
  • 网络non-performing loan;Bad loans;NPL;npls
  1. 在2007年底,三大上市银行的关注级贷款占贷款总额的6%左右,这一比率约为不良贷款率的两倍。

    At the end of 2007 these were about 6 per cent of all loans at the big three listed banks , roughly double the NPL rate .

  2. 例如,与印度和中东的不良贷款问题形成对比的是,该银行在华批发银行业务的不良贷款率不到0.5%,比外国竞争对手低出四分之一。

    In contrast to NPL problems in India and the Middle East , for example , Chinese wholesale bank NPLs are running at less than 0.5 per cent , a quarter below the foreign competition .

  3. 三大银行之一的中国银行(bankofchina)报告称,第三季度贷款的信用成本为0.4%(译注:不良贷款造成的损失),略高于一年前的水平。

    Bank of China , one of the big three lenders , reported credit costs of 0.4 per cent of loans in the third quarter , slightly up on the year-ago level .

  4. 在此背景下,研究HB商业银行不良贷款问题具有重要的理论和实践意义。

    On the basic of those above , researches on Non-Performing Loans have important theory meaning and practical meaning .

  5. IMF报告警告称,如果投资急剧减速,或不良贷款突然上升,中国经济增长可能面临风险。

    It warned of risks to growth if investment were to slow sharply or if there were a sudden rise in non-performing loans .

  6. 任何国家都不可能拥有足够的发展速度,足以在将50%的GDP重新投资的情况下最终避免遭遇巨大的产能过剩和令人忧心的不良贷款问题。

    No country can be productive enough to reinvest half of GDP in new capital stock without eventually facing immense overcapacity and a staggering non-performing loan problem .

  7. 美国银行(BankofAmerica)和富国银行(WellsFargo)的不良贷款/冲销比率分别为124和113。

    The ratio of bad loans to charge-offs at Bank of America ( BAC ) and Wells Fargo ( WFC ) was 124 and 113 , respectively .

  8. 它们逃脱了,而苏格兰皇家银行(RoyalBankofScotland)和劳埃德银行集团(LloydsBankingGroup)则深陷不良贷款的困境,至今仍留在英国政府的隔离病房内。

    They got away , while Royal Bank of Scotland and Lloyds Banking Group have become so entangled in bad loans they remain in the UK government sanatorium .

  9. 信贷集中风险有可能使国有商业银行的不良贷款比率呈U形走势,应当引起有关部门的足够重视。

    The relative departments should pay more attention to the problem of loans ' concentration because it can make the NPLs ' ratio fluctuating as " U " in the future .

  10. 因此,法律关系清晰、风险隔离效果良好的真实出售模式是今后AMC开展不良贷款证券化的最佳选择。

    Therefore , the authors point out that true sale is the best pattern for AMC 's NPLS in the future .

  11. 但另一个问题出在法律框架方面:欧洲许多地方根本没有迅速解决不良贷款问题的机制,无论是类似于针对企业重组的美国破产法第11章(Chapter11),还是叮当邮件。

    But another issue is the legal framework : many parts of Europe simply do not have the mechanisms needed to resolve bad loans quickly , be that a system akin to America 's Chapter 11 code for company reorganisation - or jingle mail .

  12. 以不良贷款率作为信用风险衡量标准,尝试构造商业银行信用风险评估的Logit模型,并结合t检验和主成分分析法对模型进行实证分析。

    This paper uses non-performed loan rate to measure credit risks of commercial banks , and constructs the Logit model for credit risk evaluation .

  13. “我们认为这太低了,可能不足以覆盖在经济放缓的情况下未来可能出现的不良贷款,”麦格理证券(macquariesecurities)分析师王瑶平(victorwang)表示。

    " We view this as too low and it may be insufficient to cover future potential non-performing loans in a slowing economy , " said Victor Wang , an analyst with Macquarie Securities .

  14. 雪上加霜的是,普华永道会计师事务所(PwC)的一份报告显示,欧元区银行账面上有约1.2万亿欧元的不良贷款。

    This is made even more pressing given that the banks have some 1.2 trillion euros of nonperforming loans on their books , according to a report by PwC .

  15. 俄罗斯第二大私有银行阿尔法银行(AlfaBank)上周警告,其逾期贷款已接近10%,相关拨备可能使今年的利润荡然无存;该行总裁曾说过,全行业的不良贷款率可能高达20%。

    Alfa Bank , Russia 's number two privately owned bank , warned last week that its overdue loans were nearing 10 per cent and provisions might wipe out this year 's profits ; its president has said sector-wide NPLs could reach 20 per cent .

  16. FDIC同时声称,由于不良贷款的增加和资产贬值,虽然第一季度利润增长为七十六亿美元,但是第二季度工业增长会出现停滞或倒退。

    The FDIC also said the industry swung back to a loss in the second quarter after reporting a $ 7.6bn profit in the first quarter , due to rising bad loans and falling asset values .

  17. 然而,半数不良贷款很快波澜不兴地被核销,另一半则被剥离资产负债表,平价出售给政府出资成立的资产管理公司(AMC),由后者慢慢消化。

    However , very quickly , half of NPLs were written off without a fuss , and the other half were taken off balance sheet , sold to government-funded Asset Management Companies ( AMC ) at par for gradual resolution .

  18. 为了处理四大国有商业银行的不良贷款,我国从1999年4月开始相继成立了信达、华融、东方和长城四家资产管理公司(AMC)。

    In order to handle bad loans of the four state-owned commercial banks , four AMCs ( Assets Management Corporation ), namely XINDA , HUARONG , DONGFANG and CHANGCHENG , were established in succession since April , 1999 in our country .

  19. 结果显示只有资本充足率、不良贷款比率、高管人均薪酬对REVA的影响是显著的。

    The results showed that only the ratio of capital adequacy , the ratio of non-performing loans , the executives remuneration per capita impact on the REVA is remarkable .

  20. 本文通过案例分析发现,我国AMC不良贷款证券化选择参与模式有其现实的必然性,政府隐性担保与融资结构的改善是这一选择的出发点。

    Based on cases analyses , the authors conclude that in China AMC 's choice of participation for non-performing loans securitization ( NPLS ) is inevitable , which government 's latent assurance and improvement on AMC 's financing structure are the springboard for the choice .

  21. 2009年,三分之一的住房贷款由FHA支持。但是FHA当然也试图保护自己的底线,保护纳税人的权益,防止不良贷款增加。

    And in 2009 a third of all home loans are backed by the FHA , but the FHA of course , also trying to protect its bottom line and taxpayers as well and trying to protect against rising s.

  22. 国有的第二大银行vtb表示,今年以来该行不良贷款已激增三倍,占贷款总额的6%,并发出预警称2009年将出现亏损。

    VTB , the state-controlled second-biggest lender , said bad loans had already surged three times this year to 6 per cent of the total , and gave warning that it would face losses in 2009 .

  23. 住房抵押贷款证券化(MBS),自70年代在美国出现后,在欧洲、日本、东南亚国家发展非常迅速,对提高银行资产的流动性,防范金融风险,化解不良贷款有突出功效。

    Housing Mortgage Backed Security , which emerged in the United States in 1970s , develops rapidly in Europe , Japan and the countries of Southeast Asia . MBS contributes greatly to improve the mobility of bank fund , guard against the financial risk and relieve the unhealthy loan .

  24. 但人们担心,在bankia的不良贷款率接近8%、桑坦德和西班牙对外银行的不良贷款率依然高达4%的情况下,它们在西班牙市场的损失会侵蚀这些资本储备。

    But the concern is that , with non-performing loan rates running at close to 8 per cent at Bankia and at a still elevated 4 per cent at Santander and BBVA , Spanish losses could eat into those capital reserves .

  25. 房屋市场出现问题可能会让这些银行出现大量不良贷款。

    Serious trouble in housing could bury them in bad loans .

  26. 我国银行不良贷款问题之法律分析

    The legal Analysis of the Bank 's Bad Credit in China

  27. 对不良贷款、资产质量的影响。

    The impact on non-performing loans and the quality of assets .

  28. 基于我国不良贷款条件下的货币需求扩展函数研究

    On Augmented Money Demand Function under the Conditions of Non-performing Loans

  29. 房地产不良贷款处置方法的思考

    Research on the treatment of the bad credit home loans

  30. 第二章介绍关于不良贷款价值评估的主要研究文献。

    The literature of non-performing loan valuation is examined in section 2 .