
  • 网络Guaranteed loan;Guarantee loan
  1. 备用信用证贷款是由开证行承担独立、第一性付款责任的外汇、信用保证贷款,其担保的有效性决定了融资业务的低风险特征。

    The Loan by the stand-by letter of credit is the foreign exchange and credit guarantee loan charged with independence and first payment , and its low-risk characteristics decides the financing business .

  2. 论与保证贷款相关的若干法律问题

    Several Law Questions Concerning the Guarantee Loan

  3. Markov链在企业坏账预测中的应用另一方面,由于国有商业银行由于长期以来受呆账坏账风险的影响,对贷款的回款速度异乎寻常的敏感,保证贷款安全成为凌驾于确保贷款收益之上的目标。

    The Application of Markov Chain in Forecasting the Amount of the Enterprise 's Bad Account On the other hand , as the state-owned commercial banks were long affected by bad debts , they are unusually sensitive to the loan repayment speed while ignoring their profitability .

  4. 贷前审查是提高信贷资产质量的重要环节。分析加强贷前审查的重要性,说明只有对企业进行了客观的分析,才能保证贷款的合理投放,才能提高银行的信贷资产质量。

    Investigation is a important step to improve the quality of loan assets ;

  5. 坚持保守性,就是要低估抵押房地产价格,目的是保证贷款安全,根源于防范评估风险。

    Conservation in valuation means undervalue real estate for the sake of safety .

  6. 我们终于能够拿到保证贷款中的第一笔五亿美元的贷款。

    We could finally get our hands on the first $ 500 million in guaranteed loans .

  7. 主动取得银行、财政部门的支持与配合,保证贷款项目计划顺利完成;

    Supporting and cooperating with banks and financial departments so as to ensure the implementation of the project ;

  8. 还款和信用评分对比&保证贷款-收入比例和信用评分都是可接受的。

    Repayment and credit score comparison & ensures that the combination of the percentage of debt-to-income and credit score is acceptable .

  9. 建立科学合理的信贷风险管理系统,是保证贷款会计信息真实、有用的重要条件。

    Establish scientific and reasonable credit risk management system is to ensure that loans accounting information is true and useful critical condition .

  10. 一家大型商业银行的高层对记者表示,总的目的都是为了保证贷款安全、不被挪用,以及房价不被炒作。

    Some senior management in a large commercial bank told journalists that the policies are intended to guarantee the safety of the loans and avoid misappropriation and real estate speculation .

  11. 并从贷款的预算管理、保证贷款资金的专款专用及加强对贷款投资项目的管理等方面提出了对高校贷款管理的看法。

    It also provides some views on how to manage the loan in colleges and universities by means of budget management , ensuring earmarking the fund for its specified purpose and strengthening the management of loan investment items .

  12. 项目融资与传统的公司融资不同,项目融资是以项目的资产收益作为抵押来融资,即项目融资用来保证贷款偿还的首要来源被限制在融资项目本身的经济强度之中。

    Project financing , which is different from traditional corporate financing , is on the basis of asset income of a project as a mortgage and the chief resource to guarantee the loan in project financing is restricted in project financing itself .

  13. 虽然抵押并不保证贷款必将得到偿还,但它能够减少风险,这是因为对以担保品形式抵押给银行的任何资产,银行可优先于一般的债权人得到清偿,成为清偿中的优先债权人。

    Although security does not assure that the loan will repaid , it does reduce the risk , because the bank becomes a preferred creditor in the event of liquidation , and takes procedure over general creditors in the liquidation of any assets pledged to the bank as collateral .

  14. 住房抵押后余值贷款由借贷人家庭资产净值做保证的贷款。

    A loan secured by equity value in the borrower 's home .

  15. 最大贷款数额&保证最大贷款数额不超过$1000000。

    Maximum loan amount & ensures that the maximum loan amount does not exceed $ 1,000,000 .

  16. 但如果你不偿还一个安全的贷款,他们会拿走任何东西来保证这个贷款的安全性。

    If you do not pay a secured loan , they will take away whatever secured the loan .

  17. 同时,各银行竭力保证这些贷款是健康的,并且自己已做好了应付违约的准备。

    But the banks also tried to reassure about the health of these loans and their readiness for defaults .

  18. 受这次撤退影响最深的领域包括项目融资、海运与航空业的资产保证型贷款以及基础建设资金。

    Among the sectors most exposed to this retreat are project finance , asset-based lending in shipping and aviation , and infrastructure funding .

  19. 担保通过使用附属担保品而保证(贷款)*担保:担保的可靠性有赖于提供担保的公司。

    To secure ( a loan ) through use of collateral . Guarantees - Many are only as good as the institution offering it .

  20. 如果银行将大部分的证券卖给需要纯抵押(无股东连带保证)贷款的投资者而仅保留一部分资产担保证券,那么融资的成本更易控制。

    That cost is more manageable if banks keep some exposure but sell most of the securities to other investors who have no recourse .

  21. 鉴于我国经济持续增长,银行的贷款持续增长,那么如何保证不良贷款的双降呢?在本文第三章,我们运用面板数据模型分析了影响我国商业银行不良贷款率的因素。

    In the Chapter III of this article , we use panel data model to analyze the impact variables of non-performing loan ratio of commercial banks .

  22. 就助学贷款风险的防范问题提出7个解决措施,降低拖欠率,保证助学贷款工作发挥应有的作用。

    This article explores seven measures to avoid the risk of grant-in-aid loan in order to reduce the rate of default in loan and guarantee the role of grant-in-aid loan .

  23. 然而,第二种意见则呼吁维持政府补贴,这既是为了确保短期的稳定,也是为了保证抵押贷款市场在长期内保持流动性和同质性。

    However , a second strand of ideas calls for the state subsidy to be maintained , both to ensure stability in the short term and to guarantee that the mortgage market remains liquid and homogenous in the long term .

  24. 通过这种做法,FHLB缓冲了信贷紧缩的影响,并保证美国抵押贷款的发放不致突然停止。

    In doing so they have cushioned the impact of the credit squeeze and ensured that mortgage lending in the US has not come to a sudden stop .

  25. 银行得到了保证该项贷款协议的保证品。

    The bank required collateral to secure the loan agreement .

  26. 到年底,我们就可以还清由政府保证的全部贷款。

    We would repay all of our government backed loans by the end of the year .

  27. 科学、客观、可靠的现金流量评价是保证银行项目贷款正确决策的关键因素。

    The scientific 、 objective and dependable cash flow appraisal become the the key factor for making right project loan decisions .

  28. 并从保证国家助学贷款安全性出发,提出应加强大学生的信用教育。

    National grant - aided loan and thinks that credit education of college students should be greatly strengthened to ensure the safety of national grant - aided loan .

  29. 自1999年国家助学贷款政策出台以来,政府相关部门一直在不停地摸索、改进,力争平衡好各方利益主体的关系,保证国家助学贷款政策的顺利推进。

    Since the adoption of the policy of state-subsidized student loan in 1999 , government departments have been trying to coordinate the interests of all parties concerned so as to ensure the smooth implementation of this policy .

  30. 借款人到期不归还担保贷款的,商业银行依法享有要求保证人归还贷款本金和利息或者就该担保物优先受偿的权利。

    If a borrower cannot repay the guaranteed loan on time , the commercial bank which issues the loan has the right to ask the guarantor to repay the principal and interest of the loan or enjoy the priority of repayment by security in accordance with law .