
  • 网络hua xia bank;Huaxia Bank;hxb;hxb.com.cn
  1. TCS于2002年开辟了在华业务。该公司表示,它目前在中国拥有超过25个客户,其中包括中国国有的华夏银行(HuaxiaBank)。

    TCS , which first set up operations in China in 2002 , said it had more than 25 customers there , including the state-owned Huaxia Bank .

  2. 华夏银行支付网关系统的设计与开发

    Design and exploitation of the payment gateway system of Huaxia bank

  3. 同样,德意志银行目前没有出售其在北京华夏银行(huaxiabank)19.99%股权的计划。

    Deutsche Bank equally has no plans for now to sell its 19.99 per cent stake in Hua Xia bankin Beijing .

  4. 华夏银行大连分行公司业务市场营销战略研究

    Study on Corporation Business Marketing Strategy of Huaxia Bank , Dalian Branch

  5. 华夏银行支付网关系统总体方案

    Total solution for payment gateway system of HUAXIA bank

  6. 华夏银行当然不会是最后一家要融资的中资银行。

    Huaxia will certainly not be the last Chinese lender to raise capital .

  7. 不过,华夏银行没有透露发债规模以及债券到期日。

    However , China did not reveal the bank to issue bonds and the maturity of the bonds .

  8. 就华夏银行而言,第一季度资产同比增长18%,而股东权益增长13%。

    At Huaxia , first-quarter assets rose by 18 per cent year-on-year , while equity rose by 13 per cent .

  9. 发现华夏银行在2006、2007、2008年间的生产效率排名依次为第一、第二以及第三。

    Huaxia Bank found that the production efficiency of the years 2006,2007,2008 rank order of first , second and third .

  10. 华夏银行表示,中国银监会以及央行已经批准了其发债计划。

    Huaxia bank , the central bank and the China Banking Regulatory Commission has approved its plans to issue bonds .

  11. 与此同时,政府必须允许像华夏银行销售的此类第三方理财产品违约。

    In the meantime , third-party products like the one sold in Hua Xia Bank must be allowed to fail .

  12. 网上银行服务方面,集团获华夏银行批授合约,为其建构全国性的网上银行系统。

    On the Internet banking side , the group has signed a contract with Hua Xia Bank to build a nationwide Internet banking system .

  13. 华夏银行大连分行是股份制商业银行,同其他商业银行一样都是创造和销售金融产品,提供金融服务的企业。

    Huaxia Bank Dalian Branch is a stock-holding commercial bank . The same as other commercial banks , huaxia bank OfFering financial products and services .

  14. 华夏银行表示,支持这款理财产品的资产来自位于中国中部欠发达省份河南的一家典当行以及一家汽车销售公司。

    Hua Xia said the products were backed by assets from a pawn shop and a car sales company in the poor central province of Henan .

  15. 华夏银行在这几种能力中都没有特别突出的表现,尤其是市场效率能力、获利能力和风险控制能力急需进一步提高和改善。

    HuaXia Bank had no special outstanding performance in these abilities , especially market efficiency ability , earnings-generating capacity and risk control ability needed to be improved urgently .

  16. 先对华夏银行聊城分行的基本情况做出介绍,然后利用因果分析法提出了绩效考评存在的问题。

    In the first , it introduces the basic conditions of Hua Xia Bank , Liaocheng Branch , then brings forwards the problems in performance evaluation by causal analysis .

  17. 为了能尽快缩小差距,并找到适合华夏银行的生存空间,我行还需要对管理和产品、及服务拿出科学的理论基础、提出可操作性的意见和建议。

    To improve this situation and find the right position for Huaxia Bank , we need to provide scientific theories and operable suggestions for the management , products and services .

  18. 接下来,建立了基于收益&实物期权分析的商业银行价值评估模型,并以华夏银行为例,对模型进行实际运用。

    Then , established based on the income-real options analysis commercial bank value assessment model , and take the Huaxia bank as the example , carries on the actual utilization to the model .

  19. 在上市的股份制商业银行内部,招商银行和兴业银行的可持续发展水平一直位于前两名,华夏银行可持续发展水平处于最末位。

    With in the system of listed joint-stock commercial banks , the sustainable development level of China Merchants Bank and Industrial Bank rank constantly as the top two , while Huaxia Bank rank at the bottom .

  20. 过去,(外国银行)总会用含糊的战略术语来解释对中资银行的投资。近5年前首次购入华夏银行9.9%股权时,德银就用上了消费者富足、金融日益成熟之类的说词。

    Investment in Chinese banks always used to be described in vague strategic terms ; Deutsche flannelled about consumer affluence and increasing financial sophistication when it took its original 9.9 per cent stake almost five years ago .

  21. 为尽快缩小差距,2007年后,华夏银行大连分行通过推出多项电子银行新产品,并加强内部管理等方法,电子银行业绩已经有了初步的改观。

    To narrow the gap as soon as possible , Huaxia Bank Dalian Branch has developed multiple new EB products and enhanced its internal management since 2007 , resulting in an preliminary improvement of its EB performance .

  22. 包括交通银行、中信实业银行、中国光大银行、华夏银行、中国民生银行、广东发展银行、深圳发展银行、招商银行、兴业银行、上海浦东发展银行及囱丰银行。

    Includes Bank of communications , CITIC Industrial bank , China Everbright bank , Hua Xia bank , Minsheng bank , Guangdong Development bank , Shenzhen Development bank , China Merchants bank , industrial bank , Shanghai Pudong Development Bank and evergrowing bank .

  23. 同时,期待借助对华夏银行个人业务营销的个案研究,对类似的中小股份制商业银行的个人业务营销管理起到一定的启示和参考作用。

    At the same time , look forward to with the aid of the case study of Huaxia Bank personal financial business marketing , of similar small and medium-sized joint-stock commercial bank personal business marketing management play a role of certain enlightenment and reference .

  24. 本论文的研究成果将直接应用于华夏银行的改革发展,以期能够为华夏银行在激烈的市场竞争中取得竞争优势,为华夏银行实现更好更快地发展做出贡献。

    Results of this study will be directly applied to the development of Chinese banking reforms in order to be able to Hua Xia Bank in the fierce competition in the market to gain competitive advantage for Chinese banks to achieve better and faster to contribute to development .

  25. 以华夏移动银行为例,结合XML技术在Internet上的应用,分析和阐述了XML技术在移动银行中的实现。

    Taking the Huaxia Mobile Bank as the example , and connecting with the application of XML on Internet , this paper analyzes on and expounds the implementation of XML in mobile bank .

  26. 华夏与德国商业银行(commerzbank)上周推出的德国商业银行中国波动目标基金(commerzbankchinavolatilitytargetfund)的情况也是如此。

    It is also the case with the Commerzbank China volatility target fund , which China AMC launched last week in conjunction with the German bank .