
ɡuó jì zī běn shì chǎnɡ
  • international capital market
  1. 随着我国加入WTO,国内资本市场必将加大对外开放力度,逐步与国际资本市场接轨。

    With China entering WTO , domestic capital market will be exoteric and joint with international capital market .

  2. 加入WTO后国内券商的对策国际资本市场中券商进入与防卫

    Countermeasures for Domestic Securities Dealers After China 's Entering WTO The Entry and Defense of Securities Dealers in International Capital Market

  3. TCL集团IPO及换股吸收合并TCL通讯是中国资本市场发展过程中的重要事件,它标志着中国资本市场正在逐渐成熟,加快了与国际资本市场接轨的步伐。

    This case is a cornerstone in the development of Chinese capital market .

  4. 资产证券化(ABS)作为一种重要的金融衍行工具,成为当今国际资本市场中发展最快、最具活力的金融产品,在国际资本市场上有着巨大的发展潜力。

    Asset-Banked Securities ( ABS ), as an important derivation of financial tool , has great potentiality in international capital market .

  5. 在国际资本市场,私募股权基金是仅次于银行信贷和IPO的重要融资工具。

    In the global capital marketing , private equity fund is an important financing method which is just less used than bank credit or IPO .

  6. 资产的交易必须要继续,传导机制也必须得恢复。他是以国际资本市场协会(InternationalCapitalMarketsAssociation)主席的身份发表上述言论的,而不是巴克莱资本的董事长。

    Trading of assets has to be resumed . Transmission mechanisms have to be restored , he added , speaking in his capacity as chairman of the International Capital Markets Association , rather than Barclays Capital chairman .

  7. 在今天,资本市场日益国际化和一体化,随着国际资本市场一体化的发展及我国加入WTO,我国资本市场亦将逐步实现全面对外开放。

    The capital market in China becomes more internationalized and integrated at present , and it will progressively realize ultimate open-to-outside with the development of international capital market and China 's WTO entry .

  8. JP摩根(JPMORGAN)估计,未来两年,预计这些公司在国际资本市场的投资至少将达到500亿美元。

    Between them they are expected to invest at least $ 50bn in international capital markets during the next two years , JP Morgan estimates .

  9. 这样的小企业无法与中国万科(ChinaVanke)或金地集团(Gemdale)这样的大公司竞争,后者不仅能够从银行获得贷款,还能利用国际资本市场。

    Such also-rans can 't compete with the likes of China Vanke and Gemdale , big boys who can tap banks and international capital markets as well .

  10. QFII制度的意图在于通过一个国家或地区资本市场与国际资本市场的有限制流动,解决在资本项目管制条件下向外资开放本土证券市场的问题。

    QFII ( Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors ) is a mechanism that intends to make a limited tie between domestic un-fully-opened capital market and the fully-opened international capital market .

  11. 他说,值此国际资本市场持续动荡之际,Petrobras要坚持其投资计划,必须找到融资渠道才行。

    He said that Petrobras needs to find financing during a period of turmoil in international capital markets to stick with its investment program .

  12. 进入21世纪以后,私募股权投资在国际资本市场上发展迅速,成为仅次于银行贷款和IPO的重要融资手段,在全球资本市场的影响力与日俱增。

    In 21st century , Private Equity as a form of financing has been developing dramatically in the global capital market , and it has become the most important way access to finance except the bank loan and IPO .

  13. SPV将作为发行人在国内或国际资本市场上发行以转让的资产产生的现金流资产为支持的资产支持证券。

    The SPV , in order to fund the purchase , would issue mortgage or asset-backed securities , which are sold to investors in the domestic or international capital markets .

  14. QFII制度将强化资金供给面,优化我国证券市场投资者结构及更新投资者投资理念等,以逐步实现我国资本市场与国际资本市场的接轨。

    QFII will increase the capital supply , improve the investor structure and renew the sense of investment . And that will speed up the democratic capital market integrating with world capital market .

  15. QFII制度将以其成熟的国际资本市场运作方式、先进的管理模式对中国证券市场在投资理念和盈利模式等方面产生积极影响。

    QFII regulation will positively influence the investment perspective and the pattern of making profit in China 's securities market with its mature way of operating and developed managing pattern in international capital markets .

  16. 自1986年放松金融监管的金融大改革(BigBangof1986)以来,伦敦金融城重新确立了自身作为国际资本市场两大中心之一的地位,金融城内的高层建筑则成为财富的垂直展现。

    Since the financial deregulation , the Big Bang of 1986 , the City of London re-established itself as one of the twin hubs of the international money markets and its high-rise architecture became a vertical expression of that wealth .

  17. 第一批10亿美元的IFFIm债券是星期一在国际资本市场发行的。

    The first US $ 1 billion IFFIm bond issue was launched Monday in the international capital markets .

  18. 股票指数期货是国际资本市场成熟的风险管理工具,自1982年美国堪萨斯期货交易所(KCBT)首先推出以来,在全球得到迅猛发展。

    Since 1982 when it was first introduced in KCBT , the stock-index futures , as a mature risk control instrument in international capital market , has rapidly developed in the whole world .

  19. 国际资本市场中券商进入与防卫

    The Entry and Defense of Securities Dealers in International Capital Market

  20. 离岸公司是国际资本市场一个重大的法律现象。

    On the Application and Regulation of Offshore Company ;

  21. 进一步完善和发展中介服务机构;7.有步骤地开放予外资参与,逐步实现与国际资本市场接轨。

    Enhance intermediary service , 7 . Open the market for foreign investment .

  22. 之后,这一狂潮迅速席卷国际资本市场。

    Afterwards , it sweeps the capital market soon .

  23. 经济全球化和国际资本市场一体化已经成为当前经济发展的潮流。

    Economic globalization and international capital market integration have become the current trend .

  24. 论欧元在国际资本市场的地位和作用

    On the Role of Euro in International Capital Markets

  25. 在企业直接融资渠道中,股票融资和债券融资是最主要的方式。在国际资本市场上,债券融资已日益取代了股票筹资,逐渐成为国际直接融资中占统治地位的筹资渠道。

    Stocks and corporate bonds are widely used in the direct financing instruments .

  26. 欧元与国际资本市场结构

    Euro and the Structure of International Capital Market

  27. 国际资本市场运作机制研究

    A Research on Operation of International Capital Market

  28. 到目前为止,在国际资本市场上,资产证券化已成为举足轻重的金融工具之一。

    Asset securitization has been an important financial product in the international capital market .

  29. 预计此举将进一步增强中国在国际资本市场的影响力。

    The move is expected to further strengthen China 's clout in international capital markets .

  30. 资产证券化是国际资本市场上创新金融革命的一部分。

    Capital security is a part of the creative monetary revolution in the international capital market .