
  • 网络Unified Governance
  1. 不同国家采用不同方式对股东单边治理缺陷进行弥补。

    Different countries use different ways to make up for the weakness of shareholder unilateral governance .

  2. 回顾公司治理结构理论从单边治理到共同治理演变,详细介绍相关最新理论。

    Reviews the corporate governance structure from unilateral governance to co-governance and interprets the latest related theories in detail .

  3. 现代企业治理原则正在逐步走出股东至上的传统思维定式,从单边治理走向共同治理。

    Modern enterprise management principle is gradually going out shareholders supremacy of the traditional mode of thinking , from the unilateral control to common governance .

  4. 二要创新治理结构,实现从单边治理结构到法人治理结构的转变;

    Two to set up to manage the construction , realize to manage the construction from the single side the legal person manage the structural change ;

  5. 股东至上主义逻辑和利益相关者理论作为公司治理的思想源流,分别导致了两种不同的治理模式:股东单边治理模式和利益相关者共同治理模式。

    As the different resources of corporate governance , stockholder conciliarism and stakeholder theory lead to two different governance models respectively , one is shareholder-oriented and the other is stakeholder-oriented .

  6. 现代公司治理机制理论主要包括股东单边治理理论、大股东治理理论、利益相关者治理理论、相机治理理论及市场治理理论等。

    The modern corporate governance theories include the Shareholder Governance Theory , the Major Shareholder Governance Theory , the Interest-related Individual Governance Theory , the Contingency Governance Theory and the Market Governance Theory , etc.

  7. 在公司的利益相关者理论影响下,公司治理从股东的单边治理发展为有雇员、债权人等非股东参与的利益相关者的共同治理。

    Under the influence of the theory of corporate stakeholders , the corporate governance has developed from unilateral-governance into co-governance in which employees , creditors as well as the other stakeholders play an important role .

  8. 在企业初期,家族式的单边治理结构为企业提供了高效的发展模式,然而随着企业的不断发展这种模式却成了企业发展的绊脚石。

    Early in the enterprise , family unilateral governance structure to provide enterprises with a highly efficient model of development , but with the continuous development of business enterprise development , this model has become a stumbling block .

  9. 以此理论为指导构建的公司治理结构彻底改变了单边治理的治理模式,强调一种利益相关者广泛参与、共同治理的模式。

    The corporate governance structure formed under this theory has thoroughly changed the " unilateral control " model of governance . It emphasizes a model of wide participation and joint management by the stakeholders of one kind of interest .

  10. 研究认为,在公司的股权集中度越高,连锁董事网络的规模越小的状态下,单边治理模式越适合,反之,则更适合共同治理和网络治理模式。

    In the state of a high degree of concentration in equity and a low scale of interlocking directors network , the equity first governance pattern is more appropriate ; otherwise , co-governance pattern and network governance are more suitable .

  11. 以契约经济学理论为依据,讨论了物流系统的4种治理模式,即多边治理、三边治理、双边治理和单边治理。

    This paper , based on theories of contract economics , discusses four logistics governance models , namely multilateral , trilateral , bilateral and unilateral governances . The applicable prerequisites , advantages and disadvantages of each governance mode are explicitly analysed .

  12. 资本所有权的产权特征影响企业所有权的契约安排,从而使契约形式具有多样性,如资本雇佣劳动或劳动雇佣资本式单边治理契约和利益相关者共同治理契约。

    The ownership of capital will influence contractual disposition of ownership of enterprise . Thus the disposition contracts have variety of forms , such as " capital hire labor " or " labor hire capital " sole-part contract and " correlative stakeholders corporate " all-parts contract .

  13. 企业治理经历了从遵循“股东至上主义”逻辑的单边治理到信奉利益相关者平等参与企业所有权的分配的共同治理的演进过程总的来说是科层治理。

    Enterprise governance has gone through the process of unilateral governance , which following the creed that " the stock holders are the most important , and gone through the process of co-governance , which advocates that " the interest-related partners should fairly participate the enterprise 's ownership distribution .

  14. 结论是:公司治理的一般原则已经从单边公司治理向多边公司治理转变。

    The conclusion is : The general principle that the company managing has already been changed from the unilateral company to the multilateral company .

  15. 董事会制度的改革与完善在单边公司治理的公司治理思想指导下已经陷入困境。

    The thought of reforming and perfecting the board of directors under the guidance of unilateral company has already gone into a dead road .