
zhònɡ yào xīn wén
  • important news;lead story;news break
  1. 我们暂停本节目,插播重要新闻。

    We interrupt this programme to bring you an important news bulletin .

  2. 我有一个团体网站的RSSFeed,可以轻松地使新闻挂在社区重要新闻的位置。

    I have an RSS Feed to the community site that makes this an easy way to stay up on important news from across the community .

  3. 我们将为您提供当天的重要新闻。

    We 'll update you on the day 's top news stories

  4. 我们中断节目,插播一条重要新闻。

    We interrupt our programmes for a newsflash .

  5. 这是一条重要新闻。

    This is a piece of big news .

  6. 使用名为List–NewsIcon的JSP组件显示新闻类型(普通新闻或重要新闻)。

    A JSP component called List – News Icon is used to display the type of news ( important or normal ) .

  7. 重要新闻:RubyGem维护者请注意,数周前,GitHubGitHub停止了Gem的building支持,并且宣布它将仅再为现有的Gems做一年的host。

    Big news for Ruby Gem maintainers : a few weeks ago GitHub stopped Gem building and announced it will only host existing Gems for another year .

  8. 美联储(Fed)将在本周三开会,欧洲央行(ECB)将在周四首次推出具有针对性的长期贷款,苏格兰公投结果将成为周五一大早的重要新闻。

    This week brings a Federal Reserve meeting on Wednesday , the first targeted long-term loans from the European Central Bank on Thursday and the Scottish referendum result first thing on Friday .

  9. 美国的晚间电视新闻节目是美国NBC,CBS,ABC三大广播公司的重要新闻栏目之一,其共同点在于强调主持人的个性和地位。

    The program of the night news is one of the important news column of three major broadcast companies in America , NBC , CBS and ABC , the common point of which is emphasizing the personality and position of the anchorman .

  10. 李被誉为文学界的嘉宝(Garbo),过着隐居生活,极少公开露面,偶尔接受奖项或荣誉学位都会成为重要新闻。

    Lee gained a reputation as a literary Garbo , a recluse whose public appearances to accept an award or an honorary degree counted as important news simply because of their rarity .

  11. 北京电台将在10点钟广播这条重要新闻。

    Radio Beijing will broadcast the important news at 10 o'clock .

  12. 此举在欧洲或美国几乎算不上重要新闻。

    The move was hardly front-page news in Europe or the US .

  13. 请今晚注意收听重要新闻。

    Please keep your radios tuned for important news tonight .

  14. 现在插播一条来自“空军一号”的重要新闻。

    This late-breaking news just in from air force one .

  15. 新公路计划又一次成了头版重要新闻。

    The new road plan is in the headlines again .

  16. 上周中国还传出其它重要新闻。

    There was other big news from China last week .

  17. 在记者招待会上宣布了一些重要新闻。

    Some important news releases were dished out at the news conference .

  18. 我们接下来要说的另一个重要新闻是芝加哥教师的罢工。

    Another big story we 've been following is the Chicago teacher strike .

  19. 我喜欢看六点的重要新闻。

    I like the main news at six o'clock .

  20. 报纸总是报道重要新闻。

    The press always reports the important news .

  21. 播音员停止播放音乐,开始播发一条重要新闻。

    The announcer interrupted the radio music to give a special piece of news .

  22. 这个重要新闻在星期五传开了。

    The big story broke on friday .

  23. 大型的跨国公司,其兴衰沉浮常是报刊抢登的头版重要新闻的公司。

    Large , multinational corporations may be the companies whose ups and downs seize headlines .

  24. 我们将以几条重要新闻开始我们的节目。

    I 'm gonna start with a few top stories we wanna share with you here .

  25. 成为重要新闻今天的头版是他们离婚的消息。

    grab / hit / make the headlines The news of their divorce made today 's headlines .

  26. 福岛危机天天都是美国报纸上的头版消息和电视上的重要新闻。

    The Falklands crisis was front page news and the lead story for television in America every day .

  27. 本周,从中国传来的重要新闻是,姚明和他的多年女友叶莉喜结良缘。

    The big news out of China this week involved Yao Ming 's marriage to longtime girlfriend Ye Li .

  28. 巴西将会是一个重要新闻题材不仅是未来一年,而是未来许多年。

    Brazil will be a big story not just over the next year but for many more to come .

  29. 不可以拿数日数月甚至数年前的自己满意的图片来契合当日的重要新闻。

    Never using the outdated pictures before one day one month even one year to fit today 's important news .

  30. 在这种情况下一个关键的问题是,党报媒体的记者由于与政府部门关系密切,更容易接触到新的研究。而市场化的大众媒体则不得不依赖官方的新华社来获取重要新闻。

    So mass-media journalists often have to rely on the government 's official Xinhua news agency for important science news .