
gōng kāi shì chǎng
  • open market;market overt
公开市场[gōng kāi shì chǎng]
  1. 私有化是通向公开市场的一个必要的预备阶段。

    Privatisation is a necessary staging post to an open market .

  2. 美国联邦公开市场委员会(FederalOpenMarketCommittee)周二放出消息,政府计划大幅降低利率。

    The Federal Open Market Committee today signaled plans to keep interest rates exceptionally low .

  3. 即便那些据称已秘密提交上市申请的企业,比如Box,也因为最近公开市场波动较大而推迟了上市计划。

    Even those who have reportedly filed a secret filing , like Box , have delayed the listing due to recent public market volatility .

  4. 由于发行者寻求从公开市场得到增长所需资金,两国仍将有数量稳定的IPO交易。

    There will continue to be a steady pipeline of IPOs as issuers seek capital to grow from the public markets .

  5. 负责制定利率的美联储公开市场委员会(federalopenmarketcommittee)在去年9月推出qe3时表示,将持续购买资产,直到劳动力市场出现明显好转。

    Launching qe3 last September , the rate-setting Federal Open Market Committee said it would keep buying assets until there was substantial improvement in the labour market .

  6. 过去几年的IPO热潮已将很多有问题的公司引入公开市场。

    The recent IPO boom has brought a lot of questionable companies to the public markets in the last couple of years .

  7. 本月早些时候,东京证交所(TokyoStockExchange)又迈出一步,在公开市场以3亿美元购入新加坡证交所4.99%的股权。

    Earlier this month , the Tokyo Stock Exchange went one step further , paying $ 300m in the open market to acquire a 4.99 per cent stake in SGX .

  8. 联邦公开市场委员会(Federalopenmarketcommittee)发布的这份声明重申,随着劳动力市场进一步的改善,以及能源价格下降等因素的暂时性影响的消退,美联储官员预计通胀水平将出现反弹。

    But the statement issued by the Federal Open Market Committee reiterated that Fed officials expect inflation to rebound as the labor market improves further and the transitory effect of lower energy prices and other factors dissipate .

  9. 而在上周五,联邦公开市场委员会(FOMC)的4位成员在会上发表了事先准备好的讲话。

    Today four members of the Federal open market committee will deliver prepared remarks .

  10. 另外,Android手机隐私保护软件已经实现并申请了国家专利,以该原型开发的软件已经作为商用产品发布在公开市场。

    Furthermore , this software has been implemented and has applied a national patent while the software based on this model has been implemented which has been released in the public market .

  11. Groupon最后一次在非公开市场融资时,估值是融资后不到50亿美元。

    When Groupon last raised money in the private markets , it was done at a post-money valuation south of $ 5 billion .

  12. 美联储公开市场委员会(fomc)各个成员所预测的下次加息日期差别很大,这就是一个例子。

    The wide spread of Federal Open Market Committee expectations of the date of the next rate increase is an example .

  13. 金融家们表示,科技公司在公开市场的股票发售,将达到自上世纪90年代以来未见的水平,社交公司facebook以及一批其它的互联网和“绿色科技”公司将首当其冲。

    Financiers are talking of public stock sales by tech companies at a level not seen since the 1990s led by social networking company Facebook and a batch of other Internet and " Greentech " companies .

  14. 聘请吉尔亚迪对于Groupon而言非常关键,因为如果公司高管人选悬而未决,那么公开市场的投资者将不大有兴趣买进公司股票。

    Hiring Georgiadis is a vital next step , since public market investors would be loathe to buy into a company whose senior management is unsettled .

  15. 8月24日,斯特拉塔宣布了sphere管理层建议的每股2.50澳元的出价,自那以后,代表中国钢铁制造商利益的私人财团sin-tangdevelopment在公开市场上购入了sphere的股权。

    Sin-tang development , a private consortium of Chinese steelmaking interests , has built a stake in sphere on the open market since August 24 , when Xstrata unveiled a a $ 2.50-per-share offer recommended by sphere management .

  16. 另外一种可能是,思科管理层认为,他们无法从公开市场中收回收购成本,而关闭Flip业务则是成本最低的一种选择;或者,思科只是希望产品的技术继续掌握在自己手中。

    It seems more likely that Cisco execs decided they couldn 't have recouped its purchase price on the open market , and simply flipping the switch on Flip was the least costly option .

  17. 这显著低于媒体盛传以及二级非公开市场(Facebook当前交易股价为40-45美元)反映的1000亿美元。

    This is significantly less than the $ 100 billion that has been bandied around not only in the press , but on the secondary private markets ( where Facebook shares have traded in the low $ 40s ) .

  18. 四年前,Hellman&Friedman以24亿美元将GettyImages私有化,出价较当时Getty的公开市场交易价格溢价55%。

    The deal comes four years after Hellman & Friedman took the company private for $ 2.4 billion , a 55 % premium to where Getty was trading on the public markets .

  19. FAS167(并表规定)等现有法规令公开市场投资者很难将KKR、黑石和ApolloGlobalManagement等公司的GAAP财务数据进行比较。

    Current regulations like Fas 167 which governs consolidation has created a situation in which public market investors are hard-pressed to compare GAAP financials from firms like KKR , Blackstone and Apollo Global Management ( apo ) .

  20. 负责制定利率的公开市场委员会(fomc)的17位成员,还将首次对加息的时机进行预测。

    All 17 members of the rate-setting Federal Open Market Committee will also forecast when they expect interest rates to rise for the first time .

  21. EFSF之前的扩容是为了满足欧元区边缘成员国的财政资金需求,因为它们在非公开市场中进行债务融资的难度日益增大。

    The EFSF was expanded to meet the fiscal funding needs of peripheral euro zone members , which were having a hard time raising debt in the private markets .

  22. 现在唯一的问题是,美联储是会在本周的联邦公开市场委员会(fomc)会议上抢先一步采取行动,还是会再次选择等到秋天再说?

    The only question is whether the Fed will move pre-emptively at its open market committee meeting this week or choose again to wait until autumn .

  23. 结果,新型金融工具(如信用违约互换(cds))市场发展为由少数实力强大的交易商把持的、不透明的场外市场,而不是监管到位、信息透明的公开市场。

    As a result , the new financial instruments ( such as credit default swaps ) developed in an opaque over-the-counter market populated by a few powerful dealers , rather than in a well regulated and transparent public market .

  24. 美国联邦公开市场委员会(FOMC)成员尤其关注的是,如果银行将这些准备金转化为贷款和存款,将有潜在通胀效应。

    Of particular concern to members of the Federal Open Market Committee is the inflationary potential of these reserves if the banks turn them into loans and deposits .

  25. 但其它市场所关注的,与其说是这项新行动可能达到什么效果,不如说是美国联邦公开市场委员会(FOMC)为证明行动合理而再度展现的悲观论调。

    But other markets paid less attention to what the new action may achieve than to the renewed pessimism by which the Federal Open Market Committee justified it .

  26. 纽约联储选出一批精英机构作为一级交易商,来执行货币政策,分销美国国债后者是联邦公开市场委员会(fomc)操作的一部分。

    The New York Fed selects an elite group of primary dealers to carry out monetary policy , distributing US debt as part of its Federal Open Market Committee operations .

  27. 在声明中,联邦公开市场委员会放弃了它通常提到的“政策适应”(policyaccommodation),表明它“的升息进程多少已经过半”,argusresearch首席经济学家理查德亚麦隆(richardyamarone)说。

    In its statement , the FOMC dropped its usual reference to " policy accommodation , " suggesting it is " somewhat past the midway point in its rate hike campaign " , said Richard Yamarone , chief economist at Argus research .

  28. 由于我们的公开市场如此令人失望,像Facebook这样机智聪明的公司找到了一个变通方法,可以避免这样有名无实的IPO,悄悄地筹集资本,建立股东基础。

    And because of this woeful state of our public markets , resourceful and clever companies like Facebook have found a workaround giving them the ability to avoid the big , bad IPO in name only while quietly amassing both capital and a shareholder base .

  29. 这份会议纪要显示,在就业和通胀前景都罕见地不确定的情况下,任何进一步放松货币政策的举措,都可能导致负责设定利率的联邦公开市场委员会(FOMC)出现严重分歧。

    The minutes suggest that the rate-setting Federal Open Market Committee would be deeply split over any move towards further easing amid an unusually uncertain outlook for both employment and inflation .

  30. 3月18日议息会议的会议纪要指出,联邦公开市场委员会(FOMC)几名成员认为,考虑到经济前景已经改善,预计6月份加息举措的时机就会成熟。

    Minutes from the March 18 rate-setting meeting noted that several members of the Federal Open Market Committee expected a move to be merited in June given the improved economic outlook .