
  • 网络intergenerational transfer
  1. 晚清徐州煤矿的家族代际传承初探

    Family Generation Inheritance of Xuzhou Coal Mines in Late Qing Dynasty

  2. 国内家族企业代际传承发展思路探究

    Inquiry into Development Approaches of Inheritance across Generations of Family Firms in China

  3. 基于知识观的家族企业代际传承研究

    Research on the Transgenerational Succession from a Knowledge-Based View of the Family Firm

  4. 家族企业代际传承中存在的问题及对策

    An Analysis on the Problems of Family-owned Business in the Process of Succession

  5. 我国家族企业代际传承的实质&控制权传递

    The Essence of China 's Family Business Intergenerational Inheritance : Control Rights Transmission

  6. 清中叶钱塘梁氏家族文化代际传承研究

    Research on Liang Family Culture Heritage in Qiantang in the Middle of Qing Dynasty

  7. 家族企业代际传承研究

    Research on the Hereditary Succession in Clannish Enterprises

  8. 刍议家族企业代际传承中的利益相关者

    On family enterprise inheriting 's interest relater

  9. 民营企业代际传承时机与公司业绩的关系研究

    A Study on the Relationship between Timing of Passing the Baton and Business Performance of Private Enterprises

  10. 可是,当前家族企业代际传承研究主要还是关注了物质资本,对知识资本的研究明显不足。

    However , most of the current family business succession studies paid their attentions to the physical capital .

  11. 在收益方面,我们认为代际传承可以维持家族企业的凝聚力和稳定预期,减少家族企业继任过程中带来的震荡。

    First of all , we consider inter-generational succession can maintain stability and cohesion of family business , to reduce the shock .

  12. 全球化与价值观的代际传承和代际整合&从中国社会的改革开放背景来看

    Globalization and the Intergenerational Inheritance and Integration of Values & Looking from the background of Chinese society 's reform and opening - up

  13. 国内关于家族企业代际传承的理论研究并不多,国外文献也主要集中于家族企业代际传承的过程和环节的研究。

    The research of inter-generational succession in family business is not much , and foreign literature is mainly on the links of the process .

  14. 美国著名人类学家玛格丽特?米德的三喻文化理论开启了后喻文化和代际传承研究的先河。

    Three pre-figurative culture proposed by The famous American anthropologist Margaret Mead ' is a starting point of the study of post-figurative culture and Intergenerational inheritance .

  15. 在对全文进行总结之后,从家族企业自身和市场环境两方面,为家族企业的发展与代际传承提出相关建议。

    From the two aspects of the family business and market environment , we make several recommendations for the development of the family business and its succession .

  16. 本研究将社会关系网络理论中的嵌入性概念引入家族企业研究中,并用其来解释家族企业成长中的代际传承问题。

    The " embeddeness " concept of social network was introduced to family business study , and used to explain the growing family business inter-generational succession issue .

  17. 其次,要在企业内部建立有效的激励机制,如建立合理的代际传承机制、授权机制和薪酬激励,充分发挥职业经理人的工作热情。

    Second , the corporation should build an effective incentive mechanism , for instance , building a reasonable generation inheritance system , authorization mechanism and compensation incentive .

  18. 在成本方面,我们认为代际传承可以避免引入职业经理人的激励约束成本,引入职业经理人需要对经理人监督约束,进行治理结构调整,提供激励性报酬,而维持代际传承则可以节约这一成本。

    Inter-generational succession can avoid the introduction of professional managers , which can save cost of supervise and restrain the manager , adjust the management structure incentive pay .

  19. 非物质文化遗产的传播是一种动态的、活态的传播,主要以人为载体,以口传心授的方式进行代际传承。随着老辈传承人的逝世,他们身上的文化内涵也就随之消亡。

    The communication of Intangible Cultural Heritage ( ICH ) is dynamic and active , which depends on people carriers by means of oral instruction and rote memory .

  20. 就具体研究思路而言,首先,论文围绕新业务创建和代际传承这一主线展开案例实地调研和资料收集整理工作。

    First of all , the paper around the new business creation and inheritance of this masterstroke to spread out the case of field survey and data collection work .

  21. 纵观中外关于家族企业代际传承模式,“子承父业”仍是许多家族企业首选的交接班方式。

    This paper describes the family business at home and abroad , and finds that " inherited his father ′ s " is still relief method for many family firms .

  22. 而本文的企业契约嵌入家族关系网络恰恰对于解释这一难题有帮助,并且在解释控制权代际传承中,更是显示出这一理论的有力性。

    In this paper we use contract embedded in the family network to explain this problem . When explaining the inter-generational succession of control rights , it is more powerful .

  23. 代际传承可以在家族企业创始人和下一代的控制权的更替中完成知识结构的衔接,同时转变企业发展战略,为企业的进一步发展开拓广阔的空间。

    Inter-generational succession in the family business can complete replacement of knowledge between the founder and next generation . Meanwhile it can change in development strategies , and open a wide space for the further development .

  24. 家庭知识资源贫困的代际传承与文化不适&兰州市回族学校回族学生低升学率原因的调查与分析

    The Descending of the Shortage of Knowledge Sources in the Family and the Disagreement in Culture & A Research and Analysis about the Cause of the Low Proportion of Students Entering School of a Higher Grade

  25. 我国家族企业发展到今天,代际传承已经是无法回避的问题,与现实人们对代际传承关注相比,理论研究相对滞后。

    In China , with the Family business developing , the inter-generational succession is already the question which is unable to avoid . Compared with the social attention , the fundamental research of inter-generational succession lags relatively .

  26. 每一个家族企业的家长都会出于天性想要把权力传给下一代,家族企业永续经营面临的最大问题就是企业控制权代际传承危机。

    The nature of the parents would want to pass on the control right to the next generation . The most difficult problem faced the family business is the crisis of passing the control rights on next generation .

  27. 为实现家族企业永续经营,企业家应树立永续经营的理念、建立良性的用人机制、处理好代际传承、明晰内部产权、走专业化经营的道路等。

    Entrepreneurs should build up the idea of sustain management , set up benign servant mechanism , deal well with the handing over of the enterprises between generations , ascertain the interior property right , and follow the specialization working mode and so on .

  28. 其中,对组织层面家族企业代际传承要素的识别、对不同要素之间关系的分析、以及对不同要素代际传承实现方式或途径的归纳等,都是值得进一步深入探讨的重要研究议题。

    In future research , the identification of succession elements at organizational level , the analysis of the relationships between different elements , and the clarification of the means and modes in which the entrepreneurial network is transferred , are all interesting topics that require in-depth study .

  29. 研究还指出,家族企业的社会网络资本代际传承分三个阶段进行,每个阶段传承的内容和重点是有所区别的,正确掌握和运用传承方法有利于企业继承人的成功接班。

    The study also pointed out that the inter-generational transmission of social network capital should be divided into three stages , each stage of transmission has different content and emphasis , and using and predominating the transmission method correctly is in favor of the successor succession successful .

  30. 就该地区而言,传说本身即是代际文化传承的载体,能够让后人找到祖先的活动痕迹,同时也是村落文化共同体确立自信,在内部与外部形成自豪感的重要方式。

    In regard to that region , legend is a carrier to spread culture from generation to generation , which could let posterity find out the ancestral movable trace . Also , it is an important way to establish self-confidence and proud between village union interior and exterior .