
  • 网络Restructured loans
  1. 抵押服务,房贷者和借款人都将收到为成功的重组贷款而设的刺激款。

    Mortgage servicers , lenders and borrowers will receive incentive payments for the success of restructured loans .

  2. 企业部门如果出事,很快就会蔓延到国有银行,这些银行的不良贷款和定义更为模糊的重组贷款已经接近总资产的10%。

    Corporate woes could quickly spread to state-backed banks , where non-performing loans and more murkily defined restructured loans are already approaching 10 per cent of total assets .

  3. 强有力的拨备将确立合理的清算价格,使银行有能力重组贷款,并将不良资产从资产负债表上剥离。

    Robust provisioning leads to sensible clearing prices and the ability to restructure loans and move impaired assets off the balance sheet .

  4. 花旗集团拒绝发表评论,但一位了解该集团想法的人士透露,花旗并未计划通过重组贷款帮助葛涵思。

    Citi declined to comment , but one person familiar with its thinking said it had no plans to help Mr hands by restructuring the loan .

  5. 一些大型投资银行和私人股本集团已调拨数百亿美元资金,专门用于收购并重组这些贷款组合。

    Large investment banks and private equity groups have set aside tens of billions of dollars specifically to buy up and restructure the loan portfolios .

  6. 为资本重组或贷款担保提供任何形式的标准化条款都是不可能的,人们也不可能相信,纳税人的保护没有被滥用。

    It would have been impossible to provide any kind of standardised terms for recapitalisation or loan guarantees and be confident that taxpayer protection was not being abused .

  7. 第二,如果不破产不能进行重组,贷款可以给他们充足的时间为破产法11章所要求的内容做出司法和财政上的准备,这为长期的成功提供了更好的前景。

    Second , if restructuring cannot be accomplished outside of bankruptcy , the loans will provide time for companies to make the legal and financial preparations necessary for an orderly Chapter 11 process that offers a better prospect of long-term success .

  8. 就按揭贷款而言,对银行来说,比起建立借款人能从不良贷款中脱身的制度,通常更明智的选择是重组不良贷款(或者从一开始就避免发放不明智的贷款)。

    In the case of mortgages , it is usually more sensible for banks to restructure delinquent debt ( or to avoid making unwise loans in the first place ) than to create a system where borrowers can run away from bad loans .

  9. 世贸组织发现,德国、英国和西班牙为这种全球最大的客机提供的资金,相当于被禁止的出口补贴,这促使空客的美国竞争对手波音(Boeing)呼吁前者立即偿还或重组40亿美元贷款。

    The WTO found funding from Germany , the UK and Spain for the world 's largest passenger aircraft amounted to prohibited export subsidies , prompting Boeing , Airbus 's US rival , to call for $ 4bn in loans to be repaid or restructured without delay .

  10. 据杰克逊称,深圳商业银行在重组之后,不良贷款率将为8%至8.5%之间。

    According to Mr Jackson , Shenzhen Commercial Bank will have an NPL ratio of 8-8.5 per cent after its restructuring .

  11. 未来几个月,银行在重组数以万计的住房贷款时,也将执行这些原则。

    Banks will use the guidelines as they try to restructure tens of thousands of home loans in the next months .

  12. 住房按揭贷款证券化是银行等金融机构将发放的住房按揭贷款进行匹配重组,以按揭贷款集合的预期现金流为保障进行证券化融资的过程。

    Mortgage - backed securitization is a kind of refinancing mechanism by which the financial institutions such as banks issue mortgage-backed securities that are based on the anticipated cash flow created by the assembled loans .