in LA .
We went to the market and then suddenly he had a cigarette in his hand .
Ardi will smoke only one brand and his habit costs his parents 3.78 pound a day .
That does not take into account children like Aldi , who are under the age of five .
It has led to calls for the bar , available in some Aldi stores in Germany , to be recalled .
Seto Mulyadi , chairman of the commission , told Diana that she needed to find other things to occupy the boy 's time .
Two-year-old Aldi yanks on his mother 's hair and squirms in her arms . Tears formed a small pool in the folds of his double chin .
A video of him plopped on a brightly-colored toy truck inhaling deeply and happily blowing smoke rings has circulated on the Internet , turning him into a local celebrity .
The alert was first raised by Irish food watchdogs after horse DNA was found in burgers sold through Tesco , Iceland , Aldi , Lidl and Dunnes in Ireland .
But in spite of this , his fishmonger father Mohammed , 30 , said : ' He looks pretty healthy to me . I don 't see the problem . '
Aldi and Lidl , two German discount chains which have won customers across Europe , are family businesses , as are Colruyt , a Belgian one , and Netto , a pan-European one which is owned by A.P.
But , despite local officials ' offer to buy the Rizal family a new car if the boy quits , his parents feel unable to stop him because he throws massive tantrums if they don 't indulge him .
But the image covers up a much more disturbing truth : At just the tender age of two , Ardi Rizal 's health has been so ruined by his 40-a-day habit that he now struggles to move by himself .
His mother , Diana , 26 , wept : ' He 's totally addicted . If he doesn 't get cigarettes , he gets angry and screams and batters his head against the wall . He tells me he feels dizzy and sick . '