
  • Mart;RT-MART;Wal-Mart
  1. 大润发似乎明白这一点。

    RT-Mart seems to understand that .

  2. 郑先生希望大润发超市能够适时停止播放或者降低音量,不要影响到周围居民的生活。

    Mr Cheng hoped that RT-Mart supermarket in a timely stop playing or lower the volume , without affecting the lives of surrounding residents .

  3. 它在拐角,大润发对面。

    It 's on the corner , opposite Rt-mart .

  4. 今天早晨我去大润发。

    This morning , I went to Darenfa .

  5. 记者联系了大润发超市的郎经理,并把相关情况向他反映。

    Reporter contacted the RT-Lang supermarket manager , and to the relevant situation to him about .

  6. 家庭在线与麦客隆,大润发超市合作,成为其综合网购服务平台。

    Established strategic cooperation with Carrefour , RT-mart , Maikelong , and became the sole provider of its e-business in Nantong .

  7. 我们的品牌“贝蒂娜”在日用消费品市场已经遍及中国的华东和华北区域,在这些地区的重要的大型超市集团诸如欧尚、大润发、世纪联华、好又多等都可以购买到我们的产品。

    Our Consumer brand " Bettina " can be found in China 's most important Supermarket groups such as Auchan , RT-Mart , Century-mart , and Trust-mart , throughout South East and Northern China .

  8. 与前年相比,去年沃尔玛在中国的销售增长了24.5%,但是分部门的销售额只有1亿7700万元,这一数据仅仅是大润发的一半。

    The company saw sales in China increase 24.5 percent last year compared to a year earlier , but each branch had sales of only 177 million yuan on avergae - halfof the figure for a store run by competitor RT-Mart International Ltd.

  9. 许多连锁超市和大卖场正活跃在当地的业务,其中包括家乐福、麦德龙和大润发。

    Dozens of supermarket and hypermarket chains are doing brisk business locally , including Carrefour , Metro and RT-Mart .