- 网络Non-executive Director

Crucially , he had been made a non-executive director of the bank the year before , passing a lengthy significant influence function interview .
Since then , Mr Hsieh has resigned as non-executive director of the company , prime partners .
When I was summoned before the Financial Services Authority ( as a routine part of being a non-exec ) I spent several weeks beforehand revising furiously .
The author has worked for 27 years as an executive and a non-executive director . She advises the capital recovery fund and non-executive Directors Association .
Mr Svanberg would join the BP board as a non-executive director and chairman-designate on September 1 before taking up his role fully on January 1 2010 , the company said .
ISS has a rule of thumb that one chair position equals two non-executive roles , for instance .
He has been replaced by Robert Halley , who had previously been a Carrefour non-executive director representing the Halley family .
The code demanded that accounting firms appoint non-executive directors in the UK to help reduce the risk of an Arthur andersen-style collapse .
But the experience of Ruigang Li , a non-executive at WPP , shows that it can come up .
In recognition of his work on corporate governance issues , he was twice elected as an independent non-executive director of the Hong Kong stock exchange , Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing , in 2003 and 2006 .
( Interestingly , Bravo recently joined another blossoming British brand , Jack Wills , as non-executive director , in addition to being on the board of Tiffany and Est é e Lauder . )
However , it is not clear whether individuals will be named in the final report , prepared by PwC and overseen by the three non-executive directors .
Anne Breiby , a non-executive director of several Norwegian companies , says : In most Nordic countries there are small wage gaps .
And 3I found another heavyweight willing to become a non-executive director in Yuka Yeung , head of the Hong Kong subsidiary of KFC .
Many will be joint ventures , such as TNK-BP where BP 's chief executive Tony Hayward will move as a non-executive director , held on a 50:50 basis between local investors and an international partner .
The partnership with RIT will focus on setting up investment funds , eyeing joint acquisitions of wealth and asset managers and granting each other non-executive directorships .
The courts declined and he was subsequently reappointed as a non-executive director while his 79-year-old mother , Kwong Siu-hing , later took over as the board chairwoman .
Kit Bingham , a partner at city headhunters Odgers berndtson , says one reason Chinese non-executives are scarce is that companies are after candidates who possess knowledge of more than the Chinese economy .
Jim Turley , chairman and chief executive , said E & Y had decided four non-executives would be appointed at an international level because the " risks about litigation , regulation and reputation " faced by the firm were all global .
He came round to the financial times the other day to deliver a fascinating talk on the art of chairmanship , part of a programme for non-executive directors that we are staging with Odgers berndtson , the city headhunters .
Practicalities can get in the way of Chinese non-executive appointments .
A non-executive should not be sitting in endless meetings .
None of this means that non-execs should keep quiet .
Non-executive board members are now a majority on these SOE boards .
He remained on the board of two companies as nonexecutive director .
It takes an extraordinary balancing act to be an effective non-executive director .
The connotation of independent directors is unlike outside directors and non-executive directors .
Why do we not see these women being appointed as non-executive directors ?
Has she been on a development course for non-executives , he asks .
Perhaps some less ego-driven reflection on the role of a non-exec would help ?