
  • 网络Securities investment income;security benefits
  1. Markowitz以证券投资收益率的方差作为组合投资风险的度量,开辟了金融定量分析的时代。

    , and the research of risk measurement is the hotspot in finance invest research at all times . Markowitz mean-variance model inaugurate a new period for quantify of portfolio investment risk .

  2. 与委托人约定分享证券投资收益或者分担证券投资损失;

    Arrange to share the profits or losses of their clients'securities investments ;

  3. 对于投资者,证券投资收益还要缴纳所得税。

    For investors , income of security investment has to pay for income tax .

  4. 第二部分,在明确了证券投资收益和风险本质的基础上,设计了证券投资收益和风险的计量方法。

    Second part , we designed the method of measuring investment return and risk on the basis of definitude of the essence of security investment return and risk .

  5. 本文在DHS模型和收入效应的基础上,来研究投资者过度自信心理和自我归因偏差心理如何影响证券投资期望收益和风险。

    Based on DHS model and income effect , This paper studied impact of overconfidence on the expected return and risk of security market investment .

  6. 本文应用马克维兹(Markowitz)均值一方差模型.分别从提高组合证券投资的收益率和降低组合证券投资的风险两个方间研究了提高组合证券投资价值的方法。

    Considering raising the profit rate of portfolio and reducing the risk of portfolio , this paper studies the method of raising value of portfolio with the help of Markowitz 's model for portfolio .

  7. 文章首先分析了组合证券投资的收益率和风险。

    In this paper the return and risk of portfolio are analyzed .

  8. 基于证券投资预期收益和风险的不确定性,利用多样化选择约束抵减证券投资的非系统风险。

    In security investment , the profit rate and investment risk are indefinite .

  9. 第二,对现有寿险资金购买封闭式证券投资基金收益与风险进行了理论与实证分析,然后对购买即将推出的试点开放式基金的可行性进行分析。

    Then , analyze the income and risk of insurance funds investing in closed-end fund ;

  10. 最后,本文着重对影响证券投资基金收益的因素进行了分析。

    Finally , it focuses on the factors that will affect the return of securities investment funds .

  11. 不存在无风险借贷时,通过对证券投资组合收益与风险分析,可以确定有效界面;

    When there is no non-risk loan , the effective interface can be determined by analysing profit and risk of securities porfolio .

  12. 证券市场投资收益较低,投机气氛浓重。

    The income from investment in securities market is very low , and it is full of gamble atmosphere in the securities market .

  13. 第四章是回归结果分析,使用封闭式基金收益率分析了单变量及多变量条件下证券投资基金收益的可预测性,对实证结果进行了较深入的分析。

    The fourth chapter is the analysis of regressions . It analysis the predictability of closed-end fund returns using a single variable and multi variable analysis comprehensively .

  14. 这一数目比工行去年的净利润只少一点点,比其自身的证券投资组合收益更是高出数倍。

    That is just a tad less than ICBC earned at the net level last year and many times more than the gains produced by its own securities portfolio .

  15. 不同时间段数据同时建模的GMDH证券组合投资预期收益模型

    Different Time Intervals GMDH Security Combinatorial Investment Prospective Proceeds Model

  16. 证券组合的投资收益率被忽视了。

    The rate of return on a portfolio has been neglected .

  17. 国际证券组合投资的收益与风险分析

    An Analysis on the Gains and Risks of International Portfolio

  18. 证券投资组合的收益与风险

    The Income and Risk of Investment Combinations in Bond

  19. 论证券投资基金的收益及其分配

    The Income and Income Distribution of Security Investment Fund

  20. 一种证券投资模型的收益风险分析

    Risk Analyse of the Model for Bond Invest

  21. 极大化证券组合的投资收益率

    Maximizing the Rate of Return on a Portfolio

  22. 证券投资基金的收益主要包括利息收入,股利收入和资本利得。

    Income of the security investment fund includes interest income , dividend income and capital gain and loss .

  23. 未来收益率的非确定性对证券投资管理中收益率的预测有着重要的作用。

    Because the future rate of return is nondeterministic , the forecast before investment is important in the management of securities investment .

  24. 本文利用概率统计原理讨论证券投资组合的收益与风险。

    In this paper , the income and risk of investment combinations in bond are discussed by the principle of probability and statistics .

  25. 本文提出了以极大化证券组合的投资收益率为目标的分式线性规划模型。

    In this paper a fractional linear programming model with maximizing the rate of return on a portfolio as its objective is presented .

  26. 从资本资产定价理论和套利定价理论出发,研究了证券投资分析的收益率和风险问题。

    By applying the Capital Asset Pricing Theory and Arbitrage Pricing Theory , this paper analyses the problem of profit expectation and risk in securities investment analysis .

  27. 保险资金投资渠道的拓宽也意味着投资风险的增加,保险公司在享受证券市场投资高收益的同时,也要承担高风险。

    Broaden the investment channels of insurance funds also means that the increase in investment risk , insurance companies also bear high risks when investment in the enjoyment of high-yield securities market .

  28. 本文利用期望和方差针对证券投资组合的收益与风险作了定性分析,说明了进行组合投资可有效地降低风险;

    This paper aims at risk and the profit of investment combinations in bond using expectation and variance to make qualitative analysis , have explained that making up investment may reduce risk efficiently .

  29. 在宏观经济影响因素方面,本文认为经济周期因素、通货膨胀与通货紧缩因素、利率因素、国家的财政和货币政策因素、汇率因素等对证券投资基金的收益都会产生影响。

    In macroeconomic level , the article argues that economic cycles , inflation and deflation , interest rates , fiscal policies and monetary policies , exchange rate and so on will affect the return of securities investment funds .

  30. 中国证券市场投资风险与收益研究

    Study on Investment Risks and Yield of Securities Market in China