
dài lǐ háng
  • correspondent;commission agent;shop commissioned to sell certain goods
  1. 顾客:选择代理行对我们有什么好处?

    Customer : what 's the good if we chose correspondent bank ?

  2. 银行在国外建立代理行网并在这些银行开立帐户。

    Banks develop a network of correspondent banks abroad with which they maintain accounts .

  3. 一旦在某个代理行登记了详细信息并由它将支票存入银行,这一程序就开始了。

    Once you have registered your particulars with an agency and it has banked your cheque , the process begins .

  4. 关于进一步指示,请和横滨我运输代理行ABC公司联系。

    As for further instruction , please contact ABC Company , our shipping agent in Yokohama .

  5. 我子公司AFA报关代理行代办全美、加拿大和海外某些地点的结关事务。

    Our subsidiary , the AFA Customs Brokerage clears shipments through customs throughout the U.S.A , Canada and in selected overseas destinations .

  6. 代理行、分行和子行三种契约成本各不相同。

    Agents , branches and sub-line have different contract costs .

  7. 代理行与被代理行的权利和义务;

    Rights and obligations of agency bank and principal bank ;

  8. 为了本代理行的利益,凯西应该辞职。

    Casey should quit for the good of the agency .

  9. 国际银团贷款中牵头行、代理行的诚信义务问题

    On the Duty of Fiduciary in International Syndicated Loans

  10. 与代理行约定的其他事项。

    Other issues as agreed with the agency bank .

  11. 这使他有机会开始他自己的公司——创意艺术家代理行。

    That presented an opportunity to start his own operation , Creative Artists Agency .

  12. 他在一家服装店工作的时候,保罗·科赫纳代理行给他打来电话。

    While he was working at a clothing store , the Paul KohnerAgency called .

  13. 论票据抗辩然后,对代理行和分行进行经济学分析。

    On the Bill Counterargument Then , there is an economics analysis about agencies and branches .

  14. 代理行和海外分行是银行国际分销渠道的两种主要模式。

    The agency and overseas branch are two main models of distribution channels for the multinational banks .

  15. 清算代理行代理券款对付的资金结算时,应通过其在支付系统的清算账户进行。

    DVP settlement through clearing agents should be made via the agents'clearing accounts in the Payment System .

  16. 委托方为被代理行,受委托方为代理行。

    The entrusting party is the principal bank , while the entrusted party is the agency bank .

  17. 对被代理行签发银行汇票的资金移存情况进行检查,并及时与被代理行进行账务核对;

    Check fund transfer of bank bills issued by principal bank ; promptly check accounts with principal bank ;

  18. 按照规定的费率和约定的付费方式向代理行支付代理业务手续费;

    Pay agency charges to the agency bank as per the rate and in the way agreed between them ;

  19. 作为一种安全的付款方式,汇票应对代收行或者代理行进行空白背书汇票。

    As a safety measure the bills of exchange should be endorsed in blank to the collecting bank or correspondent bank .

  20. 全套清洁无疵货运单据,包括买方指定的运输公司代理行提单。

    A complete set of clean shipping documents including the bill of lading of the forwarding agency designated by the Buyer .

  21. 在人民银行开立准备金存款账户或在代理行开立同业往来账户,并存在足够资金保证清算;

    Open reserve account at PBC or interbank account at agency bank , in which sufficient funds are saved for settlement ;

  22. 本函仅为上述代理行出具的信用证通知书,不含我行任何承诺。

    This is solely an advice of credit opened by above mentioned correspondent bank and conveys no engagement on our part .

  23. 一般来说,凭信用卡可到信用卡发售行及其代理行预支两千美元。

    Generally speaking , the issuing bank and the correspondent banks will advance a sum of 2 , 000 dollars against credit card .

  24. 将行名、行号、营业地址、邮政编码、电报挂号等变更事项及时通知代理行;

    Immediately inform the agency bank any change to its bank name , swift code , address , post code and cable a ;

  25. 在这种情况下,货物可能没有售出,而是寄售,希望代理行能获得最好的价格。

    In this case , goods may be sent on consignment , unsold , and the agent is expected to obtain the best price available ;

  26. 他在威廉·莫里斯代理行待了5年多,并很乐意待更长的时间,但命运弄人,不久他的师傅被解雇了。

    He stayed at William Motris for over five years and would happily have stayed longer , but fate intervened when his mentor was fired .

  27. 业务流程上应进一步强化规范性,加快与代理行的联网,实现电子化操作,缩短客户等待时间,加强寿险公司与客户之间的联系。

    Ought to intensify norm further on the business process , And speed up networK with the deputy , Cut down the waiting time for client .

  28. 周六汇款,收到告知。我们要发电报给那儿的代理行,经它去通知收款人,并付给收款人汇款金额。

    Mailing money saturday inform receipt . We 'd send a telegram to order the correspondent bank to advise and pay the money to the remittee .

  29. 梅耶尔逐渐地建立了创意艺术家代理行的客户群,他总在与人拉关系,参加他所被邀请的任何活动——聚会、会餐、电影、录音。

    He built CAA client by client . He was always networking . attending anything he could get invited to-parties , dinners , screenings , and tapings .

  30. 按照支付结算制度和协议的规定,对代理行签发银行汇票、资金移存以及印、押、证安全管理情况进行检查;

    As per payment and settlement rules , check bank bills issued by agency bank , transfer of funds , and security management of stamp , encryption and vouchers ;