
  • 网络aldi;Ardi
  1. 吝啬的英国消费者们会从诸如阿尔迪和利德这样的折扣店里选择更加廉价的产品,而不是其他奢侈的店铺。

    Penny-pinching UK consumers choose cheaper products from discounters such as Aldi and Lidl rather than luxury alternatives .

  2. 本周早些时候,在从爱尔兰的乐购超市、冰岛超市、阿尔迪超市、里德尔超市及邓恩斯超市销售的汉堡中检测出马肉的DNA后,爱尔兰食品监督机构首次发出警报。

    The alert was first raised by Irish food watchdogs earlier this week after horse DNA was found in burgers sold through Tesco , Iceland , Aldi , Lidl and Dunnes in Ireland .

  3. 爱尔兰政府称,经检测,提供给一家爱尔兰加工厂的“原材料”中含有多达20%的马肉DNA。这家加工厂为乐购超市、阿尔迪超市、里德尔超市和冰岛超市供应汉堡。

    Tests have revealed that ' raw material " supplied to an Irish processing plant , which made burgers for Tesco , Aldi , Lidl and Iceland , contained as much as 20 percent horse DNA , the Irish Government said .

  4. 正如中产阶级从森宝利(sainsbury)转向阿尔迪(aldi)一样,有明显迹象显示,甚至连那些非常富有的人也在改变他们的消费行为。

    Nothing as stark as the middle class switching from Sainsbury to Aldi , but indicators , nonetheless , that even the very well-heeled are altering their behaviour .

  5. 洛杉矶的约瑟夫·“铁人”·阿尔迪佐尼

    Joseph " Iron Man " Ardizzone in LA .

  6. 后来又一次我们去市场,突然阿尔迪的手里出现一根烟。

    We went to the market and then suddenly he had a cigarette in his hand .

  7. 阿尔迪只抽一个牌子的香烟,这个爱好每天要花费他的父母3.78英镑。

    Ardi will smoke only one brand and his habit costs his parents 3.78 pound a day .

  8. 这还不算五岁以下吸烟的孩子,比如阿尔迪。

    That does not take into account children like Aldi , who are under the age of five .

  9. 这会导致在德国阿尔迪连锁超市里出售的该产品被召回。

    It has led to calls for the bar , available in some Aldi stores in Germany , to be recalled .

  10. 委员会主席塞托穆利阿迪告诉她,她得找烟以外的事物转移阿尔迪注意力。

    Seto Mulyadi , chairman of the commission , told Diana that she needed to find other things to occupy the boy 's time .

  11. 两岁大的阿尔迪猛拽母亲头发,在她怀中扭动,双下巴褶里都是流泪。

    Two-year-old Aldi yanks on his mother 's hair and squirms in her arms . Tears formed a small pool in the folds of his double chin .

  12. 关于两岁阿尔迪吸烟的视频上周已在网络流传开来,阿尔迪也因此成名。这个著名的视频上,阿尔迪正坐在亮色的玩具卡车上,深深地、开心地吸吐着烟圈。

    A video of him plopped on a brightly-colored toy truck inhaling deeply and happily blowing smoke rings has circulated on the Internet , turning him into a local celebrity .

  13. 事件的首次曝光是在爱尔兰,在乐购、冰岛、阿尔迪、利德和邓恩等多家超市,爱尔兰食品安全局对牛肉汉堡进行抽检后发现含有马肉。

    The alert was first raised by Irish food watchdogs after horse DNA was found in burgers sold through Tesco , Iceland , Aldi , Lidl and Dunnes in Ireland .

  14. 但是尽管如此,阿尔迪的鱼贩父亲、30岁的默罕默德说道:“在我看来他非常健康。我没觉得有什么问题。”

    But in spite of this , his fishmonger father Mohammed , 30 , said : ' He looks pretty healthy to me . I don 't see the problem . '

  15. 阿尔迪和里德尔,是两家德国折扣连锁店,他们在整个欧洲拥有大量消费者群,他们都是是家族企业。

    Aldi and Lidl , two German discount chains which have won customers across Europe , are family businesses , as are Colruyt , a Belgian one , and Netto , a pan-European one which is owned by A.P.

  16. 虽然当地政府承诺,如果这个小男孩戒烟就给阿尔迪家买一辆新车,但是他的父母还是没有办法阻止他抽烟,因为一旦他们不纵容他的爱好,阿尔迪就会大发雷霆。

    But , despite local officials ' offer to buy the Rizal family a new car if the boy quits , his parents feel unable to stop him because he throws massive tantrums if they don 't indulge him .

  17. 但是这张照片掩盖了一个更加令人感到不安的事实:他还只是个2岁大的孩子。一天四十支烟的习惯严重损害了阿尔迪·黎刹的健康,以至于他现在做动作都非常吃力。

    But the image covers up a much more disturbing truth : At just the tender age of two , Ardi Rizal 's health has been so ruined by his 40-a-day habit that he now struggles to move by himself .

  18. 阿尔迪的母亲名叫戴安娜,今年26岁,她抹着眼泪说道:“他完全上瘾了。如果不给他香烟,他就会发怒、大喊大叫、用头撞墙。他对我说他头晕、犯恶心。”

    His mother , Diana , 26 , wept : ' He 's totally addicted . If he doesn 't get cigarettes , he gets angry and screams and batters his head against the wall . He tells me he feels dizzy and sick . '