
  1. 证券投资基金市场监管政策的光滑性、平稳性、科学性;

    The smooth , steady and scientific of supervisory policies in SIFs markets ;

  2. 浅议证券投资基金的税收政策

    A Discussion about Tax Policy of Portfolio Funds

  3. 未能树立以公开、公平、公正为标志的监管文化,证券投资面临较大的政策风险;

    No supervision culture whose symbol is " public , equal and fair " has been established , the securities market therefore faces the relevant high political risks .

  4. 税收优惠上和强制分红是保证公募型房地产信托投资基金良好发展的关键,这一点上可以借鉴美国的成功经验和我国对证券投资基金的一些政策。

    Tax incentives and mandatory dividend can ensure the sound development of the public offering real estate investment trusts . In specific operation , we can learn the successful experience from american reits and the China Securities Investment Fund .

  5. 从实证的角度出发,分析当前证券投资基金规模与绩效之间的相关性,并在此基础上提出如何发展我国证券投资基金的政策建议。

    The article tries to positively analyze the correlation of the security-investment fund 's size and performance on the first-hand material with an objective to come up with some proposals on policy making as to its rapid development .