
  1. 您乘坐的这辆车涉嫌非法营运。

    The car you took is suspected as operating unlawfully .

  2. 现在,我们怀疑你乘坐的这辆车有非法营运的嫌疑。

    Now , we suspect that the car you took is operating illegally .

  3. 目前全国各地均不同程度地存在非法营运的现象,有的地区十分严重。

    Currently around the country are exist to varying degrees operating unlaw fully phenomenon , in some areas it is very severe .

  4. 上海浦东新区的城管人员称,地方交管人员在调查黑车非法营运时,没有诱捕这位货车司机。

    Local transport supervisors did not entrap a van driver while investigating illegal cab operations , according to urban management authorities in the Pudong New Area of Shanghai .

  5. 周淮称,政府将加大力度打击非法营运车辆,价格上涨后这些车辆生意可望增加。

    The city is also to intensify its crackdown on illegal cabs , Zhou said , as they may see an increase in business because of the rise in fares .

  6. 据深圳交警新浪微博消息,自3月21日行动开展以来,截止3月31日,在10天的时间内,共17975辆电动车被查扣,874人因非法营运电动车被拘留。

    The campaign , launched by the city 's traffic police on March 21 , has resulted in the seizure of 17975 electric bikes by March 31 , and 874 people were detained on charges of operating them illegally , according to the police 's Sina Weibo account .