
  • 网络Board Meeting;BOARD MEET;Boardroom
  1. 董事会会议频率不影响公司EVA;

    Thirdly , the annual number of board meeting is not related to EVA .

  2. 准老板约翰·w·亨利甚至已经打算参加球队的董事会会议。

    Prospective owner John W Henry is even thought to have attended a board meeting following the ruling .

  3. 接待员领路来到董事会会议室。

    The receptionist led the way to the boardroom .

  4. 所有人都已集中到了董事会会议室,准备参加上午9点钟的会议。

    Everyone had already assembled in the boardroom for the 9:00 a.m. session .

  5. 摩根大通(JPMorganChase)上周召开董事会会议,省掉了进行新董事介绍这个环节。

    When the board of directors of JPMorgan Chase met on Tuesday , there was no need for introductions .

  6. 改造董事会会议【相关阅读:为何董事会会议不是个好东西(WhyBoardMeetingsSuck)】也是一种企业开拓的方式,它已经吸引了如史蒂夫•布兰克和布拉德•菲尔德等顶级思想者的注意。

    One of them , reinventing board meetings ( or , " why board meetings suck " ) , has gotten some attention from leading thinkers like Steve blank and Brad feld .

  7. 每次苹果(Apple)董事会会议结束时,首席执行官蒂姆•库克(TimCook)都会提出一旦他死亡或发生其他事该由谁继任的问题。

    At the end of each Apple board meeting , Tim Cook , chief executive , raises the question of who should succeed him if he [ steps ] off the wrong curb or something .

  8. Alvy回忆一次董事会会议的时候如此说道.

    As alvy found out in one memorable boardroom meeting .

  9. 在她的组织下,同学们制作了上百张的海报和宣传单,并在Twitter上张贴建议:“如果你要出席明天的董事会会议,建议你穿上正装!”

    The students she organized made hundreds of posters and fliers , and posted advice on Twitter : " If you are going to be attending the board meeting tomorrow we recommend that you dress up ! "

  10. 比如说wpp二十多年前就第一次在中国举办了董事会会议,葛兰素史克去年也在印度召开了一次董事会会议。

    WPP , for example , first held a board meeting in China more than 20 years ago , while GSK held a board meeting in India last year .

  11. 富通是在北京时间凌晨3点召集董事会会议考虑修改后的交易的,而且1小时后就召开了会议,当时正是平安总经理张子欣(louischeung)熟睡之际。

    When Fortis called a board meeting to consider the revised deal , it did so at 3 am Chinese time and held it an hour later while Louis Cheung , Ping An chief executive , was asleep .

  12. i董事会会议以中英文两种语言进行。

    I Board meetings shall be conducted in English and Chinese .

  13. 董事会会议就像是我们平时正在进行的讨论的延伸。

    Board meetings feel like an extension of our ongoing discussions .

  14. 溜出董事会会议,炸掉大楼?

    Slip out of a board meeting and blow up the building ?

  15. 星期三召开董事会会议是最合适的日子。

    Wednesday is the most suitable day for board meetings .

  16. 经理列席董事会会议。

    The manager is present at meetings of the Board of directors .

  17. 那个周一,学校董事会会议座无虚席。

    The testy school board meeting that Monday was packed .

  18. 董事会会议效率方面民营企业要好于国有控股企业。

    The Board Meeting is more efficient than that is in State-Owned Enterprises ;

  19. 接待员领路来到董事会会议室。

    The receptionist led the wqy to the boardroom .

  20. 董事会会议定于周日举行。

    The board is due to meet on Sunday .

  21. 董事长负责召集和主持董事会会议。

    He shall be responsible for calling and presiding over the board meeting .

  22. 董事会会议,应当由董事本人出席。

    A director shall attend meetings of the board of directors in person .

  23. 保证董事会会议频度并提高董事会会议效率和质量。

    Improve the efficiency and quality of board meetings .

  24. 6月12日在米兰召开的一次董事会会议成为此事的转折点。

    The turning point was a board meeting in Milan on June 12 .

  25. 他们在出席客户的董事会会议。

    They are in a board meeting with clients .

  26. 第十九条董事会会议每年至少召开一次。

    The board of directors shall convene at least one meeting every year .

  27. 董事会会议记录存在如下的不当之处。

    There exist some improper places in the minutes of Board of Directors meeting .

  28. 董事会会议应当有2/3以上董事出席方能举行。

    It shall be held only when over two-third of the directors are present .

  29. 经理列席董事会会议。各国议会联盟理事会

    The manager is present at meetings of the Board of directors . Inter-Parliamentary Council

  30. 猎头表示,他们出席董事会会议比较困难。

    Headhunters say it can be difficult for them to turn up at board meetings .