
  • 网络Board Resolution;corporate resolution
  1. 主体资格、组织结构、董事会决议、股东会决议等;

    Subtitute qualification , organization structure , board resolution , shareholder meeting resolution ;

  2. 董事会决议,任命一个授权签字人(我们准备了)。

    A board resolution which appoints the authorized signatories ( we prepare it ) .

  3. 这充其量只能对董事会决议产生间接的影响。

    The effect on board decisions will be indirect at best .

  4. 投资方董事会决议。

    The resolution of the board of directors of the enterprise .

  5. (二)申请上市的董事会决议;

    The decision adopted by the board of directors regarding listing application ;

  6. 我们要求查看董事会决议。

    We asked to see minutes from board meetings .

  7. 申请公司债券上市的董事会决议;

    Resolution adopted by the board of directors regarding the application for listing ;

  8. 董事会决议。:。记录董事会行动决定的文件。

    Board resolution document recording a decision by the board of directors for action .

  9. 包含合同决策的董事会决议

    Board resolution containing decision to contract

  10. 能提供公司章程和董事会决议吗?

    Can you provide the Charter of your company and the agreement of board of director ?

  11. 检查董事会决议的实施情况并向董事会报告。

    To check the implementation of the resolutions of the council and report to the council .

  12. 增设分支机构或办事机构:董事会决议;验资报告。

    The set up of the branch or the handle affairs office : the Directorate resolution ; the testimonial report of the capital ;

  13. 监督总经理组织实施股东大会和董事会决议的情况;

    To supervise how the general manager organizes the execution of resolutions of the general meeting of shareholders and of the board of directors ;

  14. 审计人员然后具有对董事会决议、合同、采购授权书、发票、工作确认证明和已付支票的访问权。

    The auditor then has access to the board resolution , the contract , the source authorization , invoice , work certification , and canceled cheque .

  15. 董事会决议违反法律、法规和公司章程的规定,致使公司遭受损失的

    In cases where the resolutions of board of directors violate laws or regulations or a listed company 's articles of association and cause losses to the listed company

  16. 涉及公司的重大诉讼,股东大会、董事会决议被依法撤销或者宣告无效;

    Any major litigation involving the company , or where the resolution of the general meeting of shareholders or the board of directors has been cancelled or announced invalid ;

  17. 前项增缴之金额由结算业务委员会建议,经董事会决议后实施。

    The amount of increase referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be recommended by the clearing committee and shall be implemented by resolution of the board of directors .

  18. 以上人员有营私舞弊或者严重失职行为的,经董事会决议,可随时解聘。他徇私舞弊,是个贪官。

    If any of the above personnel commits an act of graft or serious dereliction of duty , the board of directors may decide to dismiss him at any time .

  19. 通过董事会决议或股东决议,事前或事后获得公司批准后,可以转让公司的股票。

    Shares in the Company may be transferred subject to the prior or subsequent approval of the Company as evidenced by a resolution of directors or by a resolution of members .

  20. (十)涉及公司的重大诉讼,法院依法撤销股东大会、董事会决议;

    ( 10 ) Major lawsuits involving the company and the court 's canceling in accordance with law the decisions adopted by the general meeting of stockholders and the board of directors ;

  21. 企业的经营管理部门并非权力部门,相反该机构的职责是执行董事会决议和负责合资企业的日常经营管理。

    The management department of a JV is not a power organ ; instead , it is just department in charge of implementing the Board resolution and the daily operation and management of JV .

  22. 变更经营期限:董事会决议;原审批机关的批准文件;合同、章程修改协议;验资报告。

    The alteration of the business term : the Directorate resolution ; the sanction documents of the original examine and approve department ; compact and consititution modificatory agreement ; the testimonial report of the capital .

  23. 总经理、副总经理及其他高级管理人员有营私舞弊或者严重失职行为的,经董事会决议可以随时解聘。

    If the general manager , a deputy general manager or other officer commits an act of graft or serious dereliction of duty , the board of directors may adopt a resolution to dismiss him at any time .

  24. 公司授权可发行的每一级、每一系列股票的建立、设计、权力、优先权、权利、资格、时限和限制都应由董事会决议来确定。

    The establishment , designations , powers , preferences , rights , qualifications , limitations and restrictions of each class and series of shares that the company is authorized to issue shall be fixed by resolution of directors .

  25. 以设立中公司名义签订的公司成立前合同责任的承担,需要建立公司创立会或成立的公司董事会决议制度来对公司成立前合同进行判断接收。

    To the system of liability incurred by the pre-incorporation contract that is signed on behalf of corporation in formation , the author thinks that it needs to establish a decision system of promotion meeting to judge and adopt pre-incorporation contract .

  26. 董事会作出决议,必须经全体董事的过半数通过。

    Resolutions of the board of directors require the approval of more than half of all directors .

  27. 处理其它有关公司但不需要董事会作决议的事务。

    Dealing with all other matters with respect to the Company other than those requiring resolutions of the Board of the Directors .

  28. 股东大会、董事会的决议违反法律、行政法规的规定,侵犯股东合法权益

    In the event the resolutions of shareholders meetings or the resolutions of the board of directors are in breach of laws and administrative regulations or infringe on shareholders legal interests and rights

  29. 董事会的决议违反法律,行政法规或者公司章程,致使公司遭受严重损失的,参与决议的董事对公司负赔偿责任。

    If a resolution of the board of directors violates the law , administrative regulations or the company 's articles of association and this results in the company sustaining serious losses , the directors participating in the resolution are liable to compensate the company .

  30. 总经理的责任主要是落实董事会的决议,其具体的可以看公司法,再具体一点,就要看本公司的章程是如何规定的,各公司都不一样。

    The responsibility of general manager basically is the resolution that implements a board of directors , its are specific can see company way , again a bit more specific , how does the way that is about to see our company provide , each company is different .