
dǒng shì huì
  • directorate;board of directors;court
董事会 [dǒng shì huì]
  • (1) [directorate;board of directors]∶公司的全体董事出席的会

  • 两个附属的基金会,今天都在召开董事会

  • (2) [court]∶有资格主管一个组织的一般事务的理事、经理或代表的机构

  • 大学的董事会

董事会[dǒng shì huì]
  1. 有人要求她辞去董事会中的职务。

    There were calls for her resignation from the board of directors .

  2. 最高权力属于董事会。

    The ultimate authority resides with the board of directors .

  3. 发言人的话打消了人们关于董事会不和的所有推测。

    A spokesman dismissed any suggestion of a boardroom rift .

  4. 接待员领路来到董事会会议室。

    The receptionist led the way to the boardroom .

  5. 她在董事会的人事突变中失去了职位。

    She lost her position in a boardroom coup .

  6. 她获选入董事会。

    She was voted onto the board of governors .

  7. 最近得到的信息也许会使董事会重新考虑。

    Recent information may persuade the board to reconsider .

  8. 账目已由董事会正式批准。

    The accounts were formally approved by the board .

  9. 董事会的两名成员辞职以示抗议。

    Two members resigned from the board in protest .

  10. 委员会就教师的工资和工作条件问题向董事会提出建议。

    The committee made recommendations to the board on teachers ' pay and conditions .

  11. 他是董事会成员。

    He 's on the board of directors .

  12. 她获增选为董事会成员。

    She was co-opted onto the board .

  13. 董事会完全无视我的建议。

    The board completely disregarded my recommendations .

  14. 他争辩说这项议题已变得毫无实际意义,因为董事会已经改变了政策。

    He argued that the issue had become moot since the board had changed its policy .

  15. 董事会成员一致批准了该项决定。

    The Board of Directors has approved the decision unanimously .

  16. 理查德·纳尔逊上校直到今年才从地方教育董事会离职。

    Colonel Richard Nelson served on the school board until this year .

  17. 董事会迟迟未能作出决定。

    The Board had been slow to render its verdict .

  18. 董事会自称毫不犹豫地一致否决了该项报价。

    The board said it had no hesitation in unanimously rejecting the offer

  19. 他是当地一家银行的董事会成员之一。

    He served on the board of directors of a local bank .

  20. 公司董事会的明争暗斗还远没有结束。

    The boardroom strife at the company is far from over

  21. 我们希望你重新考虑辞去董事会职务的决定。

    We want you to reconsider your decision to resign from the board

  22. 该银行将由一个职业银行家组成的董事会来管理。

    The Bank would be managed by a directorate of professional bankers .

  23. 董事会肯定已被约翰斯通掌控了。

    The board of directors must surely have been in Johnstone 's pocket .

  24. 所有人都已集中到了董事会会议室,准备参加上午9点钟的会议。

    Everyone had already assembled in the boardroom for the 9:00 a.m. session .

  25. 阿瑟希望在明天的会议上把自己的建议书提交董事会。

    Arthur wants to put his recommendation before the board at a meeting tomorrow .

  26. 我对董事会负责。

    I 'm responsible to my board of directors

  27. 约翰逊以为自己完全掌控了董事会。

    Johnson thought he had the board of directors in the palm of his hand

  28. 董事会认为这个提议不可行。

    The board said the idea was unfeasible .

  29. 他惊恐地发现董事会成员正在进行你死我活的私人争斗。

    He was appalled to discover members of the board fighting damaging personal battles .

  30. 下一批经理人包括副总经理和董事会董事。

    The next tranche of managers consists of assistant general managers and board directors .