
  • 网络Big economy;large economies;general economy
  1. 不过,美国仍是全球各大经济体中最灵活的。

    Yet the US remains the most flexible of the large economies by far .

  2. 在十二月在哥本哈根举行的全球气候变化会议即将到来之际,很明显,任何协议都必须有像中国这样的大经济体有意义的参与。

    In the run-up to the international climate change conference in Copenhagen in December , it is clear that any agreement must include meaningful participation by large economies like China .

  3. 不过,经济预测学家预计,薄荷四国大概要用30年的时间才能跻身于世界十大经济体。

    Though it may take some years , possibly as many as 30 , economic forecasters predict that the MINTs have the potential to join the top 10 largest economies in the world .

  4. FDI区位选择因素研究&对我国三大经济圈及中西部地区的实证研究

    Regional Selection and Agglomeration of FDI & An Empirical Study on Chinese Three Economic Deltas and Centre-North Region

  5. 以在国内生产总值(gdp)中所占比例计算,全球十大经济刺激方案中,七项出自亚洲。

    Seven of the top 10 stimulus packages , as a percentage of gross domestic product , are Asian .

  6. 在资源利用效率方面,万元GDP生态足迹核算的结果表明当前江苏省六大经济区的资源利用效率都有着不同程度的提高。

    Over the matter of resource utilization , the calculation of 10000 RMB GDP ecological footprint showed that resource utilization has improved in all 6 economic zones .

  7. 本文在世界三大经济板块中,选取最具有代表意义的三大区域经济集团&EU、NAFTA和CAFTA,以它们为实例来探讨区域经济一体化为成员国带来的各种经济效应。

    The article chooses three typical regional economic groups EU 、 NAFTA CAFTA from three economy blocs in the world , and tries to discuss their various economic effects caused by integrity of regional economy .

  8. Friedman的核心&边缘模式作为理论基础,分析了广东省四大经济地域发展水平的差异,探讨了空间极化与空间扩散趋势。

    Friedman 's core-periphery theory , the differences between the four economic regions of the province are analyzed , which are divided in terms of the natural and socio-economic conditions . Furthermore the tendency of the spatial polarization and diffusion is examined .

  9. 中国在2007年超越德国成为第三大经济国。

    China overtook Germany to become the number three economy in2007 .

  10. 我国东部三大经济圈经济增长的统计研究

    Statistical Research on Economic Growth of Three Economic Regions in East China

  11. 论高等教育的四大经济功能

    On the Four Economic Function of Higher Education

  12. 在这个全球第二大经济体的其他地区,情况同样堪忧。

    Elsewhere in the world 's second-largest economy , the situation is similarly worrying .

  13. 临港经济&嘉兴融入上海大经济圈,实现经济增长的引擎

    Ports Area Economy & The Catalyst of Integrating Jiaxing into the Shanghai Economic Circle

  14. 目前,世界已形成了三大经济板块。

    At present , three economic areas have come into being in the world .

  15. 关于我国五大经济特区全民健康体育发展的调查研究与分析

    Research and Analysis on Healthy Physical Education Development of Five Economic Special Zones in China

  16. 中国五大经济特区可持续发展战略研究

    Strategic Study on the Sustainable Development of " Five Special Economic Zones " in China

  17. 从规模看,全球第二大经济体的电子商务市场存在巨大潜力。

    Based on sheer size , ecommerce in the worlds second-largest economy has enormous potential .

  18. 中国在世界上现在变成了第六大经济和第四大贸易商。

    China has now become the sixth largest economy and the fourth largest trader in the world .

  19. 她说,可以想一想这对于世界第二大经济体来说意味着什么。

    ' Think about what this means in the world 's second largest economy , ' she said .

  20. 它和西方范式并列为人类社会两大经济法范式。

    Now that it juxtaposes with the western paradigm become the two economic law paradigms in human society .

  21. 虽然这项救市计划的规模不可谓不大,但它未能阻止各大经济体增速下滑的态势。

    The stimulus , as big as it was , failed to stem the nations declining growth rate .

  22. 更有数据表明,在刚刚过去的2007年中国经济也已超越德国成为世界第三大经济体。

    With more data indicates that China Economy has been the number three in year 2007 by surpassing German .

  23. 按美元计算,中国目前是全球第三大经济体,仅次于日本。

    The Chinese economy is currently the third largest in the world measured in dollar terms , just behind Japan .

  24. 在现代经济中,居民、企业和政府是参与经济运行的三大经济主体。

    In contemporary economy , residents , enterprises and governments are the three major economic agents participating in economic operation .

  25. 周一中国股市反弹之前,最新公布的数据凸显了全球第二大经济体的政策制定者在增长放缓时面临的困难。

    The Monday rebound came after new data underscored the difficulty policymakers face as the world 's second largest economy slows .

  26. 举个例子,德国人每周只工作35个小时,但它也一直保持着世界第四大经济大国的位置。

    Germany , for example , averages a 35-hour work week but also maintains the fourth largest economy in the world .

  27. 目前,世界已经形成了欧盟、北美自由贸易区和东北亚三大经济板块。

    At present , three economic sectors have been developed in the world including European Union , NAFTA and Northeast Asia .

  28. 因此,从战略角度就如何利用专利资源进行研究,使专利技术能够为企业带来更大经济效益,具有十分重要的意义。

    So it is very meaningful that researches how to use the patent resource and make the patent bring more economic efficiency .

  29. 中国已经拥有全球第四大经济体,超过了英国,正迅速逼近德国。

    China already has the world 's fourth-biggest economy , ahead of the UK , and is rapidly closing in on Germany .

  30. 在资源丰富的澳大利亚,人们对世界第二大经济体中国影响力的担忧日益加剧。

    Within resource-rich Australia , concerns have been rising about the extent of the influence of China , the world 's second-largest economy .