
  • 网络Standby Facility;Standby Loan
  1. 国际货币基金组织说,它将给匈牙利提供将近160亿美元的备用贷款。与此同时,欧盟同意提供80多亿美元,世界银行提供10多亿美元。

    The International Monetary Fund says it will grant Hungary a standby loan of nearly $ 16 billion while the European Union has offered over $ 8 billion and the World Bank more than $ 1 billion .

  2. 此类国家可以向IMF申请可满足两年所有融资需求的备用贷款安排(SBA)&直至其大幅削减预算赤字。

    Such a country could apply to the Fund for a stand by arrangement meeting all its financing needs for two years – until its budget deficit could be cut sufficiently .

  3. 总部设在华盛顿的国际货币基金组织总裁、法国人多米尼克.斯特劳斯-卡恩星期三宣布了这笔为期15个月的备用贷款安排。

    The managing-director of the Washington-based IMF , Dominique Strauss-Kahn of France , announced the15-month stand-by credit arrangement Wednesday .

  4. 中信泰富周一晚间表示,公司可能面临约20亿美元的外汇亏损,母公司已向其提供15亿美元的备用贷款安排,以改善其处境。

    The company said late on Monday that it was potentially facing about $ 2bn in forex losses and that its parent company had provided it with a $ 1.5bn stand-by loan facility to strengthen its position .

  5. 备用贷款。根据企业申请的特定用途,经中国银行审查同意安排待使用的贷款。

    Stand-by loans to be granted by the Bank of China upon examination and approval of the application submitted by an enterprise , and be put by and used for future special purposes as specified in the application .

  6. 核准备用后偿贷款融通应提存坏帐准备的贷款

    Approved standby subordinated loan facility credit qualifying for bad debts reserve

  7. 核准备用后偿贷款融通

    Approved standby subordinated loan facility

  8. 备用信用证贷款是由开证行承担独立、第一性付款责任的外汇、信用保证贷款,其担保的有效性决定了融资业务的低风险特征。

    The Loan by the stand-by letter of credit is the foreign exchange and credit guarantee loan charged with independence and first payment , and its low-risk characteristics decides the financing business .