
  • 网络warwick business school;WBS;Warwick Business School, University of Warwick
  1. 英国华威商学院(warwickbusinessschool)提供远程教育已有20年时间。

    Warwick Business School in the UK has offered distance learning for 20 years .

  2. 英国华威商学院(warwickbusinessschool)自2004年以来就一直在开办公共财政与领导力的研究生学位。

    Warwick Business School in the UK has run a Postgraduate Diploma in public finance and leadership since 2004 .

  3. ——华威商学院(WarwickBusinessSchool)副院长、实务教授约翰?科利(JohnColley)

    John Colley , associate dean and professor of practice , Warwick Business School

  4. 华威商学院(WarwickBusinessSchool)重返榜单前20名(位列第19),该校去年未参加管理硕士排名。

    Warwick Business School made a comeback to the top 20 ( 19 ) after missing out on the MiM ranking in 2013 .

  5. 华威商学院(WarwickBusinessSchool)去年的研究表明,在商界、军队和运动领域地位升到最高的男性拥有共同的面部特征。

    Warwick Business School research last year indicated that men who rise highest in business , the military and sport share common facial features .

  6. 英国华威商学院(WarwickBusinessSchool)院长马克泰勒(MarkTaylor)表示:这是对这些银行的沉重打击,无论是财务上还是名誉上。

    This is a major blow for these banks , both financially and for their reputation , said Mark Taylor , Dean of Warwick Business School .

  7. 在职业发展方面表现最好的英国商学院——华威商学院(WarwickBusinessSchool)在这一指标的总体排名中位居第二,高于法国在这方面表现最好的巴黎高等商学院(HECParis)30个名次。

    Warwick Business School , the top UK school for career progress , is second overall for the criterion , 30 places above the first French school , HEC Paris .

  8. 英国华威商学院(warwickbusinessschool)个人与职业发展主管卡罗尔鲁(carolrue)正在为需要建议的校友提供电话咨询。

    At Warwick Business School in the UK , Carol rue , director of personal and career development , is giving phone consultations to alumni in need of advice .

  9. 商学院通常不会按照自己的建议行事,但英国华威商学院(WarwickBusinessSchool)目前正同时做三件事情:实现多样化、变得具有创业精神,并利用自身的创造性。

    Business schools do not always act on their own advice , but Warwick Business School in the UK is now diversifying , being entrepreneurial and tapping into its creativity , all at the same time .

  10. 我怀疑这件事究竟有多大影响,英格兰考文垂华威商学院(WarwickBusinessSchool)的会计学教授克劳福德·斯宾塞(CrawfordSpence)说。

    I am skeptical as to how big a deal this really is , said Crawford Spence , an accounting professor at Warwick Business School in Coventry , England .

  11. 英国华威商学院(WarwickBusinessSchool)连续第三年排在亚军位置,英国杜伦大学商学院(DurhamUniversityBusinessSchool)首次跻身前三甲。

    IE came in ahead of the UK 's Warwick Business School , ranked number two for the third year running , and Durham University Business School , which made it into the top three for the first time .

  12. 华威商学院(WarwickBusinessSchool)组织行为学教授安德鲁斯托蒂(AndrewSturdy)最近进行了一项为期三年的研究,得出的结论是:咨询机构并不像我们往往想象得那么具有创新性和与众不同。

    A recent three-year study led by Andrew Sturdy , professor of organisational behaviour at Warwick Business School , concluded that " consultants are not as innovative or different as is often thought " .

  13. 以英国华威商学院(WarwickBusinessSchool)为例:约三分之二(73%)的MiM课程学员为女生,而在全日制MBA中这一比例仅为27%。

    Take Warwick Business School in the UK : almost two-thirds ( 73 per cent ) of the students on the MiM programme are female , compared with 27 per cent on the full-time MBA .

  14. 巴洛赫选择了华威商学院(WarwickBusinessSchool)的EMBA项目,但他在2012年毕业时却想跳槽,因为他既没有必须留下来的法律义务,也没有返还学费的义务。

    He chose Warwick 's Business School 's EMBA but expected to move companies when he graduated in 2012 as he was under no legal obligation to stay at BT , nor to repay his fees .

  15. 杜兰商学院的乐高项目就是一个例子,英格兰的华威商学院(WarwickBusinessSchool)最近上演的莎士比亚(Shakespeare)剧作《皆大欢喜》(AsYouLikeIt)也是如此,该舞台剧旨在让学生们接触到复杂的决策和创造性思维。

    The Lego project at Dolan School of Business is one example , as is the recent staging by England 's Warwick Business School of Shakespeare 's As You Like It , designed to expose students to complex decision-taking and creative thinking .

  16. 英国华威商学院(WarwickBusinessSchool)发布的一项权威IT及业务流程外包业研究报告显示,未来20年,印度仍将在这一快速增长领域保持主导地位,而中国则难以与其比肩。

    India will remain a dominant force in IT and business process outsourcing for two decades , while China will struggle to match its success , says an authoritative study on the fast-growing industry by the Warwick Business School in the UK .

  17. 但全球咨询及科技集团Cognizant委托华威商学院完成的一份报告预测,中国外包行业不那么成熟,其能否崛起仍远未确定。

    But a report by WBS , commissioned by Cognizant , the global consulting and technology group , predicted that the rise of China 's less mature industry was far from assured .

  18. 报告作者之一、华威商学院及伦敦政治经济学院(LSE)OutsourcingUnit副研究员IlanOshri表示,由于印度的顶尖公司已将业务范围覆盖至全球,该国的领先地位将保持至少15年。

    Ilan Oshri , one of the report 's authors and associate fellow at WBS and the London School of Economics Outsourcing Unit , said India would maintain its lead for at least 15 years as its top companies had established a global footprint .

  19. 华威商学院首席研究员首席作者柯斯特柯尔姆说道。

    Lead author Chester Curme , a research fellow at the Warwick Business School .

  20. 最初的短期课程起价850英镑,但老师们可以选择时间较长的课程,甚至硕士学位,这需要4年完成学业,由华威商学院授予学位。

    Initial short courses will cost from 850 , but teachers can take longer courses , even masters degrees , which take up to four years to complete and are awarded by Warwick University .