
  • 网络International Commercial Bank;Commercial International Bank;Commercial Bank International
  1. 关于一系列受人关注的贷款,包括向外国私人股本公司发放的一些贷款,台湾最大的企业贷款机构兆丰国际商业银行(MegaBank)正面临越来越多的政治核查。

    Mega Bank , Taiwan 's biggest corporate lender , is facing mounting political scrutiny over a series of high-profile loans , including some to foreign private equity firms .

  2. 基于EAF框架进行二次开发的中国国际商业银行的财富管理系统是一个成功的企业级应用案例。

    The wealth management system of the International Commercial Bank of China based on the EAF framework is a successful case of the enterprise application .

  3. 目前专业银行与国际商业银行的差异与对策&考察新加坡金融业的思考

    Differences between specialized banks and international commercial banks and relevant countermeasures

  4. 国际商业银行信用风险管理新趋势

    New trends in credit risk management of International Commercial Banks

  5. 第三部分,国际商业银行风险管理的一般经验。

    The third part , general experiences of international risk management of commercialbank .

  6. 国际商业银行组织结构研究:基于信息技术的视角

    A Study on Organizational Structure of International Commercial Banks : An Information Technology Approach

  7. 怎样到国际商业银行贷款

    International Commercial Bank Loans : How to Apply

  8. 论国际商业银行风险管理经验及其对我国的启示

    Research on the International Experience in Commercial Bank Risk Management and Enlightenment of Our Country

  9. 国际商业银行发展十大趋势

    Ten Big Trends in International Commercial Banks

  10. ⑵分析了入世将对我国银行业造成的冲击以及当前国际商业银行业务经营的发展趋势;

    ⑵ Analyzing the impacts of WTO to China 's banking and the current management directions in international commercial banks ;

  11. 资产托管业务是个舶来品,纵观国际商业银行的发展历程已有百余年的历史。

    Asset custody is an exotic , throughout the development process of international commercial bank has more than 100 years history .

  12. 如需有关本公司财务状况的任何资料,请向中国国际商业银行查询。

    If you require any information about our financial standing , we would refer you to International Commercial Bank of China .

  13. 银行再造理论的兴起,给国际商业银行带来了全新的发展机遇。

    The promotion of the Theory of " Reengineering the Bank " offers the commercial banks many new opportunities for further development .

  14. 第一部分是对企业战略管理和国际商业银行战略管理的专门理论综述以及对银行业的结构与市场分析,为后面的理论分析奠定基础。

    According to the theories of corporate strategic management and international banking strategic management we establish the foundation for the following theoretical research .

  15. 在银行监管模式上,国际商业银行规制模式渐渐的由刚性、半刚性向柔性转化。

    In the supervision of banks , the international commercial bank regulatory model gradually by the " rigid ", " semi-rigid " transformation to flexible .

  16. 20世纪以来,国际商业银行得到了长足发展,规模不断扩大,实力不断增强。

    Since the 20th century , the international commercial bank has made the considerable development , the scale has expanded and the strength has strengthened continuously .

  17. 为了能够在竞争中赢得优势,国际商业银行纷纷以变求生,对其业务流程、组织结构、人力资源乃至企业文化进行了再造。

    In order to win , the international commercial banks to survive have to resign their business process , organizational structure , corporate culture and even human resources .

  18. 第3章总结和前瞻国际商业银行发展趋势,以此明确我国商业银行法律监管完善的国际背景和努力的方向。

    Chapter 3 summarizes and forecasts the development orbit of the international commercial banking , clarifying the international background and developing direction of the legal supervision in Chinese commercial banking .

  19. 零售贷款由于盈利空间大且风险相对分散,逐渐成为国际商业银行信贷结构调整的重要方向。

    Because the retail loan has the large profit margins and relatively scattered risk , it gradually becomes the important direction for adjusting credit structure among the international commercial banks .

  20. 随着全球金融一体化的不断发展、规制理论的逐步完善,国际商业银行监管模式经历了行政命令式、标准化方法、内部模型法、预先承诺法等四个规制阶段。

    Along with financial global integrative and perfect of regulation theory , international commercial bank regulation pattern has come through four regulation phases : administration approach , standard approach , internal model approach and pre-commitment approach .

  21. 2001年1月巴塞尔委员会公布了对国际商业银行资本管理的新协议第二次征求意见稿,这标志着国际金融界对商业银行的风险管理进入了一个新的时代。

    In January 2001 , The Basle Committee On Banking Supervision publicized Basel II : The New Basel Capital Accord-Second Consultative Paper , It marked the beginning of a new era of risk management in the world .

  22. 借鉴国际商业银行的经验,我国商业银行应从操作风险管理文化、操作风险架构体系建设、操作风险管理技术、风险控制体系、风险责任追究制等方面入手,加强操作风险管理。

    Reference to experience of the international business bank , the business bank should operate risk management culture , construction of the operate risk system , operate risk management technique etc to strengthen management of the operate risk .

  23. 进入20世纪80年代以来,国际商业银行中间业务迅猛发展,经营种类繁多,经营范围广泛,业务规模日趋扩大,非利息收入持续增长。

    Since the 1980s , International Commercial Bank undergone the rapid development of intermediary business , the species was variety , the range was extensive , the scope of business increased day by day , Non-interest income grew fast .

  24. 本文引入国际商业银行在资本金管理、全面风险管理和企业文化建设方面的理念与经验,分析我国国有商业银行在这些方面的现状及其股改上市后所面临的具体挑战,并提出相应对策。

    In this paper , concepts and experience of international commercial banks in these areas are introduced , current conditions of our state-owned commercial banks in this regard and challenges after shareholding reform and listing are analyzed and countermeasures suggested .

  25. 在社会和经济全球化的背景下,国际商业银行的发展迅速,作为社会和经济的的重要连接纽带,积极践行社会责任,争做优秀企业公民已经成为商业银行认同的价值取向。

    In the social and economic globalization , the international commercial bank development rapidly , as society and economy the important link , and actively practice the social responsibility , and good corporate citizenship commercial banks has become the common value orientation .

  26. 随后,在比较借鉴国际商业银行成熟的利率风险度量模型的基础上,运用利率敏感性缺口模型,对利率市场化给中国农业银行带来的利率风险相关影响指标进行了实证分析。

    On the basis of comparison from international commercial banks interest rate risk measurement maturity model , the use of interest rate sensitivity gap model , the interest rate market to the Agricultural Bank of China to bring the interest rate risk associated with impact indicators empirical analysis .

  27. 那项并购帮助国际商业信贷银行首次跻身美国市场。

    The acquisition helped BCCI make its initial entrance into the US market .

  28. 创新机制,打造国际一流商业银行

    Creating New Mechanism to Temper First-class International Commercial Bank business vision

  29. 资产负债管理代表了当今国际上商业银行经营管理的先进水平,在商业银行经营管理中占据着重要的地位。

    Asset liability management is one of the most influential operations and management methods for modem commercial banks .

  30. 国际上商业银行的经营制度主要有两种,即分业经营制度与混业经营制度。

    There are two systems of financial institution operation in the world : separated operation and mixed operation .