
  • 网络Domestic Financial Market;National Financial Market
  1. 尤其是我国在2001年正式成为WTO成员国后,国内金融市场逐步全面的开放已势在必行。

    Especially , after China 's entry into WTO in 2001 , the domestic financial market has to be fully opened .

  2. 但随着我国加入WTO,国内金融市场逐步开放,国内的金融业面临前所未有的机遇和挑战。

    But as domestic financial market opens gradually after entering into WTO , domestic financial circles faced unprecedented opportunities and challenges .

  3. FDI和经济增长:国内金融市场的作用

    FDI and Economic Growth : The Role of Financial Markets

  4. 根据与WTO达成的协议,中国在入世5年后将全面开放国内金融市场。

    According to the concerts arrived at by china and WTO , our money market will be completely opened to the world .

  5. 随着我国加入WTO,国内金融市场逐步对外开放,金融市场个人零售业务的竞争日趋激烈。

    Along with China becoming member of WTO and domestic financial market opening to international market step by step , competitions in personal retail banking are fiercer .

  6. 是的,上证综指(ShanghaiCompositeStockIndex)从6月份的高峰下跌了近40%,但中国经济很少受国内金融市场波动的影响。

    Yes , the Shanghai Composite Stock Index has dropped almost 40 per cent since its June peak , but the Chinese economy has rarely been upset by fluctuations of its financial markets .

  7. 我国加入WTO以后,国内金融市场逐步开放,衍生工具在我国企业尤其是上市公司中得到越来越多的运用。

    Since China joined the WTO , the domestic financial market gradually opening up , and the derivatives have been used more and more in Chinese enterprises , especially listed companies .

  8. 20国集团(G20)在2004年的一个研讨会认为,新的金融工具是培养强大的国内金融市场的关键。

    New financial instruments are key to a strong domestic financial market , according to a Group of 20 workshop in 2004 .

  9. 加入WTO后,我国银行业将进入一个接近全方位开放的阶段,国内金融市场将逐步放开,外资银行将陆续进入国内金融市场,享受国民待遇。

    After entering into the World Trade Organization ( WTO ), China 's banking sectors will get closer to a stage of nearly complete openness period . Domestic financial markets will be open gradually .

  10. 中国加入WTO后国内金融市场开放的步伐明显加快,金融体制和环境正面临深刻变革,金融业的竞争趋于白热化。

    With China ' accession into WTO , the step of opening financial market has speeded up apparently . And the financial system and environment are confronting profound changes ; competitions among local finance have become more furious .

  11. 基于此,本文运用协整分析法分析了国内金融市场在FDI和中国经济增长中的作用;结果表明,国内金融市场在FDI和中国经济增长中没有起到积极作用。

    With the method of co-integration analysis , this paper indicates that the interaction between domestic financial markets and FDI have not played a active role in China economic growth .

  12. 加入WTO后,国内金融市场正逐步走向国际化,如何提高商业银行参与国际竞争的实力,使其在激烈竞争中生存并更好地发展,已成为无法回避、亟待解决的课题。

    After joining the WTO , the domestic financial market is gradually internationalized and how to improve the commercial banks to participate in international competition the strength to survive the fierce competition and better development , has become unavoidable , the need to resolve the issue .

  13. 随着中国的改革开放和加入WTO,国内金融市场逐步与国际接轨,经济市场化程度进一步加深,伴随而来的是国际金融风险的增加,而首当其冲的就是汇率风险。

    After China 's reform and opening , her domestic financial markets gradually go in line with the international practice . This trend of market inosculation accelerates after China 's entrance of the WTO , accompanied with an increment of international financial risks , especially of the exchange rate risk .

  14. 对于这些经济转轨国家来说,国内金融市场规模小、融资作用有限。

    To these countries , finance is the essence of economy .

  15. 国内金融市场完全开放对国有商业银行的影响

    The Influence of a Fully-Opened Domestic Financial Market on Stated-Owned Commercial Banks

  16. 国内金融市场的走势依然反映了监管机构的意愿。

    Movements in the domestic financial markets still reflect the desires of the regulators .

  17. 在当前国内金融市场的客观条件下,中小企业的融资以间接融资为主,而且主要依赖银行信贷。

    Currently , the financing method that mainly adopted by those enterprises is indirect financing , mostly bank credit .

  18. 为此,国内金融市场、资本市场必将面临一场大幅度的变革和创新,展开新一轮的结构调整。

    So domestic financial markets and capital markets will be surely confronted with a large scale of changes and innovations .

  19. 帮助发展国内金融市场,为重组国有企业、推动民营化进程提供专业援助。

    Assist in developing the domestic financial market and provide professional assistance in restructuring state-owned enterprises and promote the privatization process .

  20. 随着金融全球化的推进,世界各国纷纷放松了金融管制,开放了国内金融市场。

    With the trends of financial globalization , many countries have relaxed their financial controls and liberalized their domestic financial markets .

  21. 在限制源自发达国家的危机造成的后果方面,密切监控国内金融市场也十分关键。

    Careful monitoring of domestic financial markets is also key to limiting the fallout of a crisis stemming from the developed world .

  22. 另一方面,一些投机性外资因为国内金融市场不完善以外商投资的身份流入国内,实现套利和获取垄断租金。

    On the other hand , some speculative foreign capital flows into domestic financial market , realizes arbitrage and obtains monopolize rent .

  23. 兴业银行成立于1988年,是一家在国内金融市场获得广泛认可的全国性股份制商业银行。

    The Industrial Bank was established in 1988 . It is a widely recognized national joint-stock commercial bank in the domestic financial market .

  24. 为适应国内金融市场的激烈竞争,我国商业银行在90年代后期开始引入客户经理制。

    In order to adapt the fierce competition in the domestic financial market , the relationship manager system was introduced to the country .

  25. 在美国等国家,表现强劲的国内金融市场促进了金融创新,将资源重新配置到生产率最高的行业。

    In countries such as the US , strong domestic financial markets have helped finance innovation and reallocate resources to the most productive sectors .

  26. 由于缺少成熟的国内金融市场,中国得益于外国直接投资带来的资本循环,这种资本循环支持了经济增长。

    Lacking a sophisticated domestic financial market , China has benefited from the recycling of capital through foreign direct investment , which has supported growth .

  27. 房地产和汽车市场低迷,失业扩大,国际市场动荡极大的降低了国内金融市场的投资意愿。

    Real estate and car markets were sluggish , unemployment expanded and the international market turmoil greatly shattered investment willingness in the domestic financial market .

  28. 如何实现国内金融市场与国际金融市场的安全对接,是我国金融行政监管面临的最大挑战。

    The hugest challenge that Chinese financial supervision faces is that how to make the safe connection between internal financial supervision and international financial supervision .

  29. 因此,中国可利用这次历史性的机遇,促进国内金融市场改革,加快人民币国际化的步伐。

    China , therefore , can use this historic opportunity to promote domestic financial market reform and accelerate the pace of internationalization of the RMB .

  30. 根据入世协议,2006年底我国完全放开国内金融市场,中外资银行将进行全面的直接竞争。

    According to WTO , China will complete the openness of its national financial market , and both domestic and foreign banks will face all-around competition directly .