
  • 网络bus dispatching
  1. 本文从乘客候车满意度的角度分析了公交车调度问题,建立了以客流需求为基础数据,以尽可能满足乘客候车满意度为目标的公交线路发车频率优化模型。

    In this paper , the problem of bus dispatching in the angle of passengers ' satisfactory degree of waiting is analyzed and a model which based on the passengers ' need and satisfies the passengers ' satisfactory degree is established .

  2. 公交车调度系统的数学模型与PC仿真

    The Mathematical Model and Simulation for the Dispatch of Buses

  3. 对2001年全国大学生数学建模竞赛的B题公交车调度问题进行了分析,建立了调度的目标规划模型及01规划模型。

    This paper analyses the dispatch of public buses-a question from College Mathematical Modeling Competition , and set up the achievement planning model and 0-1 planning model for dispatch .

  4. 本文将2001CMCMB题公交车调度的最优化问题分成两个相对独立的问题来讨论,由所要运送的乘客数来决定公交公司的最小车辆数,由乘客到达来决定发车时刻表。

    This paper transfers the optimal problem of 2001 ′ s CMCM-B into two relatively independent problems . The least number of the bus is determined by the amount of the passengers and the timetable is determined by the passengers ′ arrival .

  5. 在公交车调度问题中,本文提出一种新的方法,即Huffman最优树算法,该算法在电报编码和计算机指令系统优化等许多方面被广泛应用。

    A new method in scheduling public travel services is presented in this paper , that is , Huffman algorithm which is widely used in many aspects , such as telegraph encoding and computer instruction system utilizing .

  6. 本文主要研究公交车调度的最优策略问题。

    This paper is to study the bus scheduling optimization strategy .

  7. 公交车调度方案的一种优化设计

    An Optimum Design for the Scheme of Dispatching Commuter Buses

  8. 一类公交车调度问题的数学模型及其解法

    A Mathematical Model and Its Solution to the Problem of Bus Dispatch

  9. 基于模拟退火进化算法的公交车调度模型

    Bus scheduling model based on simulated annealing evolutionary algorithm

  10. 公交车调度的规划数学模型

    The Optimum Mathematical Model on the Bus Dispatch

  11. 公交车调度优化模型

    The Optimizing Modle on the Dispatch of Buses

  12. 关于公交车调度的进一步探讨

    The More Discussing on the Bus Dispatch

  13. 一种城市公交车调度的优化方案模型

    Optimization scheduling programming model for city buses

  14. 公交车调度问题的数学模型

    A Mathematical Model of Bus Scheduling

  15. 接着本文对公交车调度问题进行分析和简化处理,并给出合理的假设。

    Second , we analyze and simplify the bus scheduling problem , and give the reasonable assumption .

  16. 公交车调度的数学模型

    Mathematical Model of Buses Dispatching

  17. 公交车调度模型

    The model for bus schedule

  18. 本文利用多目标优化方法建立了公交车调度的数学模型。

    In this paper , a mathematical model on buses dispatching is presented with the method of perfecting on multi objects .

  19. 本文为公交车调度系统建立了一个数学模型,并借助计算机仿真公交车的运营,得到了该条线路上公交车在首站的全天发车时间表。

    In this paper , a mathematical model is gained for the dispatch of buses , and transportation of buses is simulated by computer .

  20. 现有的一些针对公交车调度问题的研究大多只考虑单一线路,还带有一定的限制条件,使得公交车调度问题过于简单化。

    Many researches on the bus-scheduling problem only consider the single one line and give certain limitations on the scheduling problem , so the bus-scheduling problem is over-simplified .

  21. 研究了公交车调度的最优策略问题,建立了分时段等间隔发车的综合优化调度模型。

    The optimum policy for dispatching commuter buses was studied . A comprehensive optimum model was established to dispatch commuter buses at equal intervals in each divided period .

  22. 文章通过对公交车调度问题逐层深入分析,进而确定影响系统的本质因素,运用动态规划的思想,采用时间步长法,合理抽取典型样本数据,并利用计算机编程仿真对模型求解。

    This article has analyzed problems in dispatching buses thoroughly and then found the essential factors affecting the system with dynamic planning , with a method yielding long-term benefits , with computer programming simulation and by reasonably extracting the typical sample data .

  23. 然后以电动车续驶里程和充电时间约束为基础,建立了以车辆数目最小和空驶距离最小为目标的纯电动公交车调度模型。

    And then to electric car trip range mileage and charging time constraints as the foundation , according to the results of analysis set up the totally pure electric bus scheduling model with minimum vehicle number and distance of the target of minimizing .

  24. 根据电动公交车调度的特点,在基本遗传算法中引入模拟退火算法的思想,设置自适应适应度函数,并对遗传算子进行了改进,并运用改进的遗传算法来解决电动公交车调度问题。

    According to the characteristics of the electric bus scheduling , introduced simulated annealing algorithm into the basic genetic algorithm , set up the adaptive fitness function , and the improved genetic operator , and by using the improved genetic algorithm to solve the electric bus scheduling problem .

  25. 公交车优化调度中的几个问题的研究

    Further Discussion of the Optimization of the Bus Dispatch

  26. 公交车动态调度模型研究

    Study on Buses the Dynamic Dispatching Model

  27. 公交车的调度优化研究

    Research on bus dispatching optimization

  28. 提高公交的运营水平是吸引乘客的关键,公交调度是公交企业运营管理的核心内容,所以公交车优化调度问题的研究具有越来越重要的现实意义。

    Improving the quality of bus dispatching management is very important to attract people to trip by bus .

  29. 针对城市一条公交线路上公交车的调度问题,用动态规划的方法建立了优化模型。

    For dispatching the buses of a public transportation route of a city , we develop optimized models with the method of dynamic programming .

  30. GPRS/3G无线网络模块如何实现将车载终端与远程服务中心的双向通信,远程服务中心实现对公交车的监控与调度。

    How does GPRS / 3G wireless module to achieve bidirectional communication between the bus terminal and the remote service center .