
ɡuó jì zǔ zhī
  • international organization;organization of states
  1. 他是一个大型国际组织的主席。

    He 's the president of a large international organization .

  2. 比利时外交大臣回应说,保护难民是国际组织的事情。

    The Belgian Minister of Foreign Affairs responded that the protection of refugees was a matter for an international organization

  3. 2007年,一个由首席执行官组成的国际组织发现,43%的首席执行官是长子长女,33%是中间儿,23%是老幺。

    In 2007 , an international organization of CEOs found that 43 % of CEOs are first-borns 33 % are middle children , and 23 % are last-borns .

  4. 尊敬的各位元首、政府首脑、议长、国际组织负责人、部长,博鳌亚洲论坛理事会各位成员,各位来宾,女士们,先生们,朋友们。

    Your Excellencies , Heads of State and Government , Speakers of Parliament , Heads of International Organizations , Ministers , Members of the Board of Directors of the Boao Forum for Asia , Distinguished Guests , Ladies and Gentlemen , Dear Friends ,

  5. 目前,IMF以及某些其它国际组织主要将其用作一种会计工具。

    Today the I.M.F.and some other international organizations mainly use it as an accounting tool .

  6. 是1990年代ETSI、ITU-T、ISO等国际组织制定的用于进行协议一致性测试的标准。

    TTCN ( Tree and Tabular Combined Notation ) used for protocol conformance testing was constituted by ETSI , ITU-T , ISO in1990 's.

  7. SA8000是社会责任国际组织(SocialAccountabililityInterentional)发布的由第三方认证的关于劳工权益保护的国际采购社会责任标准体系。

    SA8000 is a standard system of social responsibility of international stock about the protection of laborers ' rights and interests , which is released by the Social Accountability International Organization and certificated by the third party .

  8. 增强与国际组织及发达国家的合作与交流;

    Strengthen the communication with the developed countries and international organizations ;

  9. 该学院是国际组织合作的产物。

    The academy is the result of cooperation among international organizations .

  10. 红十字会是一个庞大的国际组织。

    The Red Cross is a big international organization .

  11. 国际组织的财源筹集方式评述

    Raising Methods of Financial Resource in the International Organization

  12. 对政府及政府间国际组织的决策施加影响;

    To put influences on the governmental or the international organizations ' decisions ;

  13. 世界银行是最早开展项目后评价的国际组织,它拥有完善的项目后评价体系和健全的项目后评价制度、标准和方法。

    It has formed sound system , standards and methods of post evaluation .

  14. 国际组织视野中的公众科学素质

    Public Science Literacy in International Organizations ' Perspective

  15. 第二章通过比较的方式,对诸多国际组织和国家完善的政府采购规则与法律制度进行了深入研究。

    Chapter two studies and compares current advanced international legal systems of government procurement .

  16. 国际组织的结构对组织的效率和公平发挥着重大的作用。

    The structure of C. Structure has great influence on the efficiency and fairness .

  17. 合法性危机影响国际组织的存在与发展。

    The crisis of legitimacy may affect the existence and development of international organizations .

  18. 国际组织与美国的理想主义和现实主义

    International Organization , American Idealism and Realism

  19. 国际组织的特权与豁免是国际组织法的重要理论问题。

    Privileges and immunities of international organizations is an important international institutional law theory question .

  20. 试析国际组织在中国的托存图书馆

    Depository Libraries of International Organizations in China

  21. 中国非常感谢来自马来群岛和相关的国际组织的帮助,刘说。

    " China deeply appreciates the effective assistance from Malaysia and relevant international organizations ," Liu said .

  22. 排在倒数第一位的是索马里。这已经是索马里连续第三年倒数第一。该名单的排列顺序基于一系列国际组织认为该国政府的清廉程度。

    At the bottom of the list , ranked last for the third year , is Somalia .

  23. 所以世界上许多国家和国际组织规定了动物性食品中氯霉素和甲砜霉素的最大残留限量。

    Many countries and organizations set down MRLs of chloramphenicol and thiamphenicol in food derived from animals respectively .

  24. 生态环境问题已是一个全球性的问题,以致其成为了引起国际组织及各国政府广泛关注的全球性的政治问题。

    Ecological environmental issues have become global political issues , which cause international organizations and governments ' concern .

  25. 在未来几天中,你将会看到大多数国际组织就这场争论发表声明。

    In the next few days , you will see most international organisations making statements on the debate .

  26. 其中国际组织面临的自身内部和外部限制因素是制约国际组织发挥应有作用的主要原因。

    Which the international organization itself facing internal and external constraints restricting international organizations should play the main role .

  27. 七国集团是资本主义国家间的一个重要国际组织,它在发展过程中形成了一系列的机制。

    Group of Seven ( G7 ), an important international organization among capitalism countries , develops series of regimes .

  28. 在联合国之外,许多区域性国际组织对解决争端正在日益发挥着不容忽视的作用。

    Besides the UN , many regional international organizations are playing more and more important roles in solving disputes .

  29. 来自世界五大洲的68个国家和26个国际组织将参加本届99世博会。

    68 countries from the five continents and 26 international organizations will be participating in the Expo ` 99 .

  30. 国际组织也逐步确立了反淡化理论,通过各种条约不断加强保护力度。

    International organizations have also established anti dilution theory step by step and enhanced protection through all kinds of treaties .