
ɡuó jì jīnɡ jì zǔ zhī
  • international economic organization
  1. WTO是一个以促进自由贸易为主旨的国际经济组织,其与国际贸易相联系的环境保护政策的目标是防止自由贸易对环境的消极影响,实现经济与贸易的可持续发展。

    As a international economic organization aiming to promote tarde liberalization , WTO 's objective of trade - related aspects of environmental protection policy is to prevent the negative effective of trade liberalization to environment and to realize the sustainable development of e-conomy and trade .

  2. 世贸组织是以法律规则为基础的国际经济组织,具有一整套系统的法律规则体系。

    WTO is a rule of law-based international economic organization ; the legal system is a set of rules system .

  3. 作为国际经济组织的WTO存在着许多的不足,这是我们在即将加入这个体系时应当注意的。

    As the legal foundation of international economy , the WTO is far from perfect .

  4. 就其组织形式而言,WTO是一个独立于联合国之外的多边的、开放的国际经济组织;

    As for its form of organization , the WTO is a multilateral and open international economical organization independent of the UN ;

  5. WTO争端解决机制被认为是当代国际经济组织中独特、新颖、复杂的争端解决制度。

    WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism is considered to be the unique , novel and complex dispute settlement system in current international economic organizations .

  6. 而且,即使是世界贸易组织(WTO)这个倡导自由贸易的国际经济组织,也不是纯粹的自由的贸易组织。

    World Trade Organization ( WTO ), which puts forward the philosophy of free trade , also accepts the opinion that protection is necessary for all countries .

  7. WTO是一个以市场经济为基础的国际经济组织,它所体现的国际经济关系,本质上是国内商品与货币关系的扩展。

    WTO is an international economy organization based on market economy , and the international economy relations which WTO reflects essentially develop the relationship of domestic commodity and money .

  8. 欧盟的这一成果,预示着法律服务贸易自由化在WTO等国际经济组织的推动下,在全球范围内发展的趋势。

    The achievement of the EU prefigures the trend of development of the liberalization of trade in legal services in global areas with the facilitation of the WTO and other international economic organizations .

  9. 以上世纪90年代的亚洲金融危机为契机,由发展中国家提出和推动的IMF贷款条件改革必将引起IMF各个方面的改革,从而影响其他国际经济组织的改革。

    Taking the chance of Asian Financial Crisis in 90 's the former century , the reform of IMF conditionality launched by developing countries shall arose reforms in every aspect of IMF , and affect the reform of other international economic organizations .

  10. 行政方法在国际经济组织中运用得更为充分。

    It has been more fully used in international economic organizations .

  11. 最后,国际经济组织是经济全球化发展的组织保障。

    There are several critical reasons to attribute to economy globalization .

  12. 我国和平崛起,首先要在区域上有所表现,而区域性国际经济组织及其法律是中国在区域上有所表现的重要载体。

    The peaceful rise of China is mainly manifested in the region .

  13. 区域性国际经济组织机构法研究

    Research of the Institutional Law of Regional International Economic Organizations

  14. 乌克兰与国际经济组织关系浅析

    Analysis of Ukraine Ties with International Economic Organizations

  15. 本章着重介绍了欧盟、北美自由贸易区和亚太经合组织三大区域国际经济组织。

    It focuses on three regional economic organizations : eu , NAFTA and apec .

  16. 其次,国际经济组织的援非政策往往与非洲国家的实际国情不符,导致援助政策不能适应实际情况而无法发挥效用。

    Secondly , international economic organizations ' policies do not match the actual situations of Africa nations lead the failure of the aid .

  17. 在金融业务日益自由化、综合化、全球化的今天,对金融企业集团的监管无疑便成为一国或区域性国际经济组织金融监管制度构建中的核心所在。

    With the intensification of financial liberalization , financial globalization and financial activities , supervision of financial conglomerates has become a core issue for countries .

  18. 与国际经济组织的关系决定了一个国家在国际经济体系中的地位,进而影响这个国家在国际上的各种利益。

    Relations of a country with international economic organizations determine its status in the international economic system and have an impact on its international interests .

  19. 这家位于巴黎的国际经济组织表示,新兴经济体的问题基本上被欧洲、美国、日本前景好转所抵消。

    The Paris-based international economic organisation said problems in emerging economies had largely been offset by a brighter outlook in Europe , the US and Japan .

  20. 国际经济组织已经成为乌克兰融入世界经济体系的重要媒介,是乌克兰实现工业化和进行市场经济转轨的重要外部推动力量。

    International economic organizations have become an important media for Ukraine integration into the world economic system and an important external force propelling its industrialization and market economy transition .

  21. 星期一,某国际经济组织说,中国今年应该会超过日本,成为继美国之后的世界第二大研发投资国家。

    China should surpass Japan this year to become the world 's No.2 investor in research and development after the United States , an international economic group said Monday .

  22. 本文着重分析了20世纪90年代以来三大国际经济组织与俄罗斯的关系,在俄罗斯推行新的国际经济战略的情况下三大国际经济组织与俄罗斯关系的新走向。

    The article analyzes its relations with three major international economic organizations since the 1990s and the new trend of development in their development when Russia is pushing a new international economic strategy .

  23. 作为布雷顿森林体系下建立的,与世界银行、世界贸易组织并列的三大国际经济组织,国际货币基金组织从成立至今,见证了当代世界经济的发展。

    Established under the Bretton Woods System , the three major international economic organizations of the World Bank , WTO , IMF , witnessed the development of the contemporary world economy , since the estabilishment .

  24. 在发达国家及国际经济组织的推动下,打破政府采购市场封闭格局、对等开放市场已成为自由化的主要议题。

    Under the push of the developed countries and international economic organizations , breaking the close market of government procurement , opening the market to the outside has became an main topic in liberalization of trade .

  25. 的确,一些国家的政府、监管机构、央行、投资者和国际经济组织认为,这些措施不太可能抑制波动性,或阻止价格上涨。

    Indeed , a number of governments , regulators , central banks , investors and international economic institutions have argued that such moves would be unlikely to either damp volatility or stem the increase in prices .

  26. 德国昨日拒绝分担困境中的欧元区同伴的债务负担。在欧盟峰会前夕,两大最具影响力的国际经济组织对巴黎、罗马和布鲁塞尔方面力挺的一些建议表示支持,但德国置之不理。

    Germany refused to share the debt burden of stressed eurozone peers yesterday , ignoring two of the most influential international economic bodies which offered support for proposals championed by Paris , Rome and Brussels ahead of a summit .

  27. 第三章是本文重点,首先指出东盟的本质是一个地区性的政府间国际经济组织,是重要的国际社会行为体之一;

    The third chapter is the core of the paper . First of all , it points out that the ASEAN is , in essence , a regionally inter-governmental economic organization , which is an important member of the international society .

  28. 在国外,政府电子采购方式已经得到了普遍应用,并引起了许多国际经济组织的高度重视,但在国内,由于网络应用不普及等原因,政府电子采购方式还处于起步阶段。

    Abroad , the government e-procurement has been widely used and caused a lot of attention of international economic organizations , but in our country , due to network not widely used and other reasons , the government e-procurement is still in its infancy .

  29. WTO等国际多边经济组织在国际社会中的作用日趋重要,给世界各国经济和法律体系带来了前所未有的机遇和挑战。

    International multilateral economic organizations such as WTO etc. were playing a more and more important role in international society . This has brought an unprecedented opportunity and challenges to the international community of economy and law systems .

  30. 仲裁适用的规则既可以由当事人约定,也可以由仲裁机构或者相关的国际经济贸易组织制定。

    Such arbitration rules could be made either by the arbitration institutions or by the international economic and trade organizations .