
  1. 根据已公布的券商2007年收入情况,证券经纪业务收入占券商总收入比例超过60%,在熊市中,这一比例更高。

    According to the information of securities firms ' annual income situations of 2007 , the income , caused by stock broking , is over 60 % of the total business earnings . The ratio will be higher in the bear market .

  2. 在花旗,证券和银行业务收入较上季度增长了一半,但较去年同期却下降了19%。

    At Citi , securities and banking revenues were up by a half versus last quarter , but were down 19 per cent year-on-year .

  3. 证券交易佣金自新中国股票交易市场成立以来一直是绝大部分证券公司主营业务收入的50%以上,可见证券交易佣金对证券公司的经济效益影响是巨大的。

    The income of security trade commission is above 50 % of most security companies ' main business income from the beginning of the establishment of the stock market . It is obvious that the security trade commission plays an important role in security companies ' earnings .

  4. 其次,证券经纪业务产品单一化,已完全无法满足广大投资者的需求,同时,证券经纪业务收入结构也呈现单一化。

    Second , the securities brokerage business of a single product , has been completely unable to meet the needs of our investors the same time , the revenue structure of the securities brokerage business , also showed a single .