
diào xiāo zhí zhào
  • revoke a license;suspend a license
  1. 他被吊销执照半年。

    He lost his licence for six months

  2. 如果不合要求,电台可能会被吊销执照。

    If it doesn 't pass muster , a radio station could have its license challenged .

  3. 一位几年前就被吊销执照的私家侦探。

    A private detective who lost his license a couple years ago .

  4. 10年前你以失误被吊销执照。

    Ten years ago , you had your license revoked temporarily for malpractice .

  5. 可能的制裁手段包括罚款、吊销执照、或提出刑事诉讼。

    Possible sanctions include fines , the revoking of licences , or criminal action .

  6. 他被吊销执照,以示惩戒。

    His license was revoked as a warning .

  7. 吊销执照的决定立即生效。不过飞行员有十天的时间进行上诉。

    The decision is effective immediately but the pilots do have ten days to appeal .

  8. 我会被吊销执照。

    I could lose my license .

  9. 根据修正草案,酒后司机一次被抓将被吊销执照。

    According to the draft amendment , drunk drivers will have their license revoked once caught .

  10. 你开得太快了,总有一天要被吊销执照。

    You are driving too fast . I think you ll get your licence suspended one day .

  11. 仲裁员是这一项目的要职,他们给裁判评分。如果裁判存在见就会被吊销执照。

    The referees , a powerful position in this sport , grade judges , and can suspend them if they show national bias .

  12. 目前,英国的医生只有在被医疗委员会认定为不称职的情况下才可被吊销执照。

    At present doctors can only be debarred if complaints about their conduct or medical practice are upheld by regulators at the General Medical Council .

  13. 台湾政府推出了中介机构评级制度,若连续两年在年度评估中位于最低等级,将有可能被吊销执照。

    The government has introduced a rating system for the brokerages and threatened to revoke the licenses of those that are rated within the lowest tier in two consecutive annual reviews .

  14. 佩恩一年前因为酒后驾驶而被吊销了执照。

    Payne lost his driving licence a year ago for drink-driving

  15. 美国全国运输安全委员会(USNTSB)说,他们对上周FAA吊销他们执照的决定提起上诉。

    The NTSB says they have appealed the FAA 's decision last week to their license .

  16. 这么做可能会吊销医疗执照并坐牢。

    He could end up in prison and lose his medical license .

  17. 什么时候他们才能吊销他的执照?

    When are they going to take his license away ?

  18. 吊销营业执照或者广告经营许可证。

    Revocation of the business licences or the licences for advertising operation .

  19. 如果罪名成立,他们将面临终身被吊销律师执照。

    The lawyers face permanent disbarment over the charges .

  20. 被吊销营业执照的公司在清算期间,仍然具有权利能力。

    The company still has the right capacity during the period of liquidation .

  21. 吊销营业执照的法律问题

    The Legal Issue in Business Licence 's Cancellation

  22. 一年两次违规,将吊销驾驶执照。

    Two violations in one year will lead to a driving license being revoked .

  23. 他不仅被罚了五英镑,还被吊销了执照。

    He has his licence taken away , as well as being fined five pounds .

  24. 犯罪单位被吊销营业执照后的法律责任之探讨

    An Exploration of Legal Responsibility of Units Committing Crimes After Being Revoked the Business License

  25. 浅析公司被吊销营业执照后的法律地位

    A Brief Analysis of Company 's Legal Status after its Business License has been Revoked

  26. 这些人中的积极奔走之士,要么被吊销了执照,要么干脆消失了。

    Some of those who have pushed aggressively have had their licences revoked or have simply disappeared .

  27. 因此,债权人可以主张被吊销营业执照的公司承担债务清偿责任。

    So the creditors may require the company whose business license has been revoked to pay the debts .

  28. 从理论上说,公司被吊销营业执照应当依法进行清算,解决公司的债权债务问题。

    In theory , corporation should be cleared to solve the creditor 's rights and debts when they are revoked .

  29. 情节严重的,责令停业整顿,或者由工商行政管理机关吊销营业执照。

    For serious cases , they shall be ordered to stop operation for correction or have their business licenses revoked .

  30. 情节严重的,可并处以吊销营业执照、责令停业。

    In cases of serious violation , business licenses may be revoked in addition and suspension of business operations be ordered .