
Analysis and Reference to Directors ' Obligations of Honesty & Faith
Self dealing is one of the coral contents of the director 's duty of loyalty .
Discussing the warranty , another important content of the principle of Utmost Good Faith . Analysis and Reference to Directors ' Obligations of Honesty & Faith
Corporate Opportunity Doctrine was introduced from Common-Law System in Company Law in 2005 . It can regulate behavior of director and higher management in our company in China .
The second emphasizes three kinds of duties of directors named the duty to avoid conflicting benefit transactions , the duty to snatch none business opportunities from their companies and the duty to keep away from business strife .
To Analyze the Faithful Obligation of a Company Director
When violate the duty of loyalty , directors must bear legal liability .
Director 's Loyal Duties in a Target Company
Duty of loyalty and diligence obligations of the directors together to defend the interests of the company and shareholders .
In Japan , the legislation also regulates the responsibility for the affiliated enterprise includes information opening-up , auditing of affiliates , fiduciary duties of the directors , and so on .
In fact , this is a major breakthrough the new " Law ", especially for affiliated transactions , directors duty of loyalty and the provisions of liability which is a more realistic and epoch-making nature .
It will inevitably violate the benefits of the large mass of investors , especially the small and medium investors , damaging their investment initiative and confidence , if it is not accentuating the fidelity obligation and the care obligation of the board of directors of corporation ;
In the meantime , it would not be able to play the necessary role for the scientific management structure of the corporation designed in accordance with the laws , if it is not accentuating the fidelity obligation and the care obligation of board of directors of corporation .
Directors owe fiduciary duties to company , according to which directors should do their best to serve the utmost interest of company .
Then this Chapter gives a summary of duty of care and duty of loyalty of directors from the aspect of subject , content and responsibility .
The directors and the executive who break the duty of loyalty and of appropriate management to damage the corporate should assume the liability of torts rather than the liability of not performing the debts .
This part is the core of this article and it is divided into two parts & obligation of diligence , care and skill and obligation of faith .
Not only its duty but its law clauses are all blank , too inattentive and lack of the operability .
Regulations on conflicting interests transactions between director and corporation are parts the director 's loyal duty system .
The directors ' conflict of interests belongs to the scope of the directors ' duty of loyalty in Anglo-American law system .
Meanwhile , it also enriches and develops the content of faithful obligation through definitely indicating the responsibility when director disobey the above obligations and perfecting the corresponding remedial methods .
This Chapter analyzes duty of care of directors from the aspects of diligence , skills and care and analyzes duty of loyalty of directors from the aspects of self-transaction , related-transaction , executive compensation and corporate opportunities .