
  • 网络Director Qualifications
  1. 然而,相比于经济处罚,福雷斯特被剥夺董事资格的处罚可能更为严厉,因为这将迫使他辞去fortescue首席执行官一职。

    However , the financial penalties are likely to matter less to Mr Forrest than director disqualification , which would force him to step down as Fortescue chief executive .

  2. 违法者将接受民事处分,包括被取消董事资格。

    Offenders should face civil penalties , including disqualificatoin of company directors .

  3. 从独立董事资格的认定和选聘机制的建立两个方面对这一问题进行了探讨和论述。

    Two aspects of this system are described : the qualification recognition and the establishment of the selection and employment mechanism .

  4. 为满足公司实践的需要,《公司法》的修改应当明确肯认法人的董事资格,并赋予公司通过章程对法人董事代表的改派方式及程序进行适当限制的权利。

    In order to meet the need of company practice , the revision of company law in our country shall affirm legal person 's qualification for a board director , and companies shall be entitled to restrict the mode and procedure of representatives ' designation by legal persons .

  5. 加强独立董事任职资格的培训以及勤勉义务的履行。

    Strengthen qualifications and diligence obligations of independent directors by professional training .

  6. 加强独立董事的资格认证;

    Strengthen the qualification of the independent director ;

  7. 上市公司独立董事的资格认定及选聘机制研究

    Research on Qualification Recognition of the Independent Directors of Listed Company and Selection and Employment Mechanism

  8. 第三部分,就独立董事的资格制度、任免制度、薪酬制度和在董事会下设专门委员会提出立法建议。

    Section 3 gives some legislation advice about qualification system , appointing and deposing system , salary system of Independent Director , and setting up special committee in directorate .

  9. 该部分在立足我国国情的情况下,针对我国独立董事在资格认定制度、产生机制、薪酬制度以及与监事会的关系等方面的局限性,提出了相关建议。

    According to our national situation , this part shows clearly the independent directors ' limitations in qualifications , the generation mechanism , salary system and the relationship with the board of supervisors and puts forward related suggestions .

  10. 在该制度体系的移植过程中,应对独立董事的任职资格,选聘方式,职权,激励机制等事项进行重点设计。

    It should be emphasized to the independent director 's qualification , election method , authority , promoting mechanism in the process of system transplant .

  11. 上市公司董事会秘书资格培训和后续培训均采用网上自学与集中授课、辅导、考核相结合的形式。

    The form of combing online self-learning and with centralized instruction , tutoring and examination is taken for the qualification training and subsequent training of the secretaries of the board of directors of listed companies .

  12. 逐一介绍了国有独资公司外部董事的任职资格、获取外部董事人才资源的方法、外部董事的配备、外部董事的选聘流程以及外部董事的评价。

    Introduced include the qualifications of the outside directors , The way to get outside directors of human resources , Outside directors equipment , The hiring process of outside directors and the evaluation of outside directors .

  13. 然而,定额制将会使那些本不够董事会成员资格的女性得到晋升。如果因定额制得到晋升的女性在在没有此帮助的情况下,能证明她们能表现出与那些得到任命的人一样的能力,这将会是令人惊讶的。

    The effect of quotas , however , will be to elevate women who would not otherwise get onto the board . It would be surprising if they proved as able as those appointed without such help .

  14. 上市公司董事会秘书资格培训及后续教育培训考核,按照考试成绩、培训出勤率、诚信记录等综合评定。

    For the examination of qualification training and subsequent training of the secretaries of the board of directors of listed companies , comprehensive evaluation will be made on the basis of examination score , rate of attendance and records of good faiths .

  15. 虽然纳税者不应成为表面上的私人银行的受托人,但他们的钱肯定给予了他们成为董事会代表的资格。

    While taxpayers should not be fiduciaries of ostensibly private banks , their monies surely entitle them to boardroom representation .

  16. 本部分在综合研究国内外各种观点与做法之后,明确了董事的概念与资格,并阐明了作者对于董事与公司关系的观点即委任关系的观点。

    Based on the research of the views and practice of other countries , this part gives a clear idea about the definition and the qualification of the directors , and it also gives the opinion of the author about the relationship & procuratory .

  17. 英国商务部已表示,将寻求通过法律途径,剥夺以工业家约翰托尔斯(johntowers)为首的“凤凰四董事”担任公司董事的资格。

    The Department for business has said that it will pursue legal proceedings to disqualify the four men , who were led by the industrialist John towers , from being company directors .

  18. 除本节另有规定外,对独立非执行董事适用本章程有关董事的资格和义务的规定。

    Except as otherwise provided in this section , the non-executive directors are subject to the provisions of the articles of association with regard to the qualification and obligation of the directors .

  19. 为在投资公司和投资基金管理公司建立健全独立董事制度,必须强化独立董事的资格确保机制、利益激励机制、责任追究机制和集体规模优势。

    Regarding the introduction of independent directors to the investment corporations and investment fund management corporations , the clear definition of qualification , motivation and obligation and scale advantage of independent directors mechanism .

  20. 第四部分,独立董事的任免。这部分论述了独立董事的资格一包括积极资格和消极资格;

    The fourth part is about appointing and deposition of the independent director .

  21. 从六个方面提出完善我国上市公司独立董事制度的建议,尤其是在建立独立董事资格考试制度、独立董事声誉激励制度、独立董事保险制度等方面提出适合我国国情的创新观点。

    I will analyze it in six parts which establish creative ideas about the qualification exam , credit awards and insurance rules for independent director system in China .

  22. 当前,在我国上市公司大力借鉴和推行独立董事制度的过程中,不仅要严肃独立董事的任职资格、独立董事的权限,更应该研究和强调独立董事的责任和利益。

    At present , in the course of referring and impelling the independent director system in the listed corporations , the director 's qualification and right should be examined carefully and the director 's responsibility and benefit also should be studied and strengthened .

  23. 独立董事制度是为了确保独立董事能够实现其功能而由法律法规确定的有关独立董事的任职资格、选任和解聘程序、权利义务和责任等一系列规范制度体系的总称。

    Independent director system is to ensure that independent directors to achieve its functions defined by the laws and regulations relating to the representation of independent directors qualifications , selection and dismissal procedures , rights , obligations and responsibilities of a series of regulatory systems such as a generic term .

  24. 再次从英美国家特殊的单层制董事会权力机制入手分析了该制度产生与发展的深层次原因。另外介绍了有关独立董事任命的几个问题:独立董事的资格、独立董事的提名和任期等。

    Moreover , this article deals with several relevant problems about the system : the qualification , term of office and dismiss of office of independent director and so on .