
  • 网络board governance
  1. 上市公司董事会治理风险识别与防范研究

    Research on Risk Identification and Prevention of Listed Board Governance

  2. 其次,建立实证模型,采用二项logistic回归分析,检验董事会治理与信息披露质量的相关关系。

    Second establish the empirical model , adopting the two logistic regression method , inspection the quality related between board governance and information disclosure .

  3. 上市公司董事会治理与绩效倒U形曲线关系研究

    Inverse U-shape relationship between board governing of listed companies and their performances

  4. 基于DEA模型的董事会治理效率评价

    Evaluating governance efficiency of the board of directors based on DEA model

  5. 从不同的角度对我国上市公司董事会治理状况与公司绩效之间的关系进行的实证分析表明,公司治理绩效与董事会治理水平之间呈现一种倒U形曲线关系。

    Positive analysis of the relationship between board governing and their performances of our listed companies show the inverse U-shape curve .

  6. 在对初选的传统财务指标、EVA类指标以及董事会治理变量进行显著性差异检验和相关性分析后,一共三次运用logistic回归分别建立了三个预警模型。

    After significant difference test and correlation analysis to selected traditional financial indexes , EVA indexes and the board governance variables , this paper used logistic regression model in empirical research , and constructed three regression models .

  7. 贵州上市公司董事会治理实证研究

    Empirical Study of Board of Directors Governance of Guizhou Listed Company

  8. 企业内部复杂性与董事会治理的关系研究&基于中国沪深两市制造企业的经验证据

    Research on the Relationship between Internal Firm Complexity and Board Governance

  9. 股权结构、董事会治理与代理风险关系的实证研究

    Empirical Study of Ownership Structure 、 Board Governance and Agency Risk

  10. 什么模式的董事会治理结构质量才是高的?

    What the board governance structure model is of high quality ?

  11. 加强董事会治理规范上市公司信息披露

    Reinforce Directory Board Government , Standardize the Information Disclosure of Public Companies

  12. 在西方,董事会治理已经成为公司治理的核心。

    Governance of board committee has become the core of corporate governance .

  13. 河北省上市公司董事会治理的实证研究

    An Empirical Study on Board Governance in listed companies of Hebei Province

  14. 董事会治理与公司绩效的相关性研究

    Study of the Correlation between Board Governance and Corporate Performance

  15. 上市公司董事会治理研究&九论社会主义条件下的股份制度

    Study of the Board of Directors ' Governance in Corporate-in-list

  16. 董事会治理研究的理论根源及研究脉络评析

    Review of the Theory of Board Governance and Research Schemes

  17. 董事会治理能改善银行的财务质量吗&依据商业银行的实证数据

    Can Board Governance Improve the Financial Quality of Commercial Banks

  18. 最后,本文提出了一些关于董事会治理的政策建议。

    Finally , the paper makes a number of board governance policy recommendations .

  19. 我国中小企业上市公司董事会治理绩效实证研究

    Empirical Research on the Board Performances of the Listed Small-medium Enterprises in China

  20. 家族企业董事会治理、信息透明度与企业价值

    Directorate Governance , Information Transparency and Family Firm Value

  21. 董事会治理与经营者激励机制研究

    A Study on the Board of Directors Governance and the Managers ' Incentive Mechanism

  22. 上市公司董事会治理结构与经营绩效研究

    Research on the Relationship between Governance Structure of Board of Directors and Corporate Performance

  23. 董事会治理绩效:研究现状与基本路径

    The Performance of Board of Directors Governance : Current Research Situation and the Basic Ideas

  24. 商业银行董事会治理的独立有效性研究

    Study on Independence and Effectiveness of the Management by Board of Directors for Commercial Banks

  25. 现代公司董事会治理研究

    Study on Board Governance of Modern Company

  26. 提高董事会治理效率

    Promoting the Efficiency of the Board Governance

  27. 理论模型研究和实证研究有助于找到提高董事会治理效率的有效途径。

    Theoretical model and empirical research are useful to find effective way improving board effectiveness .

  28. 国有上市公司董事会治理与业绩关系研究

    Study on the Relevance of State-owned Listed Company Board of Directors Governance and Corporate Performance

  29. 本文在对国内外公司治理、董事会治理的理论文献进行分析比较的基础上,重点论述了商业银行董事会治理的理论与实践问题。

    This paper discuss the theroy and practice of governance of board of directors of banks .

  30. 第二步,建立产品市场竞争、董事会治理与过度投资模型。

    The second step , establish the model on product market competition , board governance and over-investment .