
  • 网络intergenerational equity;intergeneration equity;inter-generational equity;intergenerational justice;intergenerational fairness
  1. 此外,政治家们在很大程度上未能解决代际公平(intergenerationalequity)的问题。

    Politicians have also largely failed to address the issue of intergenerational equity .

  2. 环境公平包括代内公平和代际公平。

    The environmental equity theory includes generational equity and intergenerational equity .

  3. 可持续发展决策和评价中的代际公平问题研究

    Studies on intergenerational equity in sustainable development decision making and assessment

  4. 农林特产资源可持续利用的代际公平

    Intergenerational Equity and Sustainable Utilization of Agricultural and Forestry Specialty Resources

  5. 代际公平是个丑陋的词汇,却是一个重要的概念。

    Intergenerational equity is an ugly phrase , but an important concept .

  6. 环境代际公平是可持续发展的重要思想之一。

    Environmental intergenerational equity is one of the thinks of sustainable development .

  7. 从中国传统文化视角论代际公平与和谐

    On the Fairness and Harmony Among the Generations in traditional culture perspective

  8. 生态效率源自代际公平。

    And the ecological efficiency in the fairness between generations .

  9. 可持续发展视阈下的代际公平问题研究

    As the Threshold of Sustainable Development under the Research on Inter-generational Equity

  10. 资源与财富代际公平判别模型研究

    The Discerning Model of Intergenerational Fairness Between Resource and Wealth

  11. 可持续发展代际公平的初步研究

    A preliminary study on the inter-era fair of sustainable development

  12. 环境代际公平及其判别模型研究

    Studies on environmental intergenerational equity and its judging model

  13. 社会公正和代际公平是可持续发展的根本动因。

    Social justice and generation equity are the essential motives for sustainable development .

  14. 二是公平性原则,在分配资源和占有财富上兼顾代内公平与代际公平;

    The second one is principle of equity .

  15. 以代际公平为目标。

    Pursue the equity between generations to generation .

  16. 代际公平与城市规划公正

    Urban Planning Justice and Justice in Differ-ent Times

  17. 代际公平应包含文化资源内容。

    Justice in intergeneration should contain culture resource .

  18. 论代内公平与代际公平

    Study on Within-generation Fair and Inter-generation Fair

  19. 强调发展不仅要实现人类的代内公正,还应该保护代际公平,因此实现经济与社会的可持续发展是以人为本发展观的必然选择。

    This inevitably leads to the choice of sustainable development based on the development of human-being-in-itself .

  20. 代际公平原则与可持续土地利用规划&南京市的实例研究


  21. 环境权既能支持可持续发展,又能保障代际公平。

    Environment rights not only can support the sustainable development but also can protect the inter-generational equity .

  22. 蕴含在可持续发展观中的一个重要问题是代际公平问题。

    An important problem which lies in the sustainable-development - viewpoint , is a problem of intergenerational justice .

  23. 社会养老保险代际公平不仅是经济学问题,还是分配正义问题。

    Intergenerational equity of social old-age insurance is not only an economic issue , but also a distributive one .

  24. 代际公平指的不仅仅是、甚至也不主要是政府借贷及债务水平。

    And intergenerational equity is not only , or even mainly , about levels of government borrowing and debt .

  25. 从公平的主体来看,公平包括了代内公平和代际公平。

    Judging from the main body of a fair , justice is including the intra-generational equity and inter-generational equity .

  26. 自然资源参与分配&兼顾代际公平与生态效率的分配制度

    Participation of Natural Resource in the Income Distribution & A System Which Gives Attention to Both Eco-efficiency and Equity between Generations

  27. 接下来,文章还分析了罗尔斯的代际公平与可持续发展战略的伦理基础之间的关系。

    Then the writer analyses the relation between Rawls 's intergenerational equity and the ethical basic of strategy of sustainable development .

  28. 因此,代际公平问题的缘起是生态环境的恶化与现代发展观的变革。

    So , the intergenerational justice is originated from the environmental problem and the change of the viewpoint of modern development .

  29. 在旅游资源开发利用上要坚持旅游资源代际公平分配的立法原则。

    In the tourism resources development and utilization of resources to adhere to the tourism distribution of intergenerational equity principle of legislation .

  30. 在这种情况下,代际公平的实现就只能寄希望于作为一个整体的当代人的道德自律了;

    In this condition , the realization of the intergenerational justice is only placed hopes on the morality-disciple of the contemporary people .